2019-03-17T22:02:48.912-0400 I CONTROL [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols 'none' 2019-03-17T22:02:49.015-0400 I CONTROL [main] 2019-03-17T22:02:49.025-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** NOTE: This is a development version (4.1.7) of MongoDB. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.028-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** Not recommended for production. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.040-0400 I CONTROL [main] 2019-03-17T22:02:49.055-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.069-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.082-0400 I CONTROL [main] 2019-03-17T22:02:49.094-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** WARNING: This server is bound to localhost. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.107-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** Remote systems will be unable to connect to this server. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.123-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** Start the server with --bind_ip
to specify which IP 2019-03-17T22:02:49.135-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** addresses it should serve responses from, or with --bind_ip_all to 2019-03-17T22:02:49.148-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** bind to all interfaces. If this behavior is desired, start the 2019-03-17T22:02:49.180-0400 I CONTROL [main] ** server with --bind_ip to disable this warning. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.192-0400 I CONTROL [main] 2019-03-17T22:02:49.209-0400 I SHARDING [mongosMain] mongos version v4.1.7 2019-03-17T22:02:49.217-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] git version: 97de2142f89ab280a4d0b2ddf168248c79f741d0 2019-03-17T22:02:49.230-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] allocator: system 2019-03-17T22:02:49.241-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] modules: none 2019-03-17T22:02:49.253-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] build environment: 2019-03-17T22:02:49.256-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distarch: x86_64 2019-03-17T22:02:49.265-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] target_arch: x86_64 2019-03-17T22:02:49.268-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] db version v4.1.7 2019-03-17T22:02:49.289-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] git version: 97de2142f89ab280a4d0b2ddf168248c79f741d0 2019-03-17T22:02:49.292-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] allocator: system 2019-03-17T22:02:49.315-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] modules: none 2019-03-17T22:02:49.317-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] build environment: 2019-03-17T22:02:49.328-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] distarch: x86_64 2019-03-17T22:02:49.365-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] target_arch: x86_64 2019-03-17T22:02:49.387-0400 I CONTROL [mongosMain] options: { net: { port: 27017 }, processManagement: { fork: true }, setParameter: { enableTestCommands: "1" }, sharding: { configDB: "configRepl/localhost:27029" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", path: "/Users/jstewart/dbData/mongos/mongos_27017.log", verbosity: 4 } } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.399-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] fd limit hard:524288 soft:64000 max conn: 51200 2019-03-17T22:02:49.434-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] The NetworkInterfaceTL reactor thread is spinning up 2019-03-17T22:02:49.434-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] The NetworkInterfaceTL reactor thread is spinning up 2019-03-17T22:02:49.437-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Starting up task executor for monitoring replica sets in response to request to monitor set: configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.460-0400 I NETWORK [mongosMain] Starting new replica set monitor for configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.460-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] The NetworkInterfaceTL reactor thread is spinning up 2019-03-17T22:02:49.472-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Started targeter for configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.475-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:49.496-0400 D SHARDING [mongosMain] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.511-0400 D SHARDING [mongosMain] Starting up task executor for periodic reloading of ShardRegistry 2019-03-17T22:02:49.511-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 1 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:54.509-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.520-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistryUpdater] The NetworkInterfaceTL reactor thread is spinning up 2019-03-17T22:02:49.520-0400 I SHARDING [thread1] creating distributed lock ping thread for process Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814 (sleeping for 30000ms) 2019-03-17T22:02:49.532-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 1 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:54.509-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.543-0400 D SHARDING [ShardRegistryUpdater] Reloading shardRegistry 2019-03-17T22:02:49.569-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.582-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.586-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:49.594-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:49.605-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:49.618-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:49.670-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:49.680-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:02:49.694-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:49.706-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:02:49.709-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:02:49.720-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:49.757-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:49.772-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 1 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 4), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874569756), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 5), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.775-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 4), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874569756), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 5), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.787-0400 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:49.798-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 4), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874569756), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 5), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.819-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:49.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:49.832-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 4), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.855-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 347ms 2019-03-17T22:02:49.855-0400 D TRACKING [mongosMain] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc496844be182eb22960 2019-03-17T22:02:49.855-0400 D TRACKING [shard-registry-reload] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc496844be182eb2295e 2019-03-17T22:02:49.855-0400 D TRACKING [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc496844be182eb2295f 2019-03-17T22:02:49.878-0400 D EXECUTOR [mongosMain] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 2 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.877-0400 cmd:{ find: "version", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.918-0400 D ASIO [mongosMain] startCommand: RemoteCommand 2 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.877-0400 cmd:{ find: "version", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.918-0400 D EXECUTOR [shard-registry-reload] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 3 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.891-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.920-0400 I ASIO [ShardRegistry] Connecting to localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.932-0400 D ASIO [shard-registry-reload] startCommand: RemoteCommand 3 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.891-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.933-0400 D EXECUTOR [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 4 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.904-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.934-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:02:49.947-0400 D ASIO [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] startCommand: RemoteCommand 4 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:19.904-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:49.969-0400 I ASIO [ShardRegistry] Connecting to localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:49.991-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:02:50.002-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.013-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.025-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.029-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.041-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.052-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.064-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.071-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:50.076-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.088-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 5 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:55.088-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.111-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 5 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:55.088-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.129-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.130-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.142-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.153-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.154-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.157-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 5 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 7), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570153), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 7) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.170-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:02:50.173-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 7), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570153), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 7) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.182-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:02:50.185-0400 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:50.201-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.213-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 7), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874569000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570153), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874569, 7) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.217-0400 I ASIO [ShardRegistry] Connecting to localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:50.245-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:49.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:50.254-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:02:50.258-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874569, 7), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.269-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.281-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 193ms 2019-03-17T22:02:50.283-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.295-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.303-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:02:50.315-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:02:50.326-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.329-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.337-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.363-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.388-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.414-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:50.422-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:02:50.434-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.446-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:02:50.448-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:02:50.457-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.646-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:50.650-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 6 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:55.649-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.662-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 6 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:55.649-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.673-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.725-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:50.752-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 6 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874570, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874570000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570711), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.762-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874570, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874570000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570711), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.774-0400 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:50.786-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874570, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874570000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874570711), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874570, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.801-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:50.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:50.811-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874570, 2), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:50.825-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 175ms 2019-03-17T22:02:51.192-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:51.195-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 7 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:56.194-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.210-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 7 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:56.194-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.217-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.238-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.242-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 7 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571238), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.244-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571238), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.252-0400 W NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Unable to reach primary for set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:51.253-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571238), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.256-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:51.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:51.265-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 2), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.268-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 74ms 2019-03-17T22:02:51.548-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.550-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 4 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.551-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.552-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.562-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 2 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: 1, minCompatibleVersion: 5, currentVersion: 6, clusterId: ObjectId('5c8efc4b473d450fcb90a7de') } ], id: 0, ns: "config.version" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.576-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: 1, minCompatibleVersion: 5, currentVersion: 6, clusterId: ObjectId('5c8efc4b473d450fcb90a7de') } ], id: 0, ns: "config.version" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.584-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.601-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 3 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.610-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.613-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] found 0 shards listed on config server(s) with lastVisibleOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.621-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:51.734-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:51.752-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 8 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:56.751-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.763-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 8 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:56.751-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.766-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.774-0400 D TRACKING [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc4b6844be182eb22964 2019-03-17T22:02:51.778-0400 D EXECUTOR [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 9 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:21.777-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.790-0400 D ASIO [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] startCommand: RemoteCommand 9 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:21.777-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 9), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.792-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.793-0400 D NETWORK [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.802-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 8 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571776), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.813-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571776), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.816-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874571776), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 10) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.825-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:51.