Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- TOOLS-405
Mongostat not reporting by the second - TOOLS-404
mongostat without --discover should not stop if the server goes down during monitoring - TOOLS-401
csv exported representation of "null" should be a blank string - TOOLS-398
Disable mongodump --repair on WiredTiger - TOOLS-396
mongorestore with --oplogReplay panics when oplog.bson file doesn't exist - TOOLS-392
mongodump rewrite should be able to read from secondaries - TOOLS-389
mongodump should error when given positional arguments - TOOLS-388
mongorestore with --oplogReplay breaks on a replica set reconfig - TOOLS-387
rename --once in mongotop to --rowcount - TOOLS-386
add --writeConcern flag to mongofiles - TOOLS-385
mongodump --repair on sharded cluster should return a helpful error - TOOLS-376
mongofiles allows for an empty prefix - TOOLS-373
On validation error, mongoimport/mongoexport should show help text - TOOLS-371
mongotop should use gridwriter - TOOLS-370
Add 'stepback' to tools config - TOOLS-367
Mongotop not differentiating reads/writes - TOOLS-366
mongoimport sits in infinite loop of "error inserting documents: EOF" if server goes down during import - TOOLS-364
bsondump --help includes inapplicable host options - TOOLS-362
merge set_gopath_windows.sh and set_gopath.sh - TOOLS-356
mongostat prints "no data" on 2nd sample - TOOLS-355
Rearrange progress bar styles to have consistent tabbing with names - TOOLS-354
Progress bars should use int64 for all counting values - TOOLS-338
prune legacy jstests folder - TOOLS-336
Use tests from 2.6 server branch for legacy26 task - TOOLS-329
mongorestore gets "incorrect" i/o write timeouts - TOOLS-327
Replace --w with --writeConcern - TOOLS-321
reactivate code coverage in automated tests - TOOLS-306
mongoimport/mongorestore should support write concern - TOOLS-300
mongorestore should accept data from stdin - TOOLS-295
--dbpath should trigger error msg and dochub link - TOOLS-262
Mongotop doesn't display connection url anymore - TOOLS-220
assume localhost when using --port without --host behavior - TOOLS-204
Create mechanism for setting exit codes in the tools - TOOLS-186
Mongorestore: ns name too long, max size is 128 - TOOLS-157
MONGODB-CR default value breaks formatting for tools help output - TOOLS-143
Better help text for bsondump - TOOLS-123
mongorestore allows period in database name - TOOLS-102
Add --gridfsnamespace option to "mongofiles" tool - TOOLS-101
--collection argument in mongofiles doesn't make sense - TOOLS-97
Mongofiles lists invalid options - TOOLS-85
When exporting a document to a csv file with MongoExport, miliseconds are being dropped from ISODate columns. - TOOLS-54
mongoimport doesn't show error messages for duplicate records - TOOLS-3
mongodump --dbpath doesn't properly handle query errors
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