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291.9168,415.753ss opcounters: insert update delete query getmore command (/s)
1,953.82868,725.099ss opcounters repl: insert update delete query getmore command (/s)
3.09917.000ss global: active read write queue
0.0222.000ss global: read write queue
33.72134.000ss globalLock: activeClients total
0.0443.000ss globalLock: currentQueue total
488,397,169.271902,627,000.000ss globalLock: totalTime
15,996.27915,998.000ss connections: available
3.7214.000ss connections: current
0.0041.992ss connections: created (/s)
3,101.2024,280.010ss extra_info: heap_usage_bytes (MB)
0.0041.992ss extra_info: page_faults (/s)
3,101.2224,280.533ss tcmalloc: generic current_allocated_bytes (MB)
4,521.1996,605.172ss tcmalloc: generic heap_size (MB)
235.693960.312ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc pageheap_free_bytes (MB)
1,028.9442,238.133ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc pageheap_unmapped_bytes (MB)
1,024.0001,024.000ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc max_total_thread_cache_bytes (MB)
15.15221.718ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc current_total_thread_cache_bytes (MB)
131.381389.803ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc central_cache_free_bytes (MB)
8.80515.938ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc transfer_cache_free_bytes (MB)
15.15121.718ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc thread_cache_free_bytes (MB)
1,751.1138,415.753ss locks: Collection acquireCount r (/s)
11,722.96868,725.099ss locks: Collection acquireCount w (/s)
1,751.8438,416.750ss locks: Database acquireCount r (/s)
11,723.26968,725.099ss locks: Database acquireCount w (/s)
167.1291,034.895ss locks: Database acquireCount W (/s)
0.1075.976ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount r (/s)
0.2266.986ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount w (/s)
0.2778.964ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount W (/s)
16,041.6171,332,078.815ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros r (/s)
45.8702,477.567ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros w (/s)
26,555.3381,154,683.258ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros W (/s)
3,726.82516,833.500ss locks: Global acquireCount r (/s)
11,890.39869,747.011ss locks: Global acquireCount w (/s)
55.710344.965ss locks: Global acquireCount R (/s)
55.710344.965ss locks: Global acquireCount W (/s)
26.228270.189ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount r (/s)
0.0010.997ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount w (/s)
0.0572.991ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount R (/s)
3.35547.856ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount W (/s)
1,437,342.3915,988,996.804ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros r (/s)
0.0128.973ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros w (/s)
31.30520,063.809ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros R (/s)
8,228.667998,159.706ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros W (/s)
0.7933.984ss locks: oplog acquireCount r (/s)
0.3019.980ss locks: oplog acquireCount w (/s)
64.00064.000ss mem: bits
3,507.2154,776.000ss mem: resident (MB)
1.0001.000ss mem: supported
5,147.1177,239.000ss mem: virtual (MB)
0.0710.998ss metrics: commands isMaster total (/s)
0.9910.998ss metrics: commands serverStatus total (/s)
0.0010.996ss metrics: commands whatsmyuri total (/s)
1,781.8278,415.753ss metrics: commands find total (/s)
0.0031.994ss metrics: commands replSetGetStatus total (/s)
0.5010.998ss metrics: commands replSetHeartbeat total (/s)
1,552.0648,415.753ss metrics: document returned (/s)
1,749.9298,415.753ss metrics: operation idhack (/s)
1,552.0648,415.753ss metrics: queryExecutor scanned (/s)
1,552.0648,415.753ss metrics: queryExecutor scannedObjects (/s)
55.710345.962ss metrics: repl apply batches num (/s)
0.61925.922ss metrics: repl apply batches totalMillis (/s)
11,722.94468,723.107ss metrics: repl apply ops (/s)
16,262.14259,044.000ss metrics: repl buffer count
256.000256.000ss metrics: repl buffer maxSizeBytes (MB)
81.914255.910ss metrics: repl buffer sizeBytes (MB)
5.36176.707ss metrics: repl network bytes (MB/s)
107.0081,522.433ss metrics: repl network getmores num (/s)
667.0658,262.214ss metrics: repl network getmores totalMillis (/s)
11,721.87668,723.107ss metrics: repl network ops (/s)
0.0030.998ss metrics: repl network readersCreated (/s)
0.0140.997ss metrics: ttl passes (/s)
0.2572.505ss network: bytes In Out (MB/s)
1,751.4988,417.747ss network: numRequests (/s)
1.0001.000ss ok:
22,135.00022,135.000ss pid:
488.129902.000ss uptime:
483.814894.000ss uptimeEstimate:
488,392.435902,626.000ss uptimeMillis:
127.952128.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read available
0.0482.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read out
128.000128.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read totalTickets
122.303128.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write available
5.69716.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write out
128.000128.000ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write totalTickets
149.40713,706.879ss wt block-manager: blocks read written (/s)
6.968271.597ss wt block-manager: bytes read written (MB/s)
2,947.0473,945.905ss wt cache: bytes currently in the cache (MB)
8.436424.600ss wt cache: bytes read into written from cache (MB/s)
2,163.76440,575.697ss wt cache: checkpoint blocked page eviction (/s)
6.904161.515ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up (/s)
30.997433.831ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up (/s)
37.901596.020ss wt cache: eviction server populating queue, but not evicting pages (/s)
0.0031.000ss wt cache: eviction server unable to reach eviction goal (delta)