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:51.827-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 10), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.838-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 87ms 2019-03-17T22:02:51.838-0400 D TRACKING [replSetDistLockPinger] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc4b6844be182eb22966 2019-03-17T22:02:51.859-0400 D EXECUTOR [replSetDistLockPinger] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 10 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:21.858-0400 cmd:{ findAndModify: "lockpings", query: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, update: { $set: { ping: new Date(1552874569557) } }, upsert: true, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.870-0400 D ASIO [replSetDistLockPinger] startCommand: RemoteCommand 10 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:21.858-0400 cmd:{ findAndModify: "lockpings", query: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, update: { $set: { ping: new Date(1552874569557) } }, upsert: true, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.873-0400 D NETWORK [replSetDistLockPinger] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.905-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.907-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 9 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [], id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.917-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [], id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 12) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.930-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:51.931-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 10 finished with response: { lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: false, upserted: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, value: null, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.933-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: false, upserted: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, value: null, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:51.955-0400 W SHARDING [replSetDistLockPinger] pinging failed for distributed lock pinger :: caused by :: LockStateChangeFailed: findAndModify query predicate didn't match any lock document 2019-03-17T22:02:52.120-0400 D TRACKING [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc4c6844be182eb22968 2019-03-17T22:02:52.122-0400 D EXECUTOR [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 11 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:22.122-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.124-0400 D ASIO [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] startCommand: RemoteCommand 11 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:22.122-0400 cmd:{ find: "system.keys", filter: { purpose: "HMAC", expiresAt: { $gt: Timestamp(0, 0) } }, sort: { expiresAt: 1 }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.125-0400 D NETWORK [monitoring-keys-for-HMAC] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:52.126-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:52.127-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 11 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: 6669545497235030025, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, 58A120830F47CFF85162E147C99C6BC99A04E4CC), expiresAt: Timestamp(1560650571, 0) }, { _id: 6669545497235030026, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, 6C5A3E7AC812775E9BCC3E979657A854A2CCE231), expiresAt: Timestamp(1568426571, 0) } ], id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.128-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: 6669545497235030025, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, 58A120830F47CFF85162E147C99C6BC99A04E4CC), expiresAt: Timestamp(1560650571, 0) }, { _id: 6669545497235030026, purpose: "HMAC", key: BinData(0, 6C5A3E7AC812775E9BCC3E979657A854A2CCE231), expiresAt: Timestamp(1568426571, 0) } ], id: 0, ns: "admin.system.keys" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.277-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:52.279-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 12 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:57.278-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.281-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 12 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:02:57.278-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.282-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:52.283-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:52.284-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 12 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874572283), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.285-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874572283), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.286-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874571000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874572283), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.287-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:02:51.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:52.287-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:02:52.288-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 9ms 2019-03-17T22:02:53.585-0400 I SHARDING [mongosMain] Not waiting for signing keys, not supported by the config shard configRepl 2019-03-17T22:02:53.593-0400 D EXECUTOR [mongosMain] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 13 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.592-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.595-0400 D ASIO [mongosMain] startCommand: RemoteCommand 13 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.592-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.596-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.598-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.599-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 13 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.600-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.601-0400 D EXECUTOR [mongosMain] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 14 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.601-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.602-0400 D ASIO [mongosMain] startCommand: RemoteCommand 14 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.601-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.603-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.604-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.605-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 14 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.606-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.607-0400 D EXECUTOR [mongosMain] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 15 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.607-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.608-0400 D ASIO [mongosMain] startCommand: RemoteCommand 15 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.607-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.609-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.610-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.611-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 15 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.612-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.613-0400 I FTDC [mongosMain] Initializing full-time diagnostic data capture with directory '/Users/jstewart/dbData/mongos/mongos_27017.diagnostic.data' 2019-03-17T22:02:53.614-0400 D COMMAND [ClusterCursorCleanupJob] BackgroundJob starting: ClusterCursorCleanupJob 2019-03-17T22:02:53.615-0400 D EXECUTOR [mongosMain] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 16 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.614-0400 cmd:{ _getUserCacheGeneration: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.617-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Failed to obtain name info for: [ (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"), (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known") ] 2019-03-17T22:02:53.617-0400 D ASIO [mongosMain] startCommand: RemoteCommand 16 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.614-0400 cmd:{ _getUserCacheGeneration: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.618-0400 D TRACKING [Uptime-reporter] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc4d6844be182eb2296f 2019-03-17T22:02:53.619-0400 D NETWORK [mongosMain] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.621-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 17 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.620-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874573614), up: 0, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.621-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.623-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 17 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.620-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874573614), up: 0, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.623-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 16 finished with response: { cacheGeneration: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c9'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.624-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.625-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cacheGeneration: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c9'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874571, 14) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.627-0400 D COMMAND [UserCacheInvalidatorThread] BackgroundJob starting: UserCacheInvalidatorThread 2019-03-17T22:02:53.627-0400 D COMMAND [PeriodicTaskRunner] BackgroundJob starting: PeriodicTaskRunner 2019-03-17T22:02:53.627-0400 I NETWORK [mongosMain] Listening on /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock 2019-03-17T22:02:53.627-0400 D SH_REFR [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Refreshing cached database entry for config; current cached database info is {} 2019-03-17T22:02:53.651-0400 I NETWORK [mongosMain] Listening on 2019-03-17T22:02:53.665-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] starting thread in pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:02:53.666-0400 I NETWORK [mongosMain] waiting for connections on port 27017 2019-03-17T22:02:53.679-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Executing a task on behalf of pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:02:53.700-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.705-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 17 finished with response: { n: 1, nModified: 0, upserted: [ { index: 0, _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" } ], opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.705-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 1, nModified: 0, upserted: [ { index: 0, _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" } ], opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.705-0400 I SH_REFR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Refresh for database config from version {} to version { uuid: UUID("ed211475-b525-4ca7-b6d6-d9e650879067"), lastMod: 0 } took 40 ms 2019-03-17T22:02:53.708-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 18 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.707-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.708-0400 D TRACKING [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc4d6844be182eb22972 2019-03-17T22:02:53.709-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Not reaping because the earliest retirement date is 2019-03-17T22:03:23.665-0400 2019-03-17T22:02:53.711-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 18 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.707-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.713-0400 D EXECUTOR [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 19 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.711-0400 cmd:{ find: "collections", filter: { _id: /^config\./ }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.713-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.715-0400 D ASIO [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] startCommand: RemoteCommand 19 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.711-0400 cmd:{ find: "collections", filter: { _id: /^config\./ }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.716-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.717-0400 D NETWORK [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.717-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 18 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.719-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.720-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.721-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 20 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.720-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.721-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 19 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.collections", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.723-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 20 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.720-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.723-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.collections", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874571, 13), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.725-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.725-0400 I CONTROL [LogicalSessionCacheRefresh] Sessions collection is not set up; waiting until next sessions refresh interval: Collection config.system.sessions is not sharded. 2019-03-17T22:02:53.727-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.728-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 20 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.728-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.730-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 21 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.729-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.731-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 21 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:23.729-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.731-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.733-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:53.733-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 21 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:53.734-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.124-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #5 (1 connection now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.125-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:02:54.126-0400 D SHARDING [conn5] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1899894091 2019-03-17T22:02:54.127-0400 I NETWORK [conn5] received client metadata from conn5: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.127-0400 D NETWORK [conn5] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.128-0400 D NETWORK [conn5] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:02:54.129-0400 D SHARDING [conn5] Command end db: admin msg id: 1899894091 2019-03-17T22:02:54.130-0400 I COMMAND [conn5] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 4ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.132-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #6 (2 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.133-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:02:54.133-0400 D SHARDING [conn6] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1646035001 2019-03-17T22:02:54.134-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] received client metadata from conn6: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.135-0400 D NETWORK [conn6] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.136-0400 D NETWORK [conn6] No compressors provided 2019-03-17T22:02:54.136-0400 D SHARDING [conn6] Command end db: admin msg id: 1646035001 2019-03-17T22:02:54.137-0400 I COMMAND [conn6] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, compression: [], $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.138-0400 D SHARDING [conn6] Command begin db: admin msg id: 510616708 2019-03-17T22:02:54.139-0400 D SHARDING [conn6] Command end db: admin msg id: 510616708 2019-03-17T22:02:54.140-0400 I COMMAND [conn6] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: ping { ping: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("c636fe17-7da9-4b94-8aa1-f018f21e4701") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:163 protocol:op_msg 1ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.141-0400 D NETWORK [conn6] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:02:54.141-0400 D NETWORK [conn5] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:02:54.143-0400 I NETWORK [conn6] end connection (1 connection now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.143-0400 I NETWORK [conn5] end connection (0 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.144-0400 D NETWORK [conn6] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:02:54.145-0400 D NETWORK [conn5] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:02:54.169-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #7 (1 connection now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.170-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:02:54.171-0400 D SHARDING [conn7] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1044788124 2019-03-17T22:02:54.172-0400 I NETWORK [conn7] received client metadata from conn7: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.172-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.173-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:02:54.174-0400 D SHARDING [conn7] Command end db: admin msg id: 1044788124 2019-03-17T22:02:54.174-0400 I COMMAND [conn7] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.178-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #8 (2 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:02:54.179-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:02:54.179-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1927702196 2019-03-17T22:02:54.180-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] received client metadata from conn8: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.181-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.182-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] No compressors provided 2019-03-17T22:02:54.182-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: admin msg id: 1927702196 2019-03-17T22:02:54.183-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, compression: [], $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.184-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: config msg id: 1952509530 2019-03-17T22:02:54.185-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 22 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.186-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 22 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.186-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:02:54.187-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:02:54.188-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.189-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:54.190-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:54.190-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:02:54.191-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.192-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:02:54.193-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.193-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:02:54.194-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:02:54.195-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.196-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.196-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 22 finished with response: { n: 0, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.197-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 0, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.198-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: config msg id: 1952509530 2019-03-17T22:02:54.198-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command config.shards appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: count { count: "shards", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874573, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "config", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:195 protocol:op_msg 13ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.199-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: config msg id: 130060903 2019-03-17T22:02:54.200-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 23 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.201-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 23 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.201-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.202-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.203-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 23 finished with response: { n: 0, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.203-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 0, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.204-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: config msg id: 130060903 2019-03-17T22:02:54.205-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command config.shards appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: count { count: "shards", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "config", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:195 protocol:op_msg 5ms 2019-03-17T22:02:54.206-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1942727722 2019-03-17T22:02:54.206-0400 D TRACKING [conn8] Cmd: addShard, TrackingId: 5c8efc4e6844be182eb2297d 2019-03-17T22:02:54.207-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 24 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", name: "a1", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.207-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 24 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", name: "a1", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:02:54.208-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:02:54.680-0400 D SHARDING [conn7] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1083454666 2019-03-17T22:02:54.681-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:02:54.682-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:02:54.683-0400 D SHARDING [conn7] Command end db: admin msg id: 1083454666 2019-03-17T22:02:54.684-0400 I COMMAND [conn7] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:374 protocol:op_msg 4ms 2019-03-17T22:02:55.006-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:02:56.004-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:02:57.002-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:02:58.001-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:02:59.002-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:00.002-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:01.000-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:02.019-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.022-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 24 finished with response: { shardAdded: "a1", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.023-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ shardAdded: "a1", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.025-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 25 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.024-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.026-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 25 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.024-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.027-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.028-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.029-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 25 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.030-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.031-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] found 1 shards listed on config server(s) with lastVisibleOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.031-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] Starting new replica set monitor for a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.032-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.032-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set a1 2019-03-17T22:03:02.034-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 26 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.034-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.035-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 26 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.034-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.037-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 27 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.036-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.038-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 27 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.036-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.039-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 28 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.039-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.040-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 28 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.039-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.041-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27021 2019-03-17T22:03:02.041-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a1, with CS a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.042-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.043-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:03:02.044-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.045-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: admin msg id: 1942727722 2019-03-17T22:03:02.046-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.046-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command admin.a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: addShard { addShard: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", name: "a1", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874574, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:182 protocol:op_msg 7840ms 2019-03-17T22:03:02.047-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27020 2019-03-17T22:03:02.048-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1108728549 2019-03-17T22:03:02.049-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.050-0400 D TRACKING [conn8] Cmd: addShard, TrackingId: 5c8efc566844be182eb22981 2019-03-17T22:03:02.051-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 29 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", name: "a2", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.051-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.052-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 29 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", name: "a2", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.053-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.053-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.054-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.055-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.056-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.057-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.058-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.059-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.059-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.060-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.061-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.061-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.062-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.063-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.063-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.075-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.076-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.077-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.078-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.086-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.097-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.108-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.119-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.123-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.131-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.134-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.144-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.147-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.156-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.159-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.167-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.171-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 26 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582100), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.179-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582100), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.182-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.190-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 27 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582133), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.194-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582133), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.204-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.208-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 28 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582170), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.218-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582170), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.222-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27021 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582100), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.242-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27021 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:01.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.244-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27021 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.254-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27022 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582133), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.268-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27022 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:01.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.279-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27022 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.282-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27020 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874581000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582170), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874580, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874581, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.284-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27020 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:01.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.294-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27020 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874581, 3), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.297-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set a1 took 262ms 2019-03-17T22:03:02.476-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.477-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 29 finished with response: { shardAdded: "a2", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.478-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ shardAdded: "a2", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.480-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 30 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.480-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.481-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 30 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.480-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.482-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.484-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.484-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 30 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.485-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.486-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] found 2 shards listed on config server(s) with lastVisibleOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.487-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.488-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a1, with CS a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.488-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] Starting new replica set monitor for a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.489-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.489-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set a2 2019-03-17T22:03:02.491-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 31 -- target:localhost:27024 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.491-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.492-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 31 -- target:localhost:27024 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.491-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.493-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 32 -- target:localhost:27025 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.493-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.494-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 32 -- target:localhost:27025 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.493-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.495-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 33 -- target:localhost:27023 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.495-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.496-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 33 -- target:localhost:27023 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.495-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.497-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27024 2019-03-17T22:03:02.497-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a2, with CS a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.498-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.499-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:03:02.500-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.500-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: admin msg id: 1108728549 2019-03-17T22:03:02.501-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.502-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command admin.a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: addShard { addShard: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", name: "a2", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 1), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:182 protocol:op_msg 453ms 2019-03-17T22:03:02.503-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27023 2019-03-17T22:03:02.504-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: admin msg id: 685118024 2019-03-17T22:03:02.504-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.505-0400 D TRACKING [conn8] Cmd: addShard, TrackingId: 5c8efc566844be182eb22984 2019-03-17T22:03:02.506-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 34 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", name: "a3", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.506-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.507-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 34 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrAddShard: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", name: "a3", $queryOptions: { $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.508-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.508-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.509-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.510-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.512-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.513-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.514-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.515-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.516-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.517-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.518-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.518-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.519-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.520-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.529-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.530-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.532-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.533-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.534-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.535-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.536-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.544-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.555-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.556-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.559-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.567-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 31 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27024", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582529), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.579-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27024", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582529), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.590-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.593-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.602-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.604-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.614-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.615-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.617-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.629-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 32 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27025", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582567), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.633-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27025", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582567), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.641-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.644-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 33 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27023", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582630), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 32, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.652-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27023", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582630), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 32, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.656-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27024 