[ERROR] 2018-11-08 11:03:47.683 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] [dispatcherServlet] - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: Can't extract geo keys: { _id: ObjectId('5be3fbf3b0449e6158c92c1b'), type: [ "WALKER", "SITTER" ], title: "kkk", dob: new Date(973674209562), gender: "f", addresses: [ { _id: "1", type: "PRIMARY", radius: 0.0, country: "??????", region: "?????????? ????", city: "???????????", county: "????? ???????????", placeId: "ChIJhdRJUrqcs18RNX6W3dQEZxg", formattedAddress: "???????????, ?????????? ????, ??????", location: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 } } ], firstName: "kkkk", lastName: "kkk", description: "kkk", signedDate: new Date(1541667827496), updateStamp: new Date(1541667827496), contactMedium: [ { type: "phone", value: "0547460276", prefered: false, verified: false }, { type: "email", value: "4@g.ru", prefered: false, verified: false } ], raiting: { raiting: 0.0, totalRaiting: 0.0, totalVFM: 0.0, totalPunctuality: 0.0, totalContactness: 0.0, totalReviewsCount: 0, factor: 0 }, validations: { email: false, passport: false, testing: false }, accountInfoCompleted: false, searchable: true, _class: "com.walkmypet.web.metadata.customer.worker.Worker" } can't project geometry into spherical CRS: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 }; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoWriteException: Can't extract geo keys: { _id: ObjectId('5be3fbf3b0449e6158c92c1b'), type: [ "WALKER", "SITTER" ], title: "kkk", dob: new Date(973674209562), gender: "f", addresses: [ { _id: "1", type: "PRIMARY", radius: 0.0, country: "??????", region: "?????????? ????", city: "???????????", county: "????? ???????????", placeId: "ChIJhdRJUrqcs18RNX6W3dQEZxg", formattedAddress: "???????????, ?????????? ????, ??????", location: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 } } ], firstName: "kkkk", lastName: "kkk", description: "kkk", signedDate: new Date(1541667827496), updateStamp: new Date(1541667827496), contactMedium: [ { type: "phone", value: "0547460276", prefered: false, verified: false }, { type: "email", value: "4@g.ru", prefered: false, verified: false } ], raiting: { raiting: 0.0, totalRaiting: 0.0, totalVFM: 0.0, totalPunctuality: 0.0, totalContactness: 0.0, totalReviewsCount: 0, factor: 0 }, validations: { email: false, passport: false, testing: false }, accountInfoCompleted: false, searchable: true, _class: "com.walkmypet.web.metadata.customer.worker.Worker" } can't project geometry into spherical CRS: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 }] with root cause com.mongodb.MongoWriteException: Can't extract geo keys: { _id: ObjectId('5be3fbf3b0449e6158c92c1b'), type: [ "WALKER", "SITTER" ], title: "kkk", dob: new Date(973674209562), gender: "f", addresses: [ { _id: "1", type: "PRIMARY", radius: 0.0, country: "??????", region: "?????????? ????", city: "???????????", county: "????? ???????????", placeId: "ChIJhdRJUrqcs18RNX6W3dQEZxg", formattedAddress: "???????????, ?????????? ????, ??????", location: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 } } ], firstName: "kkkk", lastName: "kkk", description: "kkk", signedDate: new Date(1541667827496), updateStamp: new Date(1541667827496), contactMedium: [ { type: "phone", value: "0547460276", prefered: false, verified: false }, { type: "email", value: "4@g.ru", prefered: false, verified: false } ], raiting: { raiting: 0.0, totalRaiting: 0.0, totalVFM: 0.0, totalPunctuality: 0.0, totalContactness: 0.0, totalReviewsCount: 0, factor: 0 }, validations: { email: false, passport: false, testing: false }, accountInfoCompleted: false, searchable: true, _class: "com.walkmypet.web.metadata.customer.worker.Worker" } can't project geometry into spherical CRS: { lat: 43.1198091, lng: 131.8869243 } at com.mongodb.MongoCollectionImpl.executeSingleWriteRequest(MongoCollectionImpl.java:1033) ~[mongodb-driver-3.6.4.jar:?]