avg | max | 04:00:0004:10:0004:20:0004:30:00 | name |
199.792 | 7,302.789 | ss opcounters: insert update delete query getmore command (/s) | |
50.361 | 1,997.015 | ss opcounters repl: insert update delete query getmore command (/s) | |
0.694 | 14.000 | ss global: active read write queue | |
0.001 | 1.000 | ss global: read write queue | |
34.998 | 36.000 | ss globalLock: activeClients total | |
0.003 | 2.000 | ss globalLock: currentQueue total | |
7,629,907,759.687 | 8,911,890,000.000 | ss globalLock: totalTime | |
814.002 | 815.000 | ss connections: available | |
4.998 | 6.000 | ss connections: current | |
0.001 | 1.992 | ss connections: created (/s) | |
-848.560 | -749.935 | ss extra_info: heap_usage_bytes (MB) | |
0.706 | 131.343 | ss extra_info: page_faults (/s) | |
3,247.422 | 3,344.539 | ss tcmalloc: generic current_allocated_bytes (MB) | |
5,923.148 | 5,923.148 | ss tcmalloc: generic heap_size (MB) | |
322.339 | 430.570 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc pageheap_free_bytes (MB) | |
2,119.079 | 2,189.148 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc pageheap_unmapped_bytes (MB) | |
1,024.000 | 1,024.000 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc max_total_thread_cache_bytes (MB) | |
34.572 | 37.419 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc current_total_thread_cache_bytes (MB) | |
169.325 | 195.323 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc central_cache_free_bytes (MB) | |
30.412 | 36.191 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc transfer_cache_free_bytes (MB) | |
34.572 | 37.419 | ss tcmalloc: tcmalloc thread_cache_free_bytes (MB) | |
1,208.799 | 7,302.789 | ss locks: Collection acquireCount r (/s) | |
302.168 | 1,997.015 | ss locks: Collection acquireCount w (/s) | |
1,209.917 | 7,303.785 | ss locks: Database acquireCount r (/s) | |
302.346 | 1,997.015 | ss locks: Database acquireCount w (/s) | |
249.155 | 986.056 | ss locks: Database acquireCount W (/s) | |
0.805 | 6.979 | ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount r (/s) | |
0.162 | 1.994 | ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount w (/s) | |
0.668 | 4.985 | ss locks: Database acquireWaitCount W (/s) | |
800.668 | 365,132.467 | ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros r (/s) | |
27.947 | 4,649.402 | ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros w (/s) | |
4,093.428 | 510,170.478 | ss locks: Database timeAcquiringMicros W (/s) | |
2,752.218 | 14,607.570 | ss locks: Global acquireCount r (/s) | |
551.501 | 2,937.313 | ss locks: Global acquireCount w (/s) | |
83.051 | 328.685 | ss locks: Global acquireCount R (/s) | |
83.051 | 328.685 | ss locks: Global acquireCount W (/s) | |
115.647 | 530.876 | ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount r (/s) | |
0.069 | 0.997 | ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount R (/s) | |
50.560 | 222.333 | ss locks: Global acquireWaitCount W (/s) | |
556,350.764 | 4,561,416.937 | ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros r (/s) | |
2.235 | 805.583 | ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros R (/s) | |
324,681.164 | 1,269,388.436 | ss locks: Global timeAcquiringMicros W (/s) | |
1.184 | 3.988 | ss locks: oplog acquireCount r (/s) | |
0.179 | 1.994 | ss locks: oplog acquireCount w (/s) | |
64.000 | 64.000 | ss mem: bits | |
3,615.219 | 3,723.000 | ss mem: resident (MB) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | ss mem: supported | |
6,633.995 | 6,634.000 | ss mem: virtual (MB) | |
0.100 | 0.997 | ss metrics: commands isMaster total (/s) | |
0.996 | 0.997 | ss metrics: commands serverStatus total (/s) | |
1,197.123 | 7,303.785 | ss metrics: commands find total (/s) | |
0.500 | 0.997 | ss metrics: commands replSetHeartbeat total (/s) | |
1,197.123 | 7,304.781 | ss metrics: document returned (/s) | |
1,197.123 | 7,304.781 | ss metrics: operation idhack (/s) | |
1,197.123 | 7,304.781 | ss metrics: queryExecutor scanned (/s) | |
1,197.123 | 7,304.781 | ss metrics: queryExecutor scannedObjects (/s) | |
83.052 | 328.685 | ss metrics: repl apply batches num (/s) | |
0.288 | 11.952 | ss metrics: repl apply batches totalMillis (/s) | |
302.168 | 1,997.015 | ss metrics: repl apply ops (/s) | |