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27024", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582529), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.666-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27024 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.669-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27024 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.678-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27025 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27025", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582567), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 24, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.682-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27025 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.690-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27025 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.693-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27023 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27023", "localhost:27024", "localhost:27025" ], setName: "a2", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27023", me: "localhost:27023", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582630), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 32, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.704-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27023 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:02.706-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27023 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.716-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set a2 took 225ms 2019-03-17T22:03:02.943-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.944-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 34 finished with response: { shardAdded: "a3", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.945-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ shardAdded: "a3", ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.947-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 35 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.946-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.948-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 35 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:32.946-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.949-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.950-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.951-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 35 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 }, { _id: "a3", host: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.952-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 }, { _id: "a3", host: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.953-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] found 3 shards listed on config server(s) with lastVisibleOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.953-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.954-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a1, with CS a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:02.955-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.956-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a2, with CS a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:02.957-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] Starting new replica set monitor for a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:02.957-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Started targeter for a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:02.957-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set a3 2019-03-17T22:03:02.959-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 36 -- target:localhost:27027 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.959-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.960-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 36 -- target:localhost:27027 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.959-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.961-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 37 -- target:localhost:27028 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.961-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.962-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 37 -- target:localhost:27028 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.961-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.963-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 38 -- target:localhost:27026 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.963-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.964-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 38 -- target:localhost:27026 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:07.963-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.965-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27027 2019-03-17T22:03:02.965-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard a3, with CS a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:02.966-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.967-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:03:02.967-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:02.968-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: admin msg id: 685118024 2019-03-17T22:03:02.969-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.970-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command admin.a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: addShard { addShard: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", name: "a3", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 6), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:182 protocol:op_msg 465ms 2019-03-17T22:03:02.970-0400 I ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Connecting to localhost:27026 2019-03-17T22:03:02.971-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:02.973-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.974-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.974-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.975-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.976-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.976-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.977-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.978-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.979-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.979-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.980-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.981-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.981-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.982-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.982-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.983-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.984-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.984-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.985-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.986-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.986-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.987-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.988-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.988-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.989-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:02.990-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:02.990-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.991-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:02.992-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:02.992-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.993-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.993-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 36 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27027", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582985), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 27, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.994-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27027", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582985), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 27, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.995-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.995-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 37 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27028", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582989), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 29, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 9), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.996-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27028", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582989), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 29, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 9), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.997-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:02.997-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 38 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27026", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582993), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 36, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.998-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27026", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582993), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 36, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:02.999-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27027 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27027", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582985), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 27, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.000-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27027 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:03.000-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27027 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.001-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27028 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27028", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582989), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 29, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 9), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.002-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27028 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:03.002-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27028 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.003-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27026 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27026", "localhost:27027", "localhost:27028" ], setName: "a3", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27026", me: "localhost:27026", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874582000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874582993), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 36, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 13) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.005-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27026 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:02.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:03.006-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27026 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 13), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.007-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set a3 took 48ms 2019-03-17T22:03:03.008-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:03.743-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Failed to obtain name info for: [ (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"), (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known") ] 2019-03-17T22:03:03.744-0400 D TRACKING [Uptime-reporter] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc576844be182eb22987 2019-03-17T22:03:03.746-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 39 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.746-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874583740), up: 10, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.747-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 39 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.746-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874583740), up: 10, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.748-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.768-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.770-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 39 finished with response: { n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.771-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.772-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 40 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.772-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.774-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 40 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.772-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.775-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.776-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.777-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 40 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.777-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.779-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 41 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.778-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.780-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 41 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.778-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.781-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.782-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.783-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 41 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.784-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.785-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 42 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.785-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.786-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 42 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:33.785-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.787-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.788-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.789-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 42 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.790-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.973-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command begin db: config msg id: 2118797801 2019-03-17T22:03:03.974-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn8] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 43 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.975-0400 D ASIO [conn8] startCommand: RemoteCommand 43 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config cmd:{ count: "shards", allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.976-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.977-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:03.978-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 43 finished with response: { n: 3, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.979-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 3, ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.980-0400 D SHARDING [conn8] Command end db: config msg id: 2118797801 2019-03-17T22:03:03.981-0400 I COMMAND [conn8] command config.shards appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: count { count: "shards", lsid: { id: UUID("a322eff6-8fb7-4aeb-a9a7-b02a73da8dba") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874582, 11), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "config", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:195 protocol:op_msg 8ms 2019-03-17T22:03:03.985-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #19 (3 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:03.986-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:03.986-0400 D SHARDING [conn19] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1060806853 2019-03-17T22:03:03.987-0400 I NETWORK [conn19] received client metadata from conn19: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:03:03.988-0400 D NETWORK [conn19] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:03.989-0400 D NETWORK [conn19] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:03.990-0400 D SHARDING [conn19] Command end db: admin msg id: 1060806853 2019-03-17T22:03:03.991-0400 I COMMAND [conn19] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 4ms 2019-03-17T22:03:03.997-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #20 (4 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:03.998-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:03.999-0400 D SHARDING [conn20] Command begin db: admin msg id: 997389814 2019-03-17T22:03:04.000-0400 I NETWORK [conn20] received client metadata from conn20: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:03:04.001-0400 D NETWORK [conn20] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:04.002-0400 D NETWORK [conn20] No compressors provided 2019-03-17T22:03:04.003-0400 D SHARDING [conn20] Command end db: admin msg id: 997389814 2019-03-17T22:03:04.001-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:04.004-0400 I COMMAND [conn20] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, compression: [], $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 5ms 2019-03-17T22:03:04.008-0400 D SHARDING [conn20] Command begin db: admin msg id: 269220094 2019-03-17T22:03:04.009-0400 D SHARDING [conn20] Command end db: admin msg id: 269220094 2019-03-17T22:03:04.010-0400 I COMMAND [conn20] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: ping { ping: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("6ae0041e-03b4-4bcf-ac4f-09cd41ac2668") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:163 protocol:op_msg 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:04.011-0400 D NETWORK [conn20] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.011-0400 D NETWORK [conn19] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.012-0400 I NETWORK [conn20] end connection (3 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.013-0400 I NETWORK [conn19] end connection (2 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.014-0400 D NETWORK [conn20] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:04.015-0400 D NETWORK [conn19] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:04.029-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #21 (3 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.029-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:04.030-0400 D SHARDING [conn21] Command begin db: admin msg id: 330111137 2019-03-17T22:03:04.031-0400 I NETWORK [conn21] received client metadata from conn21: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:03:04.031-0400 D NETWORK [conn21] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:04.032-0400 D NETWORK [conn21] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:04.033-0400 D SHARDING [conn21] Command end db: admin msg id: 330111137 2019-03-17T22:03:04.033-0400 I COMMAND [conn21] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:03:04.038-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #22 (4 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.038-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:04.039-0400 D SHARDING [conn22] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1227619358 2019-03-17T22:03:04.040-0400 I NETWORK [conn22] received client metadata from conn22: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } } 2019-03-17T22:03:04.041-0400 D NETWORK [conn22] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:04.041-0400 D NETWORK [conn22] No compressors provided 2019-03-17T22:03:04.042-0400 D SHARDING [conn22] Command end db: admin msg id: 1227619358 2019-03-17T22:03:04.043-0400 I COMMAND [conn22] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "PyMongo", version: "3.7.1" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Darwin", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "CPython 2.7.15.final.0", application: { name: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" } }, compression: [], $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:03:04.044-0400 D SHARDING [conn22] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1723153177 2019-03-17T22:03:04.044-0400 D SHARDING [conn22] Command end db: admin msg id: 1723153177 2019-03-17T22:03:04.045-0400 I COMMAND [conn22] command admin.