total unique ids: 1066 with error: 437 "-" total 83 with error 56 NETWORK total 77 with error 53 CONTROL total 53 with error 17 ASIO total 6 with error 3 STORAGE total 171 with error 111 RECOVERY total 1 with error 0 SHARDING total 115 with error 18 INDEX total 44 with error 38 FTDC total 4 with error 2 REPL total 184 with error 17 COMMAND total 86 with error 59 ELECTION total 24 with error 1 CONNPOOL total 5 with error 5 INITSYNC total 37 with error 6 QUERY total 29 with error 25 TXN total 12 with error 3 SH_REFR total 5 with error 0 REPL_HB total 2 with error 0 MIGRATE total 36 with error 6 ACCESS total 18 with error 12 ROLLBACK total 54 with error 1 BRIDGE total 6 with error 1 WRITE total 4 with error 3 TEST total 9 with error 0 id 20199 count 1 msg Verbosity: {verbose} *** c - attr verbose id 20200 count 1 msg Source Directory: {sourceDirectory} *** c - attr sourceDirectory id 20201 count 1 msg Filters: {boost_join_testFilters} *** c - attr boost_join_testFilters *** id 20207 count 1 msg {emphasize_Parsing_testFilePath_string} *** c - attr emphasize_Parsing_testFilePath_string *** id 20208 count 1 msg {emphasize_Executing_testCase_Name} *** c - attr emphasize_Executing_testCase_Name *** id 20204 count 1 msg {emphasize_Phase_std_to_string_testPhase_getPhaseNum} *** c - attr emphasize_Phase_std_to_string_testPhase_getPhaseNum *** id 20202 count 1 msg Sending server description: {response_getServer} : {descriptionStr} *** c - attr response_getServer *** attr descriptionStr id 20221 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}the topology type was set to {topologyType} *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr topologyType id 20203 count 1 msg TopologyDescription after Phase {phaseNum}: {topology_getTopologyDescription} *** c - attr phaseNum attr topology_getTopologyDescription *** id 20220 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}server '{serverAddress}' was removed from the topology. *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr serverAddress id 20215 count 1 msg {numTestCases} test cases; {numSuccess} success; {numFailed} failed. *** c - attr numTestCases attr numSuccess attr numFailed id 20224 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}topology max election id set to {newMaxElectionId} *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr newMaxElectionId id 20225 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}topology max set version set to {newMaxSetVersion} *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr newMaxSetVersion id 20222 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}the topology setName was set to {setName_setName_null} *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr setName_setName_null *** id 20219 count 1 msg {kLogPrefix}ignoring ismaster reply from server that is not in the topology: {serverDescription_getAddress} *** c NETWORK attr kLogPrefix attr serverDescription_getAddress *** id 4648602 count 1 msg Implicit TCP FastOpen in use. *** c NETWORK id 22315 count 1 msg wiredtiger_open config *** c STORAGE attr config id 20997 count 1 msg refreshed RWC defaults to {newDefaults} *** c SHARDING attr newDefaults id 20320 count 1 msg createCollection: {nss} with {generatedUUID_generated_provided} UUID: {optionsWithUUID_uuid_get} and options: {options} *** c STORAGE attr nss *** attr generatedUUID_generated_provided *** attr optionsWithUUID_uuid_get *** attr options id 20345 count 1 msg index build: done building index {indexName} on ns {nss} *** c INDEX attr indexName attr nss *** id 40440 count 1 msg Starting {topologyVersionObserverName} *** c REPL attr topologyVersionObserverName id 40445 count 1 msg Started {topologyVersionObserverName} *** c REPL attr topologyVersionObserverName id 22943 count 1 msg connection accepted *** c NETWORK attr remote attr sessionId attr connectionCount id 51800 count 1 msg client metadata *** c NETWORK attr remote attr client attr doc id 22944 count 1 msg connection ended *** c NETWORK attr remote attr connectionCount id 22383 count 1 msg The size storer reports that the oplog contains {numRecords} records totaling to {dataSize} bytes *** c STORAGE attr numRecords attr dataSize id 22382 count 1 msg WiredTiger record store oplog processing took {waitTime_1000}ms *** c STORAGE attr waitTime_1000 *** id 20459 count 1 msg setting featureCompatibilityVersion to {FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser_newVersion} *** c COMMAND attr FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser_newVersion *** id 22991 count 1 msg Skip closing connection for connection # {session_id} *** c NETWORK attr session_id *** id 22310 count 1 msg Triggering the first stable checkpoint. Initial Data: {initialData} PrevStable: {prevStable} CurrStable: {currStable} *** c STORAGE attr initialData attr prevStable attr currStable id 22576 count 1 msg Connecting to {hostAndPort} *** c CONNPOOL attr hostAndPort id 4508702 count 1 msg Waiting for the current config to propagate to a majority of nodes. *** c REPL id 20318 count 1 msg Finishing collection drop for {nss} ({uuid}). *** c STORAGE attr nss *** attr uuid id 3873117 count 1 msg Choosing primary as sync source. *** c REPL attr primary id 20384 count 1 msg index build: starting on {ns} properties: {descriptor} using method: {method} *** c INDEX attr ns *** attr descriptor attr method id 20385 count 1 msg build may temporarily use up to {eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes_1024_1024} megabytes of RAM *** c INDEX attr eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes_1024_1024 *** id 20685 count 1 msg index build: inserted {bulk_getKeysInserted} keys from external sorter into index in {timer_seconds} seconds *** c INDEX attr bulk_getKeysInserted *** attr timer_seconds *** id 20125 count 1 msg DBClientConnection failed to receive message from {getServerAddress} - {swm_getStatus} *** c NETWORK attr getServerAddress attr swm_getStatus *** id 20120 count 1 msg trying reconnect to {} *** c NETWORK attr id 20121 count 1 msg reconnect {} failed {errmsg} *** c NETWORK attr attr errmsg id 4615600 count 1 msg caught exception in destructor *** c - attr exception attr function id 51815 count 1 msg Waiting for the last committed optime in the previous config ({configOplogCommitmentOpTime}) to be committed in the current config. *** c REPL attr configOplogCommitmentOpTime id 51803 count 1 msg Slow query c COMMAND attr type attr ns *** attr command attr ninserted attr keysInserted attr numYields attr locks attr storage attr protocol attr durationMillis id 21799 count 1 msg sync source candidate chosen. *** c REPL attr syncSource id 20478 count 1 msg GetMore command executor error: {PlanExecutor_statestr_state}, status: {status}, stats: {Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec} *** c QUERY attr PlanExecutor_statestr_state *** attr status *** attr Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec *** id 22989 count 1 msg Error sending response to client: {status}. Ending connection from {session_remote} (connection id: {session_id}) *** c NETWORK attr status *** attr session_remote *** attr session_id *** id 20303 count 1 msg validating collection {validateState_nss}{uuidString} *** c INDEX attr validateState_nss *** attr uuidString id 20514 count 1 msg CMD: validate {nss_ns}{background_background_true}{fullValidate_full_true} *** c COMMAND attr nss_ns *** attr background_background_true *** attr fullValidate_full_true *** id 20296 count 1 msg validating index consistency {descriptor_indexName} on collection {descriptor_parentNS} *** c INDEX attr descriptor_indexName *** attr descriptor_parentNS *** id 20306 count 1 msg Validation complete for collection {validateState_nss}{uuidString}. No corruption found. *** c INDEX attr validateState_nss *** attr uuidString id 4333206 count 1 msg Starting Replica Set Monitor {uri} *** c NETWORK attr uri id 4333223 count 1 msg RSM {setName} monitoring {size} members. *** c - attr setName attr size id 4333226 count 1 msg RSM {setName} {addr} was added to the topology. *** c - attr setName attr addr id 4333227 count 1 msg RSM {setName} monitoring {host} in expedited mode until we detect a primary. *** c - attr host attr setName id 4333218 count 1 msg RSM {setName} rescheduling next isMaster check for {host} in {delay} *** c - attr host attr delayMillis attr setName id 23729 count 1 msg ServerPingMonitor is now monitoring {address} *** c NETWORK attr address id 4333213 count 1 msg RSM {setName} Topology Change: {topologyDescription} *** c NETWORK attr setName attr topologyDescription id 518070 count 1 msg CMD: drop {collectionName} *** c COMMAND attr collectionName id 51806 count 1 msg CMD: dropIndexes {nss}: {cmdObj_kIndexFieldName_false} *** c COMMAND attr nss *** attr cmdObj_kIndexFieldName_false *** id 22206 count 1 msg Deferring table drop for index '{indexName}' on collection '{indexNss}{uuid_uuid}. Ident: '{ident}', commit timestamp: '{commitTimestamp}' *** c STORAGE attr indexName attr indexNss attr uuid_uuid *** attr ident attr commitTimestamp id 20344 count 1 msg CMD: dropIndexes {nss}: {cmdObj_kIndexFieldName_false} *** c COMMAND attr nss *** attr cmdObj_kIndexFieldName_false *** id 20461 count 1 msg CMD fsync: lock:{lock} *** c COMMAND attr lock id 20471 count 1 msg WARNING: instance is locked, blocking all writes. The fsync command has finished execution, remember to unlock the instance using fsyncUnlock(). *** c COMMAND id 20462 count 1 msg mongod is locked and no writes are allowed. db.fsyncUnlock() to unlock *** c COMMAND id 20463 count 1 msg Lock count is {getLockCount} *** c COMMAND attr getLockCount id 20464 count 1 msg For more info see {FSyncCommand_url} *** c COMMAND attr FSyncCommand_url *** id 20465 count 1 msg command: unlock requested *** c COMMAND id 20295 count 1 msg validating the internal structure of index {descriptor_indexName} on collection {descriptor_parentNS} *** c INDEX attr descriptor_indexName *** attr descriptor_parentNS *** id 22408 count 1 msg {msg} *** c STORAGE attr msg id 51781 count 1 msg Could not complete validation of {uri}. This is a transient issue as the collection was actively in use by other operations. *** c STORAGE attr uri id 20337 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} - starting *** c COMMAND attr dbName id 20338 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} - dropping collection: {nss} *** c COMMAND attr dbName attr nss *** id 20314 count 1 msg dropCollection: {nss} ({uuid}) - storage engine will take ownership of drop-pending collection with optime {dropOpTime} and commit timestamp {commitTimestamp} *** c STORAGE attr nss *** attr uuid attr dropOpTime attr commitTimestamp id 22214 count 1 msg Deferring table drop for collection '{entry_nss}'. Ident: {entry_ident}, commit timestamp: {commitTimestamp} *** c STORAGE attr entry_nss *** attr entry_ident *** attr commitTimestamp id 20340 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} waiting for {awaitOpTime} to be replicated at {dropDatabaseWriteConcern}. Dropping {numCollectionsToDrop} collection(s), with last collection drop at {latestDropPendingOpTime} *** c COMMAND attr dbName attr awaitOpTime attr dropDatabaseWriteConcern attr numCollectionsToDrop attr latestDropPendingOpTime id 20332 count 1 msg CMD: drop {collectionName} *** c COMMAND attr collectionName id 20342 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} - successfully dropped {numCollectionsToDrop} collection(s) (most recent drop optime: {awaitOpTime}) after {result_duration}. dropping database *** c COMMAND attr dbName attr numCollectionsToDrop attr awaitOpTime attr result_durationMillis *** id 20335 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} - dropped {numCollections} collection(s) *** c COMMAND attr dbName attr numCollections id 20336 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} - finished *** c COMMAND attr dbName id 20279 count 1 msg Conflicted creating a collection. ns: {coll_ns} ({coll_uuid}). *** c STORAGE attr coll_ns *** attr coll_uuid *** id 22260 count 1 msg Removing drop-pending idents with drop timestamps before timestamp {timestamp} *** c STORAGE attr timestamp id 22237 count 1 msg Completing drop for ident {ident} (ns: {nss}) with drop timestamp {dropTimestamp} *** c STORAGE attr ident attr nss *** attr dropTimestamp id 20438 count 1 msg Registering index build: {buildUUID} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 20346 count 1 msg Index build initialized: {buildUUID}: {nss} ({collection_uuid} ): indexes: {indexes_size} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr nss *** attr collection_uuid *** attr indexes_size *** id 20439 count 1 msg Waiting for index build to complete: {buildUUID} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 20391 count 1 msg index build: collection scan done. scanned {n} total records in {t_seconds} seconds *** c INDEX attr n attr t_seconds *** id 3856203 count 1 msg Index build waiting for next action before completing final phase: {buildUUID} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID id 3856204 count 1 msg Index build received signal for build uuid: {buildUUID} , action: {action} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr action id 20663 count 1 msg Index build completed successfully: {replState_buildUUID}: {nss} ( {replState_collectionUUID} ). Index specs built: {replState_indexSpecs_size}. Indexes in catalog before build: {replState_stats_numIndexesBefore}. Indexes in catalog after build: {replState_stats_numIndexesAfter} *** c