1.807 | 270.000 | ss metrics: repl buffer count | |
256.000 | 256.000 | ss metrics: repl buffer maxSizeBytes (MB) | |
0.005 | 2.862 | ss metrics: repl buffer sizeBytes (MB) | |
1.462 | 9.695 | ss metrics: repl network bytes (MB/s) | |
95.963 | 356.574 | ss metrics: repl network getmores num (/s) | |
812.776 | 5,008.973 | ss metrics: repl network getmores totalMillis (/s) | |
302.169 | 1,997.015 | ss metrics: repl network ops (/s) | |
0.017 | 0.997 | ss metrics: ttl passes (/s) | |
0.884 | 11.849 | ss network: bytes In Out (MB/s) | |
1,198.749 | 7,303.785 | ss network: numRequests (/s) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | ss ok: | |
10,574.000 | 10,574.000 | ss pid: | |
7,630.020 | 8,912.000 | ss uptime: | |
7,569.195 | 8,842.000 | ss uptimeEstimate: | |
7,629,909.643 | 8,911,892.000 | ss uptimeMillis: | |
126.894 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read available | |
1.107 | 3.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read out | |
128.000 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read totalTickets | |
127.770 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write available | |
0.230 | 14.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write out | |
128.000 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write totalTickets | |
1,131.884 | 10,604.582 | ss wt block-manager: blocks read written (/s) | |
120.462 | 874.630 | ss wt block-manager: bytes read written (MB/s) | |
3,276.162 | 3,381.553 | ss wt cache: bytes currently in the cache (MB) | |
125.650 | 922.091 | ss wt cache: bytes read into written from cache (MB/s) | |
0.177 | 162.351 | ss wt cache: checkpoint blocked page eviction (/s) | |
5.526 | 176.295 | ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up (/s) | |
72.372 | 510.956 | ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up (/s) | |
77.898 | 667.331 | ss wt cache: eviction server populating queue, but not evicting pages (/s) | |
1,983.159 | 10,681.275 | ss wt cache: eviction worker thread evicting pages (/s) | |
0.002 | 1.994 | ss wt cache: failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s) | |
0.671 | 105.578 | ss wt cache: hazard pointer blocked page eviction (/s) | |
0.106 | 1.992 | ss wt cache: in-memory page splits (/s) | |
0.101 | 32.901 | ss wt cache: internal pages evicted (/s) | |
4,096.000 | 4,096.000 | ss wt cache: maximum bytes configured (MB) | |
9.436 | 9.436 | ss wt cache: maximum page size at eviction (MB) | |
242.092 | 1,633.201 | ss wt cache: modified pages evicted (/s) | |
11,758.495 | 15,414.000 | ss wt cache: pages currently held in the cache | |
0.106 | 1.992 | ss wt cache: pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items (/s) | |
1,131.805 | 10,604.582 | ss wt cache: pages read into written from cache (/s) | |
0.792 | 138.446 | ss wt cache: pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted (/s) | |
683,653.061 | 50,730,124.092 | ss wt cache: pages walked for eviction (/s) | |
8.000 | 8.000 | ss wt cache: percentage overhead | |
3.886 | 4.163 | ss wt cache: tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache (MB) | |
3,272.276 | 3,377.762 | ss wt cache: tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache (MB) | |
959.953 | 1,867.273 | ss wt cache: tracked dirty bytes in the cache (MB) | |
2,225.354 | 4,280.000 | ss wt cache: tracked dirty pages in the cache | |
1,740.365 | 10,681.275 | ss wt cache: unmodified pages evicted (/s) | |
18.020 | 20.000 | ss wt connection: files currently open | |
9,021.030 | 39,547.808 | ss wt connection: memory allocations (/s) | |
9,007.318 | 52,616.533 | ss wt connection: memory frees (/s) | |
269.609 | 1,341.633 | ss wt connection: memory re-allocations (/s) | |
388.315 | 1,966.135 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex condition wait calls (/s) | |
3.585 | 35.857 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls (/s) | |
0.995 | 5.976 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls (/s) | |
1,160.506 | 10,604.582 | ss wt connection: total read write I/Os (/s) | |
1.414 | 27.888 | ss wt cursor: cursor create calls (/s) | |
770.538 | 4,620.896 | ss wt cursor: cursor insert calls (/s) | |
171.720 | 837.488 | ss wt cursor: cursor next calls (/s) | |