$cmd appName: "mlaunch v1.5.4-dev" command: ping { ping: 1, lsid: { id: UUID("76393b93-87b9-4ecf-b49b-5b8919196b30") }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874583, 2), signature: { keyId: 0, hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) } }, $db: "admin", $readPreference: { mode: "primary" } } numYields:0 reslen:163 protocol:op_msg 1ms 2019-03-17T22:03:04.046-0400 D NETWORK [conn22] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.046-0400 D NETWORK [conn21] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.047-0400 I NETWORK [conn22] end connection (3 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.048-0400 I NETWORK [conn21] end connection (2 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.049-0400 D NETWORK [conn22] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:04.049-0400 D NETWORK [conn21] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:04.129-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.129-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Session from encountered a network error during SourceMessage: HostUnreachable: Connection was closed 2019-03-17T22:03:04.130-0400 I NETWORK [conn8] end connection (1 connection now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.131-0400 I NETWORK [conn7] end connection (0 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:04.132-0400 D NETWORK [conn8] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:04.132-0400 D NETWORK [conn7] Cancelling outstanding I/O operations on connection to 2019-03-17T22:03:05.002-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:06.000-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:08.006-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:10.004-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:11.001-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:13.005-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:13.796-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Failed to obtain name info for: [ (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"), (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known") ] 2019-03-17T22:03:13.797-0400 D TRACKING [Uptime-reporter] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc616844be182eb22993 2019-03-17T22:03:13.798-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 44 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.798-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874593793), up: 20, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.800-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 44 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.798-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874593793), up: 20, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.801-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.819-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.821-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 44 finished with response: { n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.822-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.823-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 45 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.823-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.825-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 45 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.823-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.826-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.827-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.828-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 45 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.829-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.830-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 46 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.829-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.831-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 46 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.829-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.832-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.833-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.834-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 46 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.835-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.836-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 47 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.836-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.837-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 47 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:43.836-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.838-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.839-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:13.840-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 47 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:13.841-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874593, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:16.005-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:20.001-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:21.002-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:21.634-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Reloading shardRegistry 2019-03-17T22:03:21.636-0400 D TRACKING [shard-registry-reload] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc696844be182eb22998 2019-03-17T22:03:21.637-0400 D EXECUTOR [shard-registry-reload] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 48 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:51.637-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.639-0400 D ASIO [shard-registry-reload] startCommand: RemoteCommand 48 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:51.637-0400 cmd:{ find: "shards", readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.640-0400 D NETWORK [shard-registry-reload] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:21.641-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:21.642-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 48 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 }, { _id: "a3", host: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.643-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "a1", host: "a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022", state: 1 }, { _id: "a2", host: "a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025", state: 1 }, { _id: "a3", host: "a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028", state: 1 } ], id: 0, ns: "config.shards" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874593, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874596, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.644-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] found 3 shards listed on config server(s) with lastVisibleOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874596, 1), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.645-0400 D NETWORK [shard-registry-reload] Started targeter for a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:21.646-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Adding shard a1, with CS a1/localhost:27020,localhost:27021,localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:21.646-0400 D NETWORK [shard-registry-reload] Started targeter for a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:21.647-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Adding shard a2, with CS a2/localhost:27023,localhost:27024,localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:21.648-0400 D NETWORK [shard-registry-reload] Started targeter for a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:21.649-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Adding shard a3, with CS a3/localhost:27026,localhost:27027,localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:21.650-0400 D SHARDING [shard-registry-reload] Adding shard config, with CS configRepl/localhost:27029 2019-03-17T22:03:21.969-0400 D TRACKING [replSetDistLockPinger] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc696844be182eb2299a 2019-03-17T22:03:21.971-0400 D EXECUTOR [replSetDistLockPinger] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 49 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:51.970-0400 cmd:{ findAndModify: "lockpings", query: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, update: { $set: { ping: new Date(1552874601969) } }, upsert: true, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.973-0400 D ASIO [replSetDistLockPinger] startCommand: RemoteCommand 49 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:51.970-0400 cmd:{ findAndModify: "lockpings", query: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814" }, update: { $set: { ping: new Date(1552874601969) } }, upsert: true, writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 15000 }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.974-0400 D NETWORK [replSetDistLockPinger] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:21.988-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:21.989-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 49 finished with response: { lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: true }, value: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814", ping: new Date(1552874569557) }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:21.991-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ lastErrorObject: { n: 1, updatedExisting: true }, value: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017:1552874569:5909768653012365814", ping: new Date(1552874569557) }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.283-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set configRepl 2019-03-17T22:03:22.285-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 50 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:27.285-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.287-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 50 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:27.285-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.288-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:22.289-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:22.291-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 50 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874602289), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.292-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874602289), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.293-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27029 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27029" ], setName: "configRepl", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27029", me: "localhost:27029", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874601000) }, configsvr: 2, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874602289), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 5, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.294-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:21.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:22.295-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27029 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:22.296-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set configRepl took 11ms 2019-03-17T22:03:23.007-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:23.645-0400 D TRACKING [UserCacheInvalidator] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc6b6844be182eb2299c 2019-03-17T22:03:23.648-0400 D EXECUTOR [UserCacheInvalidator] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 51 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.647-0400 cmd:{ _getUserCacheGeneration: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.649-0400 D ASIO [UserCacheInvalidator] startCommand: RemoteCommand 51 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.647-0400 cmd:{ _getUserCacheGeneration: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.650-0400 D NETWORK [UserCacheInvalidator] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.651-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.652-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 51 finished with response: { cacheGeneration: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c9'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.653-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cacheGeneration: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c9'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874601, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.670-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] Reaping this thread; next thread reaped no earlier than 2019-03-17T22:03:53.669-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:23.671-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-0] shutting down thread in pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:03:23.846-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Failed to obtain name info for: [ (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known"), (, "nodename nor servname provided, or not known") ] 2019-03-17T22:03:23.847-0400 D TRACKING [Uptime-reporter] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc6b6844be182eb2299e 2019-03-17T22:03:23.848-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 52 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.848-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874603844), up: 30, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.850-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 52 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.848-0400 cmd:{ update: "mongos", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, updates: [ { q: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017" }, u: { $set: { _id: "Johns-MacBook-Pro-3.local:27017", ping: new Date(1552874603844), up: 30, waiting: true, mongoVersion: "4.1.7", advisoryHostFQDNs: [ "johns-macbook-pro-3.local" ] } }, multi: false, upsert: true } ], writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, allowImplicitCollectionCreation: true, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.851-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.863-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.864-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 52 finished with response: { n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.866-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 1, nModified: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.867-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 53 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.867-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.868-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 53 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.867-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "balancer" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.869-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.871-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.871-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 53 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.872-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.874-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 54 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.873-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.875-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 54 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.873-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "chunksize" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.876-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.877-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.878-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 54 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.878-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.880-0400 D EXECUTOR [Uptime-reporter] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 55 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.879-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.881-0400 D ASIO [Uptime-reporter] startCommand: RemoteCommand 55 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:53.879-0400 cmd:{ find: "settings", filter: { _id: "autosplit" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 } }, limit: 1, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.892-0400 D NETWORK [Uptime-reporter] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.894-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:23.894-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 55 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:23.895-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.settings", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 1), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:25.004-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:26.005-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:27.000-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:28.001-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' 2019-03-17T22:03:31.267-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #23 (1 connection now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:31.269-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:31.297-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command begin db: admin msg id: 1 2019-03-17T22:03:31.298-0400 I NETWORK [conn23] received client metadata from conn23: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.300-0400 D NETWORK [conn23] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.301-0400 D NETWORK [conn23] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.302-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command end db: admin msg id: 1 2019-03-17T22:03:31.303-0400 I COMMAND [conn23] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 5ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.326-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command begin db: admin msg id: 2 2019-03-17T22:03:31.342-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command end db: admin msg id: 2 2019-03-17T22:03:31.343-0400 I COMMAND [conn23] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 16ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.348-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command begin db: admin msg id: 3 