118.0838,433.831ss wt cache: eviction worker thread evicting pages (/s)
0.07417.946ss wt cache: failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s)
1.765120.638ss wt cache: hazard pointer blocked page eviction (/s)
0.9999.980ss wt cache: in-memory page splits (/s)
4,096.0004,096.000ss wt cache: maximum bytes configured (MB)
21.65729.576ss wt cache: maximum page size at eviction (MB)
14.161556.219ss wt cache: modified pages evicted (/s)
0.0010.994ss wt cache: page split during eviction deepened the tree (/s)
17,949.91924,717.000ss wt cache: pages currently held in the cache
0.16325.845ss wt cache: pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s)
0.9658.982ss wt cache: pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items (/s)
3.111177.645ss wt cache: pages evicted by application threads (/s)
149.36413,706.879ss wt cache: pages read into written from cache (/s)
13.660377.490ss wt cache: pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted (/s)
982,743.66133,436,312.361ss wt cache: pages walked for eviction (/s)
8.0008.000ss wt cache: percentage overhead
1.4672.225ss wt cache: tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache (MB)
2,945.5813,943.901ss wt cache: tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache (MB)
1,918.2633,943.229ss wt cache: tracked dirty bytes in the cache (MB)
8,620.90614,911.000ss wt cache: tracked dirty pages in the cache
93.9288,271.642ss wt cache: unmodified pages evicted (/s)
18.35221.000ss wt connection: files currently open
78,263.526505,184.466ss wt connection: memory allocations (/s)
84,639.3684,868,409.628ss wt connection: memory frees (/s)
32.8711,531.406ss wt connection: memory re-allocations (/s)
359.8641,697.906ss wt connection: pthread mutex condition wait calls (/s)
3.02244.865ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls (/s)
0.7626.972ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls (/s)
178.52413,892.323ss wt connection: total read write I/Os (/s)
1.42835.892ss wt cursor: cursor create calls (/s)
34,397.590206,856.572ss wt cursor: cursor insert calls (/s)
2,661.476162,149.695ss wt cursor: cursor next calls (/s)
0.1524.990ss wt cursor: cursor remove calls (/s)
28,921.339146,831.672ss wt cursor: cursor reset calls (/s)
6,087.65467,125.626ss wt cursor: cursor search calls (/s)
111.730690.927ss wt cursor: cursor search near calls (/s)
15.42120.000ss wt data-handle: connection data handles currently active
13.59619.000ss wt data-handle: connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list
27.32637.000ss wt data-handle: connection sweep time-of-death sets
0.1010.998ss wt data-handle: connection sweeps (/s)
0.0260.997ss wt data-handle: session sweep attempts (/s)
476,123.0637,734,457.465ss wt log: consolidated slot closures (/s)
3,182,995.02535,194,336.369ss wt log: consolidated slot join races (/s)
476,123.0627,734,457.465ss wt log: consolidated slot join transitions (/s)
11,890.26169,747.011ss wt log: consolidated slot joins (/s)
80.163727.208ss wt log: joins per closure
9.524152.029ss wt log: log bytes of payload data (MB/s)
9.953152.041ss wt log: log bytes written (MB/s)
48.059313.061ss wt log: log records compressed (/s)
16.232286.991ss wt log: log records not compressed (/s)
11,825.99069,406.374ss wt log: log records too small to compress (/s)
0.0050.997ss wt log: log release advances write LSN (/s)
40.999297.915ss wt log: log server thread advances write LSN (/s)
25.604230.309ss wt log: log sync operations (/s)
0.0881.994ss wt log: log sync_dir operations (/s)
11,890.28169,747.011ss wt log: log write operations (/s)
10.044152.041ss wt log: logging bytes consolidated (MB/s)
100.000100.000ss wt log: maximum log file size (MB)
2.0002.000ss wt log: number of pre-allocated log files to create
0.0971.994ss wt log: pre-allocated log files prepared (/s)
0.0961.994ss wt log: pre-allocated log files used (/s)
1,949.6423,634.284ss wt log: total in-memory size of compressed records (MB)
32.00032.000ss wt log: total log buffer size (MB)
1,062.5172,643.084ss wt log: total size of compressed records (MB)
506.728340,265.673ss wt log: yields waiting for previous log file close (/s)
12.879556.219ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls for eviction (/s)
41.1093,693.613ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls (/s)
0.27958.824ss wt reconciliation: pages deleted (/s)
0.1380.671ss wt reconciliation: split bytes currently awaiting free (MB)
36.2791,165.000ss wt reconciliation: split objects currently awaiting free
78.672111.000ss wt session: open cursor count
32.41134.000ss wt session: open session count
0.0222.991ss wt thread-yield: page acquire busy blocked (/s)
0.52628.913ss wt thread-yield: page acquire eviction blocked (/s)
1,168.329892,779.695ss wt thread-yield: page acquire locked blocked (/s)
56,508.01941,127,095.303ss wt thread-yield: page acquire read blocked (/s)
29,135.2162,705,827.862ss wt thread-yield: page acquire time sleeping (usecs) (/s)
14,642.91374,348.605ss wt transaction: transaction begins (/s)
0.4991.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint currently running
6.2638.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint generation
19,053.007144,246.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)
18,228.460144,246.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)
18,381.931144,246.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)
20,117.078146,320.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)
0.0091.000ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoints (delta)
9,772.302111,319.000ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint
1,336.31514,359.000ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned
12,780.74869,747.011ss wt transaction: transactions committed (/s)
1,862.1628,417.747ss wt transaction: transactions rolled back (/s)