STORAGE attr replState_buildUUID *** attr nss *** attr replState_collectionUUID *** attr replState_indexSpecs_size *** attr replState_stats_numIndexesBefore *** attr replState_stats_numIndexesAfter *** id 20447 count 1 msg Index build completed: {buildUUID} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 23435 count 1 msg successfully set parameter {parameterName} to {newValue} (was {oldValue}) *** c COMMAND attr parameterName attr newValue attr oldValue id 20654 count 1 msg Index build joined after commit: {buildUUID}: {fut_waitNoThrow_opCtx} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr fut_waitNoThrow_opCtx *** id 20400 count 1 msg renameCollectionForCommand: rename {source} to {target}{dropTargetMsg} *** c COMMAND attr source attr target attr dropTargetMsg id 20398 count 1 msg Attempting to create temporary collection: {tmpName} with the contents of collection: {source} *** c COMMAND attr tmpName attr source id 20319 count 1 msg renameCollection: renaming collection {collToRename_uuid} from {fromNss} to {toNss} *** c STORAGE attr collToRename_uuid *** attr fromNss attr toNss id 20401 count 1 msg renameCollectionForApplyOps: rename {sourceNss} ({uuidString}) to {targetNss}{dropTargetMsg} *** c COMMAND attr sourceNss attr uuidString attr targetNss attr dropTargetMsg id 20341 count 1 msg dropDatabase {dbName} waiting for {awaitOpTime} to be replicated at {userWriteConcern} *** c COMMAND attr dbName attr awaitOpTime attr userWriteConcern id 20450 count 1 msg Received a request to create indexes: '{bsonElem}', but found that at least one of the indexes is already being built, '{ex_toStatus}'. This request will wait for the pre-existing index build to finish before proceeding. *** c INDEX attr bsonElem attr ex_toStatus *** id 20532 count 1 msg Index build with UUID: {indexBuild_first} *** c INDEX attr indexBuild_first *** id 20650 count 1 msg {logPrefix}active index builds: {indexBuilds_size} *** c STORAGE attr logPrefix attr indexBuilds_size *** id 20651 count 1 msg {logPrefix}{replState_buildUUID}: collection: {replState_collectionUUID}; indexes: {replState_indexNames_size} [{indexNamesStr}]; method: {IndexBuildProtocol_kTwoPhase_replState_protocol_two_phase_single_phase} *** c STORAGE attr logPrefix attr replState_buildUUID *** attr replState_collectionUUID *** attr replState_indexNames_size *** attr indexNamesStr attr IndexBuildProtocol_kTwoPhase_replState_protocol_two_phase_single_phase *** id 23880 count 1 msg About to abort index builder: {replState_buildUUID} on collection: {collectionUUID}. First index: {replState_indexNames_front} *** c STORAGE attr replState_buildUUID *** attr collectionUUID attr replState_indexNames_front *** id 20689 count 1 msg index build: drained side writes *** c INDEX attr numApplied attr totalInserted attr totalDeleted attr indexName attr durationMillis id 23867 count 1 msg Waiting until index build with UUID {buildUUID} is finished *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 20649 count 1 msg Index build failed: {replState_buildUUID}: {nss} ( {replState_collectionUUID} ): {status} *** c STORAGE attr replState_buildUUID *** attr nss *** attr replState_collectionUUID *** attr status *** id 20449 count 1 msg Index build failed: {buildUUID}: {ex_toStatus} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID attr ex_toStatus *** id 20655 count 1 msg Index build joined after abort: {buildUUID}: {fut_waitNoThrow} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr fut_waitNoThrow *** id 20661 count 1 msg {msg} *** c STORAGE attr msg id 3856200 count 1 msg Not signaling "{signalAction}" as it was previously signaled with "{signalActionSet}" for index build: {buildUUID} *** c STORAGE attr signalAction attr signalActionSet attr buildUUID id 20448 count 1 msg Index build failed: {buildUUID}: collection dropped: {ns} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID attr ns *** id 23879 count 1 msg About to abort all index builders on collection with UUID: {collectionUUID} *** c STORAGE attr collectionUUID id 20426 count 1 msg Index build with UUID: {indexBuild_first} *** c INDEX attr indexBuild_first *** id 22051 count 1 msg Found {numShardedCollsWithInconsistentIndexes} sharded collection(s) with inconsistent indexes *** c SHARDING attr numShardedCollsWithInconsistentIndexes id 24132 count 1 msg Running a sharded cluster with fewer than 3 config servers should only be done for testing purposes and is not recommended for production. *** c SHARDING id 23911 count 1 msg FTDC is disabled because neither '--logpath' nor set parameter 'diagnosticDataCollectionDirectoryPath' are specified. *** c FTDC id 22572 count 1 msg Dropping all pooled connections to {hostAndPort} due to {status} *** c CONNPOOL attr hostAndPort attr status *** id 23377 count 1 msg got signal {sig} ({strsignal_sig}) *** c CONTROL attr sig attr strsignal_sig *** id 23378 count 1 msg kill from pid:{si_si_pid} uid:{si_si_uid} *** c CONTROL attr si_si_pid *** attr si_si_uid *** id 23381 count 1 msg will terminate after current cmd ends *** c CONTROL id 40441 count 1 msg Stopping {topologyVersionObserverName} *** c REPL attr topologyVersionObserverName id 40443 count 1 msg Observer was interrupted by {exception} *** c REPL attr exception id 40447 count 1 msg Stopped {topologyVersionObserverName} *** c REPL attr topologyVersionObserverName id 23017 count 1 msg removing socket file: {path} *** c NETWORK attr path id 20520 count 1 msg Stopping further Flow Control ticket acquisitions. *** c - id 22582 count 1 msg Killing all outstanding egress activity. *** c ASIO id 4333209 count 1 msg Closing Replica Set Monitor {setName} *** c NETWORK attr setName id 4333210 count 1 msg Done closing Replica Set Monitor {setName} *** c NETWORK attr setName id 22279 count 1 msg shutdown: removing fs lock... *** c STORAGE id 22843 count 1 msg shutdown: going to close all sockets... *** c NETWORK id 22561 count 1 msg dropping unhealthy pooled connection to {conn_getHostAndPort} *** c CONNPOOL attr conn_getHostAndPort *** id 4668133 count 1 msg StreamableReplicaSetMonitor::onServerPingFailedEvent, ServerPingMonitor got status{status} *** c NETWORK attr addr attr status *** id 4333222 count 1 msg RSM {setName} received failed isMaster for server {host}: {status} ({latency}): {bson} *** c - attr host attr status *** attr latencyNanos attr setName attr bson id 4333208 count 1 msg RSM {setName} host selection timeout: {status} *** c NETWORK attr setName attr status *** id 22567 count 1 msg Ending idle connection to host {hostAndPort} because the pool meets constraints; {openConnections} connections to that host remain open *** c CONNPOOL attr hostAndPort attr openConnections id 20884 count 1 msg Killed operation: {opId} *** c COMMAND attr