2019-03-17T22:03:31.349-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command end db: admin msg id: 3 2019-03-17T22:03:31.350-0400 I COMMAND [conn23] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.358-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command begin db: admin msg id: 4 2019-03-17T22:03:31.359-0400 D NETWORK [conn23] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.360-0400 D NETWORK [conn23] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.361-0400 D SHARDING [conn23] Command end db: admin msg id: 4 2019-03-17T22:03:31.362-0400 I COMMAND [conn23] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:374 protocol:op_msg 4ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.394-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #24 (2 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:31.395-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:31.396-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command begin db: admin msg id: 5 2019-03-17T22:03:31.397-0400 I NETWORK [conn24] received client metadata from conn24: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.398-0400 D NETWORK [conn24] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.400-0400 D NETWORK [conn24] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.401-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command end db: admin msg id: 5 2019-03-17T22:03:31.402-0400 I COMMAND [conn24] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 5ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.405-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command begin db: admin msg id: 6 2019-03-17T22:03:31.406-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command end db: admin msg id: 6 2019-03-17T22:03:31.407-0400 I COMMAND [conn24] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.411-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command begin db: admin msg id: 7 2019-03-17T22:03:31.412-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command end db: admin msg id: 7 2019-03-17T22:03:31.414-0400 I COMMAND [conn24] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.423-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command begin db: admin msg id: 8 2019-03-17T22:03:31.424-0400 D NETWORK [conn24] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.425-0400 D NETWORK [conn24] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.426-0400 D SHARDING [conn24] Command end db: admin msg id: 8 2019-03-17T22:03:31.427-0400 I COMMAND [conn24] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, $db: "admin", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, $readPreference: { mode: "nearest" } } numYields:0 reslen:374 protocol:op_msg 4ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.435-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #25 (3 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:31.436-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:31.438-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command begin db: admin msg id: 9 2019-03-17T22:03:31.439-0400 I NETWORK [conn25] received client metadata from conn25: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.440-0400 D NETWORK [conn25] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.441-0400 D NETWORK [conn25] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.442-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command end db: admin msg id: 9 2019-03-17T22:03:31.443-0400 I COMMAND [conn25] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 5ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.446-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command begin db: admin msg id: 10 2019-03-17T22:03:31.447-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command end db: admin msg id: 10 2019-03-17T22:03:31.448-0400 I COMMAND [conn25] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.450-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command begin db: admin msg id: 11 2019-03-17T22:03:31.452-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command end db: admin msg id: 11 2019-03-17T22:03:31.453-0400 I COMMAND [conn25] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.455-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command begin db: admin msg id: 12 2019-03-17T22:03:31.456-0400 D NETWORK [conn25] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.457-0400 D NETWORK [conn25] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.459-0400 D SHARDING [conn25] Command end db: admin msg id: 12 2019-03-17T22:03:31.460-0400 I COMMAND [conn25] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:374 protocol:op_msg 4ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.493-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #26 (4 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:31.495-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:31.496-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: admin msg id: 13 2019-03-17T22:03:31.497-0400 I NETWORK [conn26] received client metadata from conn26: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.498-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.499-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:31.501-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command end db: admin msg id: 13 2019-03-17T22:03:31.502-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 5ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.504-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: admin msg id: 14 2019-03-17T22:03:31.505-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command end db: admin msg id: 14 2019-03-17T22:03:31.506-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.508-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: admin msg id: 15 2019-03-17T22:03:31.510-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command end db: admin msg id: 15 2019-03-17T22:03:31.511-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.514-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: admin msg id: 16 2019-03-17T22:03:31.521-0400 I COMMAND [thread14] killing op: 101 as part of killing session: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.522-0400 D - [conn26] User Assertion: Interrupted: operation was interrupted src/mongo/util/interruptible.h 207 2019-03-17T22:03:31.525-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 56 -- target:localhost:27028 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.522-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.527-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 56 -- target:localhost:27028 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.522-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.529-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27028 2019-03-17T22:03:31.529-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Exception thrown while processing command on admin msg id: 16 :: caused by :: Interrupted: operation was interrupted 2019-03-17T22:03:31.530-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 57 -- target:localhost:27023 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.529-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.531-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.532-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command admin.$cmd command: killAllSessions { killAllSessions: [], $db: "admin", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285") } } numYields:0 ok:0 errMsg:"operation was interrupted" errName:Interrupted errCode:11601 reslen:237 protocol:op_msg 18ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.535-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 57 -- target:localhost:27023 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.529-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.537-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.539-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.540-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 58 -- target:localhost:27027 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.538-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.541-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.544-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 58 -- target:localhost:27027 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.538-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.544-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.547-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 59 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.546-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.548-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27023 2019-03-17T22:03:31.550-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 59 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.546-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.551-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.554-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 60 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.552-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.554-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27027 2019-03-17T22:03:31.557-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 60 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.552-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.557-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.560-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 61 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.559-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.560-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27020 2019-03-17T22:03:31.563-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 61 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.559-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.563-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.566-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 62 -- target:localhost:27026 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.565-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.567-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27022 2019-03-17T22:03:31.569-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 62 -- target:localhost:27026 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.565-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.570-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.573-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 63 -- target:localhost:27025 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.571-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.573-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.576-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 63 -- target:localhost:27025 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.571-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.576-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.579-0400 D EXECUTOR [thread14] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 64 -- target:localhost:27024 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.577-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.579-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 17 2019-03-17T22:03:31.579-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.582-0400 D ASIO [thread14] startCommand: RemoteCommand 64 -- target:localhost:27024 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:31.577-0400 cmd:{ killAllSessionsByPattern: [ { users: [], roles: [] } ] } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.582-0400 D TRACKING [conn26] Cmd: drop, TrackingId: 5c8efc736844be182eb229b3 2019-03-17T22:03:31.583-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.585-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn26] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 65 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrDropCollection: "JavaDriverTest.test", writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.586-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.587-0400 D ASIO [conn26] startCommand: RemoteCommand 65 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrDropCollection: "JavaDriverTest.test", writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.588-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.589-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.590-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27021 2019-03-17T22:03:31.592-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.593-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27026 2019-03-17T22:03:31.594-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.612-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27025 2019-03-17T22:03:31.625-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.644-0400 I ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Connecting to localhost:27024 2019-03-17T22:03:31.651-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.655-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finished connection setup. 2019-03-17T22:03:31.655-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 65 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.657-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.657-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.658-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.659-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command end db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 17 2019-03-17T22:03:31.660-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.661-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command JavaDriverTest.test command: drop { drop: "test", writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, $db: "JavaDriverTest", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285") } } numYields:0 reslen:163 protocol:op_msg 81ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.662-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.663-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.664-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 56 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 9), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.665-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 9), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.665-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command begin db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 18 2019-03-17T22:03:31.666-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.667-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.667-0400 D SH_REFR [conn26] Refreshing cached database entry for JavaDriverTest; current cached database info is {} 2019-03-17T22:03:31.668-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.669-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] starting thread in pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:03:31.670-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.671-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Executing a task on behalf of pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:03:31.672-0400 D TRACKING [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc736844be182eb229b6 2019-03-17T22:03:31.672-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.674-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 66 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.673-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.674-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.676-0400 D ASIO [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] startCommand: RemoteCommand 66 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.673-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.676-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.677-0400 D NETWORK [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.678-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.680-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.680-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.681-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 66 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.databases", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.682-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.683-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.databases", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.684-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.685-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 67 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.684-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.686-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.687-0400 D ASIO [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] startCommand: RemoteCommand 67 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.684-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.688-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.689-0400 D NETWORK [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.690-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.691-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.691-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.692-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 67 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.databases", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.693-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.694-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.databases", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.695-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.695-0400 D - [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] User Assertion: NamespaceNotFound: database JavaDriverTest not found src/mongo/s/config_server_catalog_cache_loader.cpp 210 2019-03-17T22:03:31.697-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.698-0400 I SH_REFR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Refresh for database JavaDriverTest took 28 ms and failed :: caused by :: NamespaceNotFound: database JavaDriverTest not found 2019-03-17T22:03:31.698-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.699-0400 D - [conn26] User Assertion: NamespaceNotFound: database JavaDriverTest not found src/mongo/s/catalog_cache.cpp 148 2019-03-17T22:03:31.700-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.700-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Not reaping because the earliest retirement date is 2019-03-17T22:04:01.669-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:31.701-0400 D TRACKING [conn26] Cmd: create, TrackingId: 5c8efc736844be182eb229b5 2019-03-17T22:03:31.702-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.703-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn26] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 68 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrCreateDatabase: "JavaDriverTest", writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.704-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.705-0400 D ASIO [conn26] startCommand: RemoteCommand 68 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrCreateDatabase: "JavaDriverTest", writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000 }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.705-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.706-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.707-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.708-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.718-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.719-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.719-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.720-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.721-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.722-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.722-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.723-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.732-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.739-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.747-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.750-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Starting