0.089 | 0.997 | ss wt cursor: cursor remove calls (/s) | |
4,197.771 | 18,337.972 | ss wt cursor: cursor reset calls (/s) | |
3,470.952 | 15,543.738 | ss wt cursor: cursor search calls (/s) | |
166.282 | 657.371 | ss wt cursor: cursor search near calls (/s) | |
15.319 | 19.000 | ss wt data-handle: connection data handles currently active | |
194.148 | 247.000 | ss wt data-handle: connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list | |
244.661 | 304.000 | ss wt data-handle: connection sweep time-of-death sets | |
0.100 | 0.997 | ss wt data-handle: connection sweeps (/s) | |
0.011 | 0.997 | ss wt data-handle: session sweep attempts (/s) | |
112.986 | 14,076.693 | ss wt log: consolidated slot closures (/s) | |
200,161.308 | 17,376,619.983 | ss wt log: consolidated slot join races (/s) | |
112.986 | 14,076.693 | ss wt log: consolidated slot join transitions (/s) | |
551.452 | 2,937.313 | ss wt log: consolidated slot joins (/s) | |
7.954 | 62.000 | ss wt log: joins per closure | |
2.905 | 19.238 | ss wt log: log bytes of payload data (MB/s) | |
2.934 | 19.365 | ss wt log: log bytes written (MB/s) | |
43.971 | 251.741 | ss wt log: log records compressed (/s) | |
42.100 | 128.486 | ss wt log: log records not compressed (/s) | |
465.382 | 2,613.930 | ss wt log: log records too small to compress (/s) | |
0.011 | 0.997 | ss wt log: log release advances write LSN (/s) | |
54.788 | 326.693 | ss wt log: log server thread advances write LSN (/s) | |
42.051 | 303.785 | ss wt log: log sync operations (/s) | |
0.030 | 0.997 | ss wt log: log sync_dir operations (/s) | |
551.452 | 2,937.313 | ss wt log: log write operations (/s) | |
2.934 | 19.365 | ss wt log: logging bytes consolidated (MB/s) | |
100.000 | 100.000 | ss wt log: maximum log file size (MB) | |
3.000 | 3.000 | ss wt log: number of pre-allocated log files to create | |
0.030 | 0.997 | ss wt log: pre-allocated log files prepared (/s) | |
0.030 | 0.997 | ss wt log: pre-allocated log files used (/s) | |
2,293.658 | 2,351.416 | ss wt log: total in-memory size of compressed records (MB) | |
32.000 | 32.000 | ss wt log: total log buffer size (MB) | |
1,115.133 | 1,147.288 | ss wt log: total size of compressed records (MB) | |
222.358 | 1,476.617 | ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls for eviction (/s) | |
267.233 | 2,651.047 | ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls (/s) | |
0.152 | 2.988 | ss wt reconciliation: pages deleted (/s) | |
0.037 | 0.105 | ss wt reconciliation: split bytes currently awaiting free (MB) | |
19.302 | 121.000 | ss wt reconciliation: split objects currently awaiting free | |
108.498 | 120.000 | ss wt session: open cursor count | |
32.000 | 32.000 | ss wt session: open session count | |
0.006 | 1.994 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire busy blocked (/s) | |
0.002 | 1.994 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire eviction blocked (/s) | |
0.254 | 45.817 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire locked blocked (/s) | |
0.088 | 44.865 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire read blocked (/s) | |
1,014.853 | 413,346.610 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire time sleeping (usecs) (/s) | |
2,228.122 | 9,568.589 | ss wt transaction: transaction begins (/s) | |
0.361 | 1.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint currently running | |
92.879 | 106.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint generation | |
32,226.000 | 32,226.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint max time (msecs) | |
5.000 | 5.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint min time (msecs) | |
3,587.548 | 21,453.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs) | |
319,182.263 | 385,603.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint total time (msecs) | |
0.011 | 1.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoints (delta) | |
23.782 | 1,881.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint | |
15.928 | 115.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned | |
853.599 | 4,934.328 | ss wt transaction: transactions committed (/s) | |
1,374.523 | 7,304.781 | ss wt transaction: transactions rolled back (/s) |