opId id 22566 count 1 msg Ending connection to host {hostAndPort} due to bad connection status: {status}; {openConnections} connections to that host remain open *** c CONNPOOL attr hostAndPort attr status *** attr openConnections id 20113 count 1 msg Successfully connected to {ident} ({openConnections_ident_socketTimeout} connections now open to {ident2} with a {socketTimeout} second timeout) *** c NETWORK attr ident attr openConnections_ident_socketTimeout *** attr ident2 attr socketTimeout id 20990 count 1 msg Failed noop write at clusterTime: {targetClusterTime} due to {status} *** c COMMAND attr targetClusterTime attr status *** id 3856202 count 1 msg 'voteCommitIndexBuild' command failed. *** c STORAGE attr indexBuildUUID attr responseStatus id 22810 count 1 msg {ss_str} *** c - attr ss_str *** id 20530 count 1 msg removing cursor {cursor_cursorid} after completing batch: {interruptStatus} *** c QUERY attr cursor_cursorid *** attr interruptStatus id 21865 count 1 msg caught exception while doing balance: {e_what} *** c SHARDING attr e_what *** id 21339 count 1 msg Replication failed for write concern c REPL attr writeConcern attr opTime attr opID attr all_durable *** attr progress id 23798 count 1 msg Plan executor error during find command: {PlanExecutor_statestr_state}, status: {status}, stats: {Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec_get} *** c QUERY attr PlanExecutor_statestr_state *** attr status *** attr Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec_get *** id 51802 count 1 msg transaction *** c TXN attr parameters attr readTimestamp attr keysExamined attr docsExamined attr ninserted attr keysInserted attr terminationCause attr timeActiveMicros attr timeInactiveMicros attr numYields attr locks attr storage attr wasPrepared attr durationMillis id 20482 count 1 msg going to kill op: {opId} *** c COMMAND attr opId id 20457 count 1 msg CMD: reIndex {toReIndexNss} *** c COMMAND attr toReIndexNss id 51783 count 1 msg failed to create WiredTiger bulk cursor: {error} falling back to non-bulk cursor for index {index} *** c STORAGE attr error attr index id 51773 count 1 msg progress meter *** c - attr name attr done attr total attr percent id 4635900 count 1 msg {message} *** c QUERY attr message id 23799 count 1 msg Aggregate command executor error: {PlanExecutor_statestr_state}, status: {status}, stats: {Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec} *** c COMMAND attr PlanExecutor_statestr_state *** attr status *** attr Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec *** id 20284 count 1 msg compact {collectionNss} begin *** c COMMAND attr collectionNss id 20285 count 1 msg compact {collectionNss} bytes freed: {totalSizeDiff} *** c STORAGE attr collectionNss attr totalSizeDiff id 20286 count 1 msg compact {collectionNss} end *** c STORAGE attr collectionNss id 22402 count 1 msg WiredTiger record store oplog truncation finished in: {elapsedMillis}ms *** c STORAGE attr elapsedMillis id 20383 count 1 msg ignoring obselete {{ background: false }} index build option because all indexes are built in the background with the hybrid method *** c INDEX id 20528 count 1 msg killing cursor: {id} as part of killing session(s) *** c QUERY attr id id 20576 count 1 msg tried reading at last-applied time: {lastAppliedTimestamp} on ns: {nss_ns}, but future catalog changes are pending at time {minSnapshot}. Trying again without reading at last-applied time. *** c STORAGE attr lastAppliedTimestamp attr nss_ns *** attr minSnapshot id 23797 count 1 msg Plan executor error during distinct command: {PlanExecutor_statestr_state}, status: {status}, stats: {Explain_getWinningPlanStats_executor_getValue_get} *** c QUERY attr PlanExecutor_statestr_state *** attr status *** attr Explain_getWinningPlanStats_executor_getValue_get *** id 22028 count 1 msg Starting pending deletion submission thread. *** c MIGRATE id 22037 count 1 msg Starting migration coordinator stepup recovery thread. *** c MIGRATE id 51805 count 1 msg transaction *** c TXN attr parameters attr numParticipants attr terminationCause attr commitType attr commitDurationMicros attr timeActiveMicros attr timeInactiveMicros attr durationMillis id 51804 count 1 msg two-phase commit *** c TXN attr parameters attr terminationCause attr commitTimestamp attr numParticipants attr stepDurations attr durationMillis id 20263 count 1 msg User cache generation changed from {previousGeneration} to {currentGeneration}; invalidating user cache *** c ACCESS attr previousGeneration attr currentGeneration id 20122 count 1 msg reconnect {} ok *** c NETWORK attr id 22990 count 1 msg DBException handling request, closing client connection: {e} *** c NETWORK attr e id 20658 count 1 msg stopping index builds before rollback *** c STORAGE id 23991 count 1 msg Rolling back to the stable timestamp. StableTimestamp: {stableTimestamp} Initial Data Timestamp: {initialDataTimestamp} *** c ROLLBACK attr stableTimestamp attr initialDataTimestamp id 22250 count 1 msg Not removing ident for uncheckpointed collection or index drop: {it} *** c STORAGE attr it id 22259 count 1 msg recoverToStableTimestamp successful. Stable Timestamp: {swTimestamp_getValue} *** c STORAGE attr swTimestamp_getValue *** id 20706 count 1 msg killing op: {opCtxToKill_getOpID} as part of killing session: {lsid} *** c COMMAND attr opCtxToKill_getOpID *** attr lsid id 20656 count 1 msg ignoring error while aborting index build {buildUUID}: {replStateResult_getStatus} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr replStateResult_getStatus *** id 22753 count 1 msg {chunk} *** c SHARDING attr chunk id 22791 count 1 msg Failed to end session {lsid} due to {status} *** c QUERY attr lsid attr status *** id 22251 count 1 msg Dropping unknown ident: {toRemove} *** c STORAGE attr toRemove id 20499 count 1 msg serverStatus was very slow: {t} *** c COMMAND attr t id 20266 count 1 msg An error occurred while fetching current user cache generation from config servers c ACCESS attr status *** id 20382 count 1 msg Did not timestamp index abort write. *** c INDEX id 22820 count 1 msg shell: stopping mongo program, waitpid={getWaitPid_a} *** c - attr getWaitPid_a *** id 22819 count 1 msg waiting for process {pid} to terminate. *** c - attr pid id 22821 count 1 msg shell: stopped mongo program on port {port} *** c - attr port id 22225 count 1 msg Flow control is engaged and the sustainer point is not moving. Please check the health of all secondaries. *** c STORAGE id 22818 count 1 msg skip waiting for pid {pid} to terminate *** c - attr pid id 22782 count 1 msg Failed to kill cursor {cursorId} due to {status} *** c QUERY attr cursorId attr status *** id 20187 count 1 msg Removed ReplicaSetMonitor for replica set {setName} *** c NETWORK