client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.761-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering snappy compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.769-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zstd compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.769-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Offering zlib compressor to server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.773-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.781-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.782-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.791-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.791-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.792-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.794-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 68 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.795-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.795-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.796-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.797-0400 D SH_REFR [conn26] Refreshing cached database entry for JavaDriverTest; current cached database info is {} 2019-03-17T22:03:31.798-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.799-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Executing a task on behalf of pool ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader 2019-03-17T22:03:31.800-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.800-0400 D TRACKING [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Cmd: NotSet, TrackingId: 5c8efc736844be182eb229ba 2019-03-17T22:03:31.801-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.803-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 69 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.802-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.804-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.805-0400 D ASIO [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] startCommand: RemoteCommand 69 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.802-0400 cmd:{ find: "databases", filter: { _id: "JavaDriverTest" }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.805-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.807-0400 D NETWORK [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.807-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.809-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.809-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 57 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.809-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 69 finished with response: { cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "JavaDriverTest", primary: "a1", partitioned: false, version: { uuid: UUID("03b639e5-8eb4-4400-9a26-57a9b125bead"), lastMod: 1 } } ], id: 0, ns: "config.databases" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.810-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874603, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.811-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { firstBatch: [ { _id: "JavaDriverTest", primary: "a1", partitioned: false, version: { uuid: UUID("03b639e5-8eb4-4400-9a26-57a9b125bead"), lastMod: 1 } } ], id: 0, ns: "config.databases" }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.812-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.812-0400 I SH_REFR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Refresh for database JavaDriverTest from version {} to version { uuid: UUID("03b639e5-8eb4-4400-9a26-57a9b125bead"), lastMod: 1 } took 13 ms 2019-03-17T22:03:31.813-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 58 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.815-0400 D EXECUTOR [ConfigServerCatalogCacheLoader-1] Not reaping because the earliest retirement date is 2019-03-17T22:04:01.799-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:31.815-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.815-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn26] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 70 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.814-0400 cmd:{ find: "collections", filter: { _id: /^JavaDriverTest\./ }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.817-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.818-0400 D ASIO [conn26] startCommand: RemoteCommand 70 -- target:localhost:27029 db:config expDate:2019-03-17T22:04:01.814-0400 cmd:{ find: "collections", filter: { _id: /^JavaDriverTest\./ }, readConcern: { level: "majority", afterOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, maxTimeMS: 30000 } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.818-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.819-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.820-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.821-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.821-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.822-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 70 finished with response: { cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.collections", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.823-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.824-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ cursor: { id: 0, ns: "config.collections", firstBatch: [] }, ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.824-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.825-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn26] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 71 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrCreateCollection: "JavaDriverTest.test", options: { capped: false, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285") } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.826-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.826-0400 D ASIO [conn26] startCommand: RemoteCommand 71 -- target:localhost:27029 db:admin cmd:{ _configsvrCreateCollection: "JavaDriverTest.test", options: { capped: false, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285") } }, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) } } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.827-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.828-0400 D NETWORK [conn26] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.829-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.830-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.830-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.842-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.852-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.860-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.861-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.874-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.888-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.899-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.907-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Finishing client-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:31.910-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received message compressors from server 2019-03-17T22:03:31.912-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.913-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zstd 2019-03-17T22:03:31.914-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Adding compressor zlib 2019-03-17T22:03:31.922-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.937-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.948-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 59 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.950-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.960-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.964-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 60 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.973-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.984-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:31.987-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 61 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 5), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:31.996-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 5), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.005-0400 D FTDC [ftdc] full-time diagnostic data capture schema change: field name change - from 'NetworkInterfaceTL-TaskExecutorPool-0' to 'NetworkInterfaceTL-ShardRegistry' 2019-03-17T22:03:32.010-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.015-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 62 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.016-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 8), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.017-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.018-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 63 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.019-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.020-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.034-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 64 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.042-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Starting new refresh of replica set a1 2019-03-17T22:03:32.042-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874582, 4), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874609, 1) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.042-0400 D NETWORK [ShardRegistry] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.044-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 72 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.043-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.046-0400 D ASIO [ShardRegistry] Request 71 finished with response: { ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.047-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 72 -- target:localhost:27020 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.043-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.048-0400 D EXECUTOR [ShardRegistry] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ ok: 1.0, $replData: { term: 1, lastOpCommitted: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, lastOpVisible: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, configVersion: 1, replicaSetId: ObjectId('5c8efc46473d450fcb90a7c8'), primaryIndex: 0, syncSourceIndex: -1 }, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.049-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.050-0400 D SHARDING [conn26] Command end db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 18 2019-03-17T22:03:32.052-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 73 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.051-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.052-0400 I COMMAND [conn26] command JavaDriverTest.test command: create { create: "test", capped: false, writeConcern: { w: "majority" }, $db: "JavaDriverTest", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 4), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, lsid: { id: UUID("20ec0e3b-f018-42a5-9a92-a059d451e285") } } numYields:0 reslen:163 protocol:op_msg 386ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.054-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 73 -- target:localhost:27022 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.051-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.055-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.056-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 74 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.056-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.057-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] startCommand: RemoteCommand 74 -- target:localhost:27021 db:admin expDate:2019-03-17T22:03:37.056-0400 cmd:{ isMaster: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.058-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.059-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.060-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 72 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612051), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.061-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612051), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.061-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27020 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: true, secondary: false, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27020", electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612051), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 30, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.063-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27020 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:31.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:32.063-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27020 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.064-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.065-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 73 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612056), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.066-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612056), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.066-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27022 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27022", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612056), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 2), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.067-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27022 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:31.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:32.068-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #36 (5 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:32.069-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27022 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.069-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:32.070-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.071-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command begin db: admin msg id: 19 2019-03-17T22:03:32.072-0400 D ASIO [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Request 74 finished with response: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612059), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.073-0400 I NETWORK [conn36] received client metadata from conn36: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|sync", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.074-0400 D EXECUTOR [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612059), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.074-0400 D NETWORK [conn36] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:32.075-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating host localhost:27021 based on ismaster reply: { hosts: [ "localhost:27020", "localhost:27021", "localhost:27022" ], setName: "a1", setVersion: 1, ismaster: false, secondary: true, primary: "localhost:27020", me: "localhost:27021", lastWrite: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, lastWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000), majorityOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 }, majorityWriteDate: new Date(1552874611000) }, maxBsonObjectSize: 16777216, maxMessageSizeBytes: 48000000, maxWriteBatchSize: 100000, localTime: new Date(1552874612059), logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes: 30, connectionId: 21, minWireVersion: 0, maxWireVersion: 8, readOnly: false, compression: [ "snappy", "zstd", "zlib" ], ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: Timestamp(0, 0), electionId: ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874610, 3), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.076-0400 D NETWORK [conn36] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:32.078-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27021 lastWriteDate to 2019-03-17T22:03:31.000-0400 2019-03-17T22:03:32.078-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command end db: admin msg id: 19 2019-03-17T22:03:32.079-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Updating localhost:27021 opTime to { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), t: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.080-0400 I COMMAND [conn36] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|sync", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 8ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.081-0400 D NETWORK [ReplicaSetMonitor-TaskExecutor] Refreshing replica set a1 took 37ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.082-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command begin db: admin msg id: 20 2019-03-17T22:03:32.083-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command end db: admin msg id: 20 2019-03-17T22:03:32.084-0400 I COMMAND [conn36] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 1ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.085-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command begin db: admin msg id: 21 2019-03-17T22:03:32.086-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command end db: admin msg id: 21 2019-03-17T22:03:32.087-0400 I COMMAND [conn36] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 1ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.088-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command begin db: admin msg id: 22 2019-03-17T22:03:32.089-0400 D NETWORK [conn36] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:32.089-0400 D NETWORK [conn36] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:32.090-0400 D SHARDING [conn36] Command end db: admin msg id: 22 2019-03-17T22:03:32.091-0400 I COMMAND [conn36] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:374 protocol:op_msg 2ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.103-0400 I NETWORK [listener] connection accepted from #37 (6 connections now open) 2019-03-17T22:03:32.103-0400 D EXECUTOR [listener] Starting new executor thread in passthrough mode 2019-03-17T22:03:32.104-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command begin db: admin msg id: 23 2019-03-17T22:03:32.105-0400 I NETWORK [conn37] received client metadata from conn37: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|sync", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.105-0400 D NETWORK [conn37] Starting server-side compression negotiation 2019-03-17T22:03:32.106-0400 D NETWORK [conn37] Compression negotiation not requested by client 2019-03-17T22:03:32.107-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command end db: admin msg id: 23 2019-03-17T22:03:32.107-0400 I COMMAND [conn37] command admin.$cmd command: isMaster { ismaster: 1, client: { driver: { name: "mongo-java-driver|sync", version: "3.9.0-146-gf0921eaa2-dirty" }, os: { type: "Darwin", name: "Mac OS X", architecture: "x86_64", version: "10.14.3" }, platform: "Java/Oracle Corporation/10.0.2+13" }, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:389 protocol:op_query 3ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.109-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command begin db: admin msg id: 24 2019-03-17T22:03:32.109-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command end db: admin msg id: 24 2019-03-17T22:03:32.110-0400 I COMMAND [conn37] command admin.