attr setName id 22817 count 1 msg No db started on port: {port} *** c - attr port id 22005 count 1 msg Chunk data replicated successfully. *** c MIGRATE attr migrationId id 23893 count 1 msg MigrationCoordinator delivering decision {decision_Decision_kCommitted_committed_aborted} to self and to recipient *** c MIGRATE attr decision_Decision_kCommitted_committed_aborted *** attr migrationId id 23800 count 1 msg {deprecationWarning} *** c COMMAND attr deprecationWarning id 20701 count 1 msg Creating profile collection: {dbProfilingNS} *** c - attr dbProfilingNS id 20481 count 1 msg Index filter set on {cq_Short} {indexesElt} *** c QUERY attr cq_Short *** attr indexesElt id 23322 count 1 msg Option: sslMode is deprecated. Please use tlsMode instead. *** c CONTROL id 23321 count 1 msg Option: {singleName} is deprecated. Please use {option_singleName} instead. *** c CONTROL attr singleName attr option_singleName *** id 23237 count 1 msg You have an IP Address in the DNS Name field on your certificate. This formulation is deprecated. *** c NETWORK id 23838 count 1 msg SSL mode is set to 'preferred' and connection {id} to {remote} is not using SSL. *** c NETWORK attr id attr remote id 22988 count 1 msg Error receiving request from client: {status}. Ending connection from {remote} (connection id: {session_id}) *** c NETWORK attr status *** attr remote attr session_id *** id 23019 count 1 msg DNS resolution while connecting to {connector_peer} took {timeAfter_timeBefore} *** c NETWORK attr connector_peer *** attr timeAfter_timeBeforeMillis *** id 20248 count 1 msg note: no users configured in admin.system.users, allowing localhost access *** c ACCESS id 20427 count 1 msg authenticate db: {dbname} {cmdToLog} *** c ACCESS attr dbname attr cmdToLog id 20429 count 1 msg Successfully authenticated as principal {principalName} on {DB} from client {client} *** c ACCESS attr principalName attr DB attr client id 20436 count 1 msg {e_toStatus} *** c ACCESS attr e_toStatus *** id 20428 count 1 msg Failed to authenticate {user} from client {client} with mechanism {mechanism}: {status} *** c ACCESS attr user attr client attr mechanism attr status *** id 20108 count 1 msg Failed to authenticate in transitionToAuth, falling back to no authentication. *** c ACCESS id 23803 count 1 msg Use of deprecated server parameter 'sslMode', please use 'tlsMode' instead. *** c NETWORK id 20496 count 1 msg error setting parameter {parameterName} to {newValue} errMsg: {ex} *** c COMMAND attr parameterName attr newValue attr ex id 22324 count 1 msg Downgrading WiredTiger datafiles. *** c STORAGE id 22327 count 1 msg Verify succeeded on uri {uri}. Not salvaging. *** c STORAGE attr uri id 21006 count 1 msg Exiting because 'exitBeforeDataRepair' fail point was set. *** c STORAGE id 22271 count 1 msg Detected unclean shutdown - Lock file is not empty. *** c STORAGE attr lockFile id 50922 count 1 msg An incomplete repair has been detected! This is likely because a repair operation unexpectedly failed before completing. MongoDB will not start up again without --repair. *** c STORAGE id 22302 count 1 msg Recovering data from the last clean checkpoint. *** c STORAGE id 21029 count 1 msg repairDatabase {dbName} *** c STORAGE attr dbName id 21027 count 1 msg Repairing collection {nss} *** c STORAGE attr nss *** id 21028 count 1 msg Collection validation results: {output_done} *** c STORAGE attr output_done *** id 21008 count 1 msg Exiting because 'exitBeforeRepairInvalidatesConfig' fail point was set. *** c STORAGE id 22435 count 1 msg WiredTiger error ({errorCode}) {message} Raw: {message2} *** c STORAGE attr errorCode attr message attr message2 id 22328 count 1 msg Verify failed on uri {uri}. Running a salvage operation. *** c STORAGE attr uri id 22351 count 1 msg Salvage failed for uri {uri}: {status_reason}. The file will be moved out of the way and a new ident will be created. *** c STORAGE attr uri attr status_reason *** id 22352 count 1 msg Moving data file {filePath_string} to backup as {corruptFile_string} *** c STORAGE attr filePath_string *** attr corruptFile_string *** id 22353 count 1 msg Rebuilding ident {identName} *** c STORAGE attr identName id 22329 count 1 msg Successfully re-created {uri}. *** c STORAGE attr uri id 20673 count 1 msg Index builds manager starting: {buildUUID}: {nss} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr nss *** id 20674 count 1 msg Index builds manager completed successfully: {buildUUID}: {nss}. Index specs requested: {replState_indexSpecs_size}. Indexes in catalog before build: {indexCatalogStats_numIndexesBefore}. Indexes in catalog after build: {indexCatalogStats_numIndexesAfter} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr nss *** attr replState_indexSpecs_size *** attr indexCatalogStats_numIndexesBefore *** attr indexCatalogStats_numIndexesAfter *** id 21019 count 1 msg {mod_getDescription} *** c STORAGE attr mod_getDescription *** id 22436 count 1 msg WiredTiger error ({errorCode}) {message} *** c STORAGE attr errorCode attr message id 51782 count 1 msg verify() returned {error}. This indicates structural damage. Not examining individual index entries. *** c STORAGE attr error id 20302 count 1 msg Validation complete for collection {validateState_nss}{uuidString}. Corruption found. *** c INDEX attr validateState_nss *** attr uuidString id 22264 count 1 msg Catalog data modified by repair: {status_reason} *** c STORAGE attr status_reason *** id 22247 count 1 msg Successfully created an entry in the catalog for the orphaned collection: {orphanCollNs} *** c STORAGE attr orphanCollNs id 22265 count 1 msg {orphanCollNs} does not have the _id index. Please manually build the index. *** c STORAGE attr orphanCollNs id 22248 count 1 msg Orphaned collection found: {entry_nss} *** c STORAGE attr entry_nss *** id 20305 count 1 msg Index inconsistencies were detected on collection {validateState_nss}. Starting the second phase of index validation to gather concise errors. *** c INDEX attr validateState_nss *** id 20297 count 1 msg Starting to traverse through all the document key sets. *** c INDEX id 20298 count 1 msg Finished traversing through all the document key sets. *** c INDEX id 20299 count 1 msg Starting to traverse through all the indexes. *** c INDEX id 20300 count 1 msg Traversing through the index entries for index {descriptor_indexName}. *** c INDEX attr descriptor_indexName *** id 20301 count 1 msg Finished traversing through all the indexes. *** c INDEX id 23719 count 1 msg {ex} *** c STORAGE attr ex id 22347 count 1 msg Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. *** c STORAGE id 50944 count 1 msg {kWTRepairMsg} *** c STORAGE attr kWTRepairMsg id 22350 count 1 msg Data file is missing for {uri}. Attempting to drop and re-create the collection. *** c STORAGE attr uri id 20347 count 1 msg Index build aborted without cleanup: {buildUUID}: {reason} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr reason id 22253 count 1 msg Found index from unfinished build. Collection: {coll} ({collUUID}), index: {indexName}, build UUID: {buildUUID} *** c STORAGE attr coll attr collUUID attr indexName attr buildUUID id 20441 count 1 msg Index build interrupted: {buildUUID}: {interruptionEx} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID attr interruptionEx id 20442 count 1 msg Index build continuing in background: {buildUUID} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 3871400 count 1 msg Dropping unfinished index '{name}' after collection was modified by repair *** c STORAGE attr name id 20653 count 1 msg Could not find an active index build with UUID {buildUUID} while processing a commitIndexBuild oplog entry. Restarting the index build on collection {nss} ({collUUID}) at optime {opCtx_recoveryUnit_getCommitTimestamp} *** c STORAGE attr buildUUID attr nss *** attr collUUID attr opCtx_recoveryUnit_getCommitTimestamp *** id 28595 count 1 msg Reason: {wtRCToStatus_ret_reason} *** c STORAGE attr wtRCToStatus_ret_reason *** id 22421 count 1 msg {cursorErrMsg} *** c STORAGE attr cursorErrMsg id 22422 count 1 msg This may be due to data corruption. {kWTRepairMsg} *** c STORAGE attr kWTRepairMsg id 22389 count 1 msg Sampling from the oplog between {earliestOpTime_Pretty} and {latestOpTime_Pretty} to determine where to place markers for truncation *** c STORAGE attr earliestOpTime_Pretty *** attr latestOpTime_Pretty *** id 22390 count 1 msg Taking {numSamples} samples and assuming that each section of oplog contains approximately {estRecordsPerStone} records totaling to {estBytesPerStone} bytes *** c STORAGE attr numSamples attr estRecordsPerStone attr estBytesPerStone id 24207 count 1 msg Opening WiredTiger keystore. Config: {wtConfig_str} *** c STORAGE attr wtConfig_str *** id 24200 count 1 msg Opened backup cursor. ID: {activeBackupId} Term: {replTermOfActiveBackup} *** c STORAGE attr activeBackupId attr replTermOfActiveBackup id 24203 count 1 msg Closed backup cursor. ID: {backupId} *** c STORAGE attr backupId id 24199 count 1 msg Created KMIP key with id: {newKeyId} *** c STORAGE attr newKeyId id 21079 count 1 msg bgsync - stopReplProducer fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c REPL id 4622301 count 1 msg mongobridge shutting down exhaust stream *** c BRIDGE attr remote id 22946 count 1 msg shutdown: no running workers found... *** c NETWORK id 22945 count 1 msg shutdown: still waiting on {numOpenSessions} active workers to drain... *** c NETWORK attr numOpenSessions id 22822 count 1 msg shell: stopped mongo program with pid {pid} *** c - attr pid id 24041 count 1 msg Detected an unclean shutdown of the encrypted storage engine - rolling over all database keys. *** c STORAGE id 24042 count 1 msg Database key rollover for encrypted storage engine was requested. *** c STORAGE id 24248 count 1 msg Unable to retrieve key {keyId}, error: {swSymmetricKey_getStatus_reason} *** c STORAGE attr keyId attr swSymmetricKey_getStatus_reason *** id 24240 count 1 msg Connection to KMIP server at {hp} failed. Trying again at {HostAndPort_it_1_kmipParams_kmipPort}. *** c STORAGE attr hp attr HostAndPort_it_1_kmipParams_kmipPort *** id 24201 count 1 msg Extending backup cursor. backupId: {backupId} extendingTo: {extendTo} *** c STORAGE attr backupId attr extendTo id 24202 count 1 msg Backup cursor has been extended. backupId: {backupId} extendedTo: {extendTo} *** c STORAGE attr backupId attr extendTo id 20475 count 1 msg terminating, shutdown command received {cmdObj} *** c COMMAND attr cmdObj id 22263 count 1 msg {Timestamp_monitor_is_stopping_due_to_ex_reason} *** c STORAGE attr Timestamp_monitor_is_stopping_due_to_ex_reason *** id 22813 count 1 msg No db started on port: {port} *** c - attr port id 24124 count 1 msg Dropping all pooled connections to {hostName}(with timeout of {socketTimeoutSecs} seconds) *** c NETWORK attr hostName attr socketTimeoutSecs id 20511 count 1 msg Could not insert user {userName} in _mergeAuthzCollections command: {status} *** c ACCESS attr userName attr status *** id 20513 count 1 msg Could not insert role {roleName} in _mergeAuthzCollections command: {status} *** c ACCESS attr roleName attr status *** id 24128 count 1 msg scoped connection to {conn_getServerAddress} not being returned to the pool *** c NETWORK attr conn_getServerAddress *** id 23436 count 1 msg successfully set parameter {parameterName} to {newValue} *** c COMMAND attr parameterName attr newValue id 20908 count 1 msg Waiting in find before making batch for query - {cq_Short} *** c QUERY attr cq_Short *** id 20504 count 1 msg test only command sleep invoked *** c COMMAND id 23753 count 1 msg Unsupported modification to roles collection in oplog; restart this process to reenable user-defined roles c ACCESS attr status *** attr entry id 23777 count 1 msg Chunk move failed{causedBy_status} *** c SHARDING attr causedBy_status *** id 20631 count 1 msg Unclean full-time diagnostic data capture shutdown detected, found interim file, some metrics may have been lost c FTDC attr status *** id 20677 count 1 msg index build: resolved duplicate key conflicts for unique index *** c INDEX attr numResolved attr indexName id 21194 count 1 msg initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeFinish fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c INITSYNC id 21138 count 1 msg initial sync - initialSyncHangDuringCollectionClone fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled *** c INITSYNC id 20287 count 1 msg {msg} *** c STORAGE attr msg id 20477 count 1 msg GetMoreHangBeforeReadLock fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c QUERY id 20334 count 1 msg dropDatabase - fail point dropDatabaseHangBeforeInMemoryDrop enabled. *** c COMMAND id 22326 count 1 msg Skipping checkpoint during clean shutdown because stableTimestamp ({stableTimestamp}) is less than the initialDataTimestamp ({initialDataTimestamp}) *** c STORAGE attr stableTimestamp attr initialDataTimestamp id 21179 count 1 msg initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeCopyingDatabases fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c INITSYNC id 21170 count 1 msg initial sync - initialSyncHangBeforeCreatingOplog fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c INITSYNC id 22488 count 1 msg No authorization index detected on {ns} collection. Attempting to recover by creating an index with spec: {indexSpec} *** c STORAGE attr ns *** attr indexSpec id 0 count 1 msg {} *** c - attr message id 21782 count 1 msg choosing sync source candidate by request *** c