$cmd command: buildInfo { buildinfo: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:1486 protocol:op_query 1ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.112-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command begin db: admin msg id: 25 2019-03-17T22:03:32.112-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command end db: admin msg id: 25 2019-03-17T22:03:32.113-0400 I COMMAND [conn37] command admin.$cmd command: getLastError { getlasterror: 1, $db: "admin" } numYields:0 reslen:214 protocol:op_query 1ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.125-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command begin db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 26 2019-03-17T22:03:32.126-0400 I TXN [conn37] bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a:1 New transaction started 2019-03-17T22:03:32.127-0400 I TXN [conn37] bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a:1 Setting global snapshot timestamp to { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 2) } on statement 0 2019-03-17T22:03:32.128-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Starting execution of write batch of size 1 for JavaDriverTest.test 2019-03-17T22:03:32.128-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Sending write batch to a1: { insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.129-0400 D TXN [conn37] bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a:1 Sending transaction fields to new participant: a1 2019-03-17T22:03:32.130-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn37] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 75 -- target:localhost:27020 db:JavaDriverTest cmd:{ insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1, readConcern: { level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2) }, startTransaction: true, coordinator: true, autocommit: false } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.130-0400 D ASIO [conn37] startCommand: RemoteCommand 75 -- target:localhost:27020 db:JavaDriverTest cmd:{ insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1, readConcern: { level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2) }, startTransaction: true, coordinator: true, autocommit: false } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.131-0400 D NETWORK [conn37] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.148-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.149-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 75 finished with response: { n: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.150-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ n: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001'), ok: 1.0, $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874611, 11), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3) } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.158-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Write results received from localhost:27020: { n: 1, opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.161-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Finished execution of write batch for JavaDriverTest.test 2019-03-17T22:03:32.162-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command end db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 26 2019-03-17T22:03:32.163-0400 I COMMAND [conn37] command JavaDriverTest.test command: insert { insert: "test", ordered: true, $db: "JavaDriverTest", $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 2), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } }, lsid: { id: UUID("bd128755-8278-47dc-a73d-feeca4f96c4a") }, txnNumber: 1, startTransaction: true, autocommit: false } nShards:1 ninserted:1 numYields:0 reslen:206 protocol:op_msg 37ms 2019-03-17T22:03:32.169-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Command begin db: JavaDriverTest msg id: 27 2019-03-17T22:03:32.169-0400 I TXN [conn37] 08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b:1 New transaction started 2019-03-17T22:03:32.170-0400 I TXN [conn37] 08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b:1 Setting global snapshot timestamp to { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3) } on statement 0 2019-03-17T22:03:32.171-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Starting execution of write batch of size 1 for JavaDriverTest.test 2019-03-17T22:03:32.171-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Sending write batch to a1: { insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1 } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.172-0400 D TXN [conn37] 08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b:1 Sending transaction fields to new participant: a1 2019-03-17T22:03:32.173-0400 D EXECUTOR [conn37] Scheduling remote command request: RemoteCommand 76 -- target:localhost:27020 db:JavaDriverTest cmd:{ insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1, readConcern: { level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3) }, startTransaction: true, coordinator: true, autocommit: false } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.173-0400 D ASIO [conn37] startCommand: RemoteCommand 76 -- target:localhost:27020 db:JavaDriverTest cmd:{ insert: "test", bypassDocumentValidation: false, ordered: true, stmtIds: [ 0 ], documents: [ { _id: 1 } ], shardVersion: [ Timestamp(0, 0), ObjectId('000000000000000000000000') ], allowImplicitCollectionCreation: false, lsid: { id: UUID("08777e3c-b6d3-4875-a768-d53771bdd25b"), uid: BinData(0, E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855) }, txnNumber: 1, readConcern: { level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3) }, startTransaction: true, coordinator: true, autocommit: false } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.174-0400 D NETWORK [conn37] Compressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.177-0400 D NETWORK [TaskExecutorPool-0] Decompressing message with snappy 2019-03-17T22:03:32.178-0400 D ASIO [TaskExecutorPool-0] Request 76 finished with response: { errorLabels: [ "TransientTransactionError" ], operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), ok: 0.0, errmsg: "WriteConflict", code: 112, codeName: "WriteConflict", $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.179-0400 D EXECUTOR [TaskExecutorPool-0] Received remote response: RemoteResponse -- cmd:{ errorLabels: [ "TransientTransactionError" ], operationTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), ok: 0.0, errmsg: "WriteConflict", code: 112, codeName: "WriteConflict", $gleStats: { lastOpTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), t: 1 }, electionId: ObjectId('7fffffff0000000000000001') }, lastCommittedOpTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), $configServerState: { opTime: { ts: Timestamp(1552874611, 10), t: 1 } }, $clusterTime: { clusterTime: Timestamp(1552874612, 3), signature: { hash: BinData(0, 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000), keyId: 0 } } } 2019-03-17T22:03:32.179-0400 D - [conn37] User Assertion: WriteConflict: WriteConflict src/mongo/s/write_ops/batched_command_response.cpp 86 2019-03-17T22:03:32.181-0400 D SHARDING [conn37] Write results received from localhost:27020: 2019-03-17T22:03:32.181-0400 F - [conn37] Invariant failure _targeted.empty() src/mongo/s/write_ops/batch_write_op.cpp 256 2019-03-17T22:03:32.182-0400 F - [conn37] ***aborting after invariant() failure 2019-03-17T22:03:32.193-0400 F - [conn37] Got signal: 6 (Abort trap: 6). 0x1039ab179 0x1039aaa4d 0x7fff6afa2b3d 0x10514aa00 0x7fff6ae601c9 0x10399fdc6 0x102f3233f 0x102f3166b 0x102f2e08f 0x102ef4a86 0x102f07974 0x102f02773 0x102f00a9f 0x102e6f037 0x102e81388 0x102e80a4e 0x102e83e3b 0x1031c3860 0x102e806e1 0x102e8025e 0x102e7f788 0x102e80a19 0x102e83e3b 0x1031c44af 0x103934e9c 0x7fff6afab305 0x7fff6afae26f 0x7fff6afaa415 ----- BEGIN BACKTRACE ----- {"backtrace":[{"b":"102E62000","o":"B49179","s":"_ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEEEE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"B48A4D","s":"_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_110abruptQuitEi"},{"b":"7FFF6AF9E000","o":"4B3D","s":"_sigtramp"},{"b":"0","o":"10514AA00"},{"b":"7FFF6AE04000","o":"5C1C9","s":"abort"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"B3DDC6","s":"_ZN5mongo15invariantFailedEPKcS1_j"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"D033F","s":"_ZN5mongo12BatchWriteOpD2Ev"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"CF66B","s":"_ZN5mongo14BatchWriteExec12executeBatchEPNS_16OperationContextERNS_10NSTargeterERKNS_21BatchedCommandRequestEPNS_22BatchedCommandResponseEPNS_19BatchWriteExecStatsE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"CC08F","s":"_ZN5mongo13ClusterWriter5writeEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_21BatchedCommandRequestEPNS_19BatchWriteExecStatsEPNS_22BatchedCommandResponseEN5boost8optionalINS_3OIDEEE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"92A86","s":"_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_115ClusterWriteCmd14InvocationBase3runEPNS_16OperationContextEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"A5974","s":"_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_125invokeInTransactionRouterEPNS_16OperationContextEPNS_17CommandInvocationEPNS_17TransactionRouterEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"A0773","s":"_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_110runCommandEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_12OpMsgRequestENS_9NetworkOpEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceEPNS_14BSONObjBuilderE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"9EA9F","s":"_ZN5mongo8Strategy13clientCommandEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_7MessageE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"D037","s":"_ZN5mongo23ServiceEntryPointMongos13handleRequestEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_7MessageE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1F388","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_processMessageENS0_11ThreadGuardE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1EA4E","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_runNextInGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"21E3B","s":"_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS3_11ThreadGuardENS2_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS5_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS3_9OwnershipEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvvEEclEv"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"361860","s":"_ZN5mongo9transport26ServiceExecutorSynchronous8scheduleENSt3__18functionIFvvEEENS0_15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS0_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1E6E1","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardENS_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS2_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS0_9OwnershipE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1E25E","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_sourceCallbackENS_6StatusE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1D788","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine14_sourceMessageENS0_11ThreadGuardE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"1EA19","s":"_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_runNextInGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardE"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"21E3B","s":"_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS3_11ThreadGuardENS2_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS5_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS3_9OwnershipEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvvEEclEv"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"3624AF","s":"_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo9transport26ServiceExecutorSynchronous8scheduleENS_8functionIFvvEEENS3_15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS3_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISB_EES6_EclEv"},{"b":"102E62000","o":"AD2E9C","s":"_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_17runFuncEPv"},{"b":"7FFF6AFA8000","o":"3305","s":"_pthread_body"},{"b":"7FFF6AFA8000","o":"626F","s":"_pthread_start"},{"b":"7FFF6AFA8000","o":"2415","s":"thread_start"}],"processInfo":{ "mongodbVersion" : "4.1.7", "gitVersion" : "97de2142f89ab280a4d0b2ddf168248c79f741d0", "compiledModules" : [], "uname" : { "sysname" : "Darwin", "release" : "18.2.0", "version" : "Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Thu Dec 20 20:46:53 PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.241.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64", "machine" : "x86_64" }, "somap" : [ { "path" : "/usr/local/m/versions/4.1.7/bin/mongos", "machType" : 2, "b" : "102E62000", "vmaddr" : "100000000", "buildId" : "41510996CBF431119584B413DFB7EEBB" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libcurl.4.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF68ED8000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF555ED000", "buildId" : "B8F75D4FE5773ACE8AFBA30754D0D819" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6A5C3000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF56CD8000", "buildId" : "A1A77B4E1AF030399945D05440494E00" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6822B000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF54940000", "buildId" : "C62016605E17397DBA21C503420CD706" }, { "path" : 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"buildId" : "50FCA7E83A6739B2B5046CB32FA8611F" }, { "path" : "/System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF41D3F000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF2E454000", "buildId" : "5D1B05933C0E32D5AAE5ABC22A98B639" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libapple_nghttp2.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF682CA000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF549DF000", "buildId" : "71C126C5D8693E679778058FA7F3CA74" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6ABB6000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF572CB000", "buildId" : "15F7B40A424C33BBBF2C7E8195128B78" }, { "path" : "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/TrustEvaluationAgent", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF65EF2000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF52607000", "buildId" : "5C3E1B2D40A83237A8D94E7B15EEA678" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AC39000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF5734E000", "buildId" : "704331ACE43D343A8C2439201142AF27" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AC3E000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF57353000", "buildId" : "9C865644EE9A3662AB777C8A5E561784" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AC49000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF5735E000", "buildId" : "817772E3E8363FFDA39BBDCD1C357221" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AC51000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF57366000", "buildId" : "5C5C4F35DAB73CF1940FF47192AB8289" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AC5B000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF57370000", "buildId" : "C78D1A8755433561BEB43B480BA94ECB" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6AD66000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF5747B000", "buildId" : "2FDB140151193DF091F5F4E105F00CD7" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : "7FFF6ADA1000", "vmaddr" : "7FFF574B6000", "buildId" : "90C801E75D0537A8810CB58E8C53953A" }, { "path" : "/usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib", "machType" : 6, "b" : 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[0x10514aa00] libsystem_c.dylib(abort+0x7F) [0x7fff6ae601c9] mongos(_ZN5mongo15invariantFailedEPKcS1_j+0x2E6) [0x10399fdc6] mongos(_ZN5mongo12BatchWriteOpD2Ev+0xFF) [0x102f3233f] mongos(_ZN5mongo14BatchWriteExec12executeBatchEPNS_16OperationContextERNS_10NSTargeterERKNS_21BatchedCommandRequestEPNS_22BatchedCommandResponseEPNS_19BatchWriteExecStatsE+0x318B) [0x102f3166b] mongos(_ZN5mongo13ClusterWriter5writeEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_21BatchedCommandRequestEPNS_19BatchWriteExecStatsEPNS_22BatchedCommandResponseEN5boost8optionalINS_3OIDEEE+0x75F) [0x102f2e08f] mongos(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_115ClusterWriteCmd14InvocationBase3runEPNS_16OperationContextEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceE+0x176) [0x102ef4a86] mongos(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_125invokeInTransactionRouterEPNS_16OperationContextEPNS_17CommandInvocationEPNS_17TransactionRouterEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceE+0x34) [0x102f07974] mongos(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_110runCommandEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_12OpMsgRequestENS_9NetworkOpEPNS_3rpc21ReplyBuilderInterfaceEPNS_14BSONObjBuilderE+0x13B3) [0x102f02773] mongos(_ZN5mongo8Strategy13clientCommandEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_7MessageE+0x24F) [0x102f00a9f] mongos(_ZN5mongo23ServiceEntryPointMongos13handleRequestEPNS_16OperationContextERKNS_7MessageE+0x2E7) [0x102e6f037] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_processMessageENS0_11ThreadGuardE+0x178) [0x102e81388] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_runNextInGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardE+0x9E) [0x102e80a4e] mongos(_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS3_11ThreadGuardENS2_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS5_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS3_9OwnershipEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvvEEclEv+0x5B) [0x102e83e3b] mongos(_ZN5mongo9transport26ServiceExecutorSynchronous8scheduleENSt3__18functionIFvvEEENS0_15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS0_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameE+0x290) [0x1031c3860] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardENS_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS2_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS0_9OwnershipE+0xA1) [0x102e806e1] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_sourceCallbackENS_6StatusE+0x1FE) [0x102e8025e] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine14_sourceMessageENS0_11ThreadGuardE+0x178) [0x102e7f788] mongos(_ZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine15_runNextInGuardENS0_11ThreadGuardE+0x69) [0x102e80a19] mongos(_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo19ServiceStateMachine22_scheduleNextWithGuardENS3_11ThreadGuardENS2_9transport15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS5_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameENS3_9OwnershipEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISA_EEFvvEEclEv+0x5B) [0x102e83e3b] mongos(_ZNSt3__110__function6__funcIZN5mongo9transport26ServiceExecutorSynchronous8scheduleENS_8functionIFvvEEENS3_15ServiceExecutor13ScheduleFlagsENS3_23ServiceExecutorTaskNameEE3$_0NS_9allocatorISB_EES6_EclEv+0x29F) [0x1031c44af] mongos(_ZN5mongo12_GLOBAL__N_17runFuncEPv+0x1C) [0x103934e9c] libsystem_pthread.dylib(_pthread_body+0x7E) [0x7fff6afab305] libsystem_pthread.dylib(_pthread_start+0x46) [0x7fff6afae26f] libsystem_pthread.dylib(thread_start+0xD) [0x7fff6afaa415] ----- END BACKTRACE -----