REPL attr syncSource id 23722 count 1 msg Failed to complete heartbeat request to {request_target}; {response_status} *** c REPL attr request_target *** attr response_status *** id 23834 count 1 msg Error initializing sharding state, sleeping for 2 seconds and trying again{causedBy_status} *** c SHARDING attr causedBy_status *** id 23783 count 1 msg Use of deprecated server parameter '{name}', please use '{sp_name}' instead. *** c CONTROL attr name attr sp_name *** id 4652601 count 1 msg ssl imported 1 revoked certificate from the revocation list. *** c NETWORK id 23774 count 1 msg Failed to delete of documents in {nss_ns} range {range}{causedBy_s} *** c MIGRATE attr nss_ns *** attr range attr causedBy_s *** id 28652 count 1 msg The provided SSL certificate is expired or not yet valid. *** c NETWORK id 4333219 count 1 msg RSM {setName} not processing response: {status} *** c - attr status *** attr setName id 21872 count 1 msg Balancer move {requestIt} failed{causedBy_status} *** c SHARDING attr requestIt attr causedBy_status *** id 24225 count 1 msg Using lock file: {file_generic_string} *** c CONTROL attr file_generic_string *** id 20422 count 1 msg copying indexes for: {params_collectionInfo} *** c STORAGE attr params_collectionInfo *** id 24226 count 1 msg shutdown: going to close listening sockets... *** c NETWORK id 24227 count 1 msg now exiting *** c CONTROL id 20124 count 1 msg DBClientConnection failed to send message to {getServerAddress} - {sinkStatus} *** c NETWORK attr getServerAddress attr sinkStatus id 22521 count 1 msg transaction - hangAfterReservingPrepareTimestamp fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. Prepare OpTime: {prepareOpTime} *** c STORAGE attr prepareOpTime id 20889 count 1 msg batch insert - hangDuringBatchInsert fail point enabled for namespace {wholeOp_getNamespace}. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c WRITE attr wholeOp_getNamespace *** id 20703 count 1 msg Caught Assertion while trying to profile {networkOpToString_op} against {CurOp_get_opCtx_getNS}: {assertionEx} *** c - attr networkOpToString_op *** attr CurOp_get_opCtx_getNS *** attr assertionEx id 20289 count 1 msg hangAfterCollectionInserts fail point enabled for {ns}{whenFirst}. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c STORAGE attr ns *** attr whenFirst id 22838 count 1 msg killing cursor: {id} as part of killing session(s) *** c QUERY attr id id 20440 count 1 msg Waiting for index build to complete: {buildUUID} (deadline: {deadline}) *** c INDEX attr buildUUID attr deadline id 462899 count 1 msg ServerPingMonitor for host {addr} was removed from being monitored. *** c NETWORK attr addr id 4333225 count 1 msg RSM {setName} host {addr} was removed from the topology. *** c - attr setName attr addr id 24237 count 1 msg Mongocryptd has not received a command for at least {userTimeout}, exiting. *** c CONTROL attr userTimeoutSeconds id 20435 count 1 msg Failing command '{cmd_getName}' via 'failCommand' failpoint. Action: returning error code {errorCode}. *** c COMMAND attr cmd_getName *** attr errorCode id 20479 count 1 msg Removed index filter on {cq_Short} *** c QUERY attr cq_Short *** id 23748 count 1 msg Skipping bad update to roles collection in oplog c ACCESS attr status *** attr op id 20498 count 1 msg successfully set RWC defaults to {newDefaults} *** c COMMAND attr newDefaults id 22787 count 1 msg MozJS GC {status_JSGC_BEGIN_prologue_epilogue} heap stats - total: {mongo_sm_get_total_bytes} limit: {mongo_sm_get_max_bytes} *** c QUERY attr status_JSGC_BEGIN_prologue_epilogue *** attr mongo_sm_get_total_bytes *** attr mongo_sm_get_max_bytes *** id 23781 count 1 msg Use of deprecated server parameter '{name}', please use '{sp_name}' instead. *** c CONTROL attr name attr sp_name *** id 4628800 count 1 msg Downgrading replica set config. *** c - id 22541 count 1 msg special index can't be used as a ttl index, skipping ttl job for: {idx} *** c INDEX attr idx id 20309 count 1 msg CMD: create {newCollName} - renaming existing collection with conflicting UUID {uuid} to temporary collection {tmpName} *** c COMMAND attr newCollName attr uuid attr tmpName id 20397 count 1 msg Successfully renamed the target {targetNs} ({targetUUID}) to {tmpName} so that the source {sourceNs} ({sourceUUID}) could be renamed to {targetNs2} *** c COMMAND attr targetNs attr targetUUID attr tmpName attr sourceNs attr sourceUUID attr targetNs2 id 23726 count 1 msg {message} *** c REPL attr message id 22823 count 1 msg Process with pid {pid} exited with error code {code} *** c - attr pid attr code id 20719 count 1 msg {mongodVersion_vii} *** c CONTROL attr mongodVersion_vii *** id 23399 count 1 msg git version: {gitVersion} *** c CONTROL attr gitVersion id 23400 count 1 msg {openSSLVersion_OpenSSL_version} *** c CONTROL attr openSSLVersion_OpenSSL_version *** id 23401 count 1 msg allocator: {allocator} *** c CONTROL attr allocator id 23402 count 1 msg {ss_str} *** c CONTROL attr ss_str *** id 23404 count 1 msg {std_get_0_envDataEntry}: {std_get_1_envDataEntry} *** c CONTROL attr std_get_0_envDataEntry *** attr std_get_1_envDataEntry *** id 23981 count 1 msg Sending vote response: {response} *** c ELECTION attr response id 40652 count 1 msg Unable to start up mongod due to missing featureCompatibilityVersion document. Please run with --repair to restore the document. *** c STORAGE id 21000 count 1 msg Re-creating featureCompatibilityVersion document that was deleted with version {FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser_kVersion42}. *** c STORAGE attr FeatureCompatibilityVersionParser_kVersion42 *** id 50947 count 1 msg {Failed_to_salvage_WiredTiger_metadata_wtRCToStatus_ret_reason} *** c STORAGE attr Failed_to_salvage_WiredTiger_metadata_wtRCToStatus_ret_reason *** id 22901 count 1 msg {mongosVersion_vii} *** c SHARDING attr mongosVersion_vii *** id 20307 count 1 msg collMod - assertAfterIndexUpdate fail point enabled. *** c COMMAND id 21876 count 1 msg Balancer settings could not be loaded and will be retried in {durationCount_Seconds_kInitBackoffInterval} seconds{causedBy_refreshStatus} *** c SHARDING attr durationCount_Seconds_kInitBackoffInterval *** attr causedBy_refreshStatus *** id 21787 count 1 msg chaining not allowed, choosing primary as sync source candidate: {syncSource} *** c REPL attr syncSource id 23758 count 1 msg ignoring deprecated uniqueDocs option in $geoNear aggregation stage *** c QUERY id 20315 count 1 msg dropCollection: {nss} ({uuid}) - renaming to drop-pending collection: {dpns} with drop optime {dropOpTime} *** c STORAGE attr nss *** attr uuid attr dpns attr dropOpTime id 20402 count 1 msg renameCollectionForRollback: rename {source} ({uuid}) to {target}. *** c COMMAND attr source attr uuid attr target id 20443 count 1 msg Index build aborted: {buildUUID} *** c INDEX attr buildUUID id 22537 count 1 msg TTLMonitor was interrupted, waiting {ttlMonitorSleepSecs_load} seconds before doing another pass *** c INDEX attr ttlMonitorSleepSecs_load *** id 23394 count 1 msg Preparing to dump up to {pendingTids_size} thread stacks *** c COMMAND attr pendingTids_size *** id 23396 count 1 msg signalled {pendingTids_size} threads *** c COMMAND attr pendingTids_size *** id 31423 count 1 msg ===== multithread stacktrace session begin ===== *** c COMMAND id 31424 count 1 msg stacktrace prologue: {} *** c COMMAND attr prologue id 31425 count 1 msg stacktrace record: {} *** c COMMAND attr threadRecord id 31426 count 1 msg ===== multithread stacktrace session end ===== *** c COMMAND id 23393 count 1 msg CachedMetaGenerator: {hits}/{hits_misses} *** c COMMAND attr hits attr hits_misses *** id 20890 count 1 msg batch update - hangDuringBatchUpdate fail point enabled for nss {ns}. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c WRITE attr ns *** id 20431 count 1 msg Failing command '{cmd_getName}' via 'failCommand' failpoint. Action: closing connection. *** c COMMAND attr cmd_getName *** id 21864 count 1 msg overrideBalanceRoundInterval: using shorter balancing interval: {balancerInterval} *** c SHARDING attr balancerIntervalMillis id 22052 count 1 msg Failed to check sharded index consistency {causedBy_ex_toStatus} *** c SHARDING attr causedBy_ex_toStatus *** id 23885 count 1 msg ensureChunkVersionIsGreaterThan found that the chunk with minKey {minKey}, maxKey {maxKey}, and epoch {version_epoch} already has a higher version than {version}. Current chunk is {currentChunk_toConfigBSON}. Returning success. *** c SHARDING attr minKey attr maxKey attr version_epoch *** attr version attr currentChunk_toConfigBSON *** id 23789 count 1 msg Attempted to increase the time window of available snapshots for point-in-time operations (readConcern level 'snapshot' or transactions), but maxTargetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds has already been reached. If this happens frequently, consider increasing the maxTargetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds setting value, which is currently set to '{snapshotWindowParams_maxTargetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds_load}'. *** c STORAGE attr snapshotWindowParams_maxTargetSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds_load *** id 21908 count 1 msg autosplitted chunk *** c SHARDING attr namespace attr chunk attr splitPoints attr maxChunkSizeBytes attr extraInfo id 22837 count 1 msg Cursor id {cursorId} timed out, idle since {entry_getLastActive} *** c QUERY attr cursorId attr entry_getLastActive *** id 20529 count 1 msg Cursor id {cursor_cursorid} timed out, idle since {cursor_getLastUseDate} *** c QUERY attr cursor_cursorid *** attr cursor_getLastUseDate *** id 23887 count 1 msg ensureChunkVersionIsGreaterThan bumped the version of the chunk with minKey {minKey}, maxKey {maxKey}, and epoch {version_epoch}. Chunk is now {newChunk_toConfigBSON} *** c SHARDING attr minKey attr maxKey attr version_epoch *** attr newChunk_toConfigBSON *** id 20432 count 1 msg Blocking command '{cmd_getName}' via 'failCommand' failpoint for {blockTimeMS} milliseconds *** c COMMAND attr cmd_getName *** attr blockTimeMS id 20433 count 1 msg Unblocking command '{cmd_getName}' via 'failCommand' failpoint *** c COMMAND attr cmd_getName *** id 22113 count 1 msg Possible low cardinality key detected in range. Range contains only a single key. *** c SHARDING attr namespace attr minKey attr maxKey attr key id 22834 count 1 msg shardedAggregateFailToEstablishMergingShardCursor fail point enabled. *** c QUERY id 22836 count 1 msg shardedAggregateFailToDispatchExchangeConsumerPipeline fail point enabled. *** c QUERY id 4615646 count 1 msg {message} *** c NETWORK attr message id 24005 count 1 msg exception on retrieval of {oidManager_var_name}: {e_what} *** c NETWORK attr oidManager_var_name *** attr e_what *** id 4556300 count 1 msg $unionWith found view definition. ns: {ns}, pipeline: {pipeline}. New $unionWith sub-pipeline: {new_pipe} *** c QUERY attr ns *** attr pipeline attr new_pipe *** id 22547 count 1 msg could not load view catalog for database {durable_getName}: {status} *** c - attr durable_getName *** attr status *** id 22293 count 1 msg Engine custom option: {wiredTigerGlobalOptions_engineConfig} *** c STORAGE attr wiredTigerGlobalOptions_engineConfig *** id 20470 count 1 msg Locking despite storage engine being unable to begin backup : {e} *** c COMMAND attr e id 22376 count 1 msg Reconfiguring WiredTiger storage engine with config string: "{str}" *** c STORAGE attr str id 23318 count 1 msg Processing {expansion_getExpansionName} config expansion for: {nodeName} *** c CONTROL attr expansion_getExpansionName *** attr nodeName id 20505 count 1 msg test only command godinsert invoked coll:{nss_coll} *** c COMMAND attr nss_coll *** id 22378 count 1 msg {result} *** c STORAGE attr result id 20897 count 1 msg exchangeFailLoadNextBatch fail point enabled. *** c QUERY id 20905 count 1 msg shardedAggregateHangBeforeEstablishingShardCursors fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c QUERY id 21101 count 1 msg rollback - rollbackHangBeforeStart fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c REPL id 21184 count 1 msg initial sync - initialSyncHangAfterDataCloning fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c INITSYNC id 21187 count 1 msg initial sync - failInitialSyncBeforeApplyingBatch fail point enabled. Pausing until fail point is disabled, then will fail initial sync *** c INITSYNC id 518091 count 1 msg {ex}, doEnable = {doEnable} *** c - attr ex attr doEnable id 20946 count 1 msg PlanExecutor - planExecutorHangBeforeShouldWaitForInserts fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c QUERY id 21479 count 1 msg stepDown - blockHeartbeatStepdown fail point enabled. Blocking until fail point is disabled. *** c REPL id 22380 count 1 msg WTPrintPrepareConflictLog fail point enabled. *** c STORAGE id 23050 count 1 msg Using test fixture with connection string = {connectionString} *** c - attr connectionString id 23028 count 1 msg Connecting to {server} *** c NETWORK attr server id 23031 count 1 msg Received response: "{httpResp}" *** c NETWORK attr httpResp id 23013 count 1 msg asyncConnectTimesOut fail point is active. simulating timeout. *** c NETWORK id 22586 count 1 msg got command result: {res} *** c ASIO attr res id 22587 count 1 msg command failed: {res_status} *** c ASIO attr res_status *** id 20607 count 1 msg Started exhaust query with cursorId: {queryCursor_getCursorId} *** c - attr queryCursor_getCursorId *** id 20608 count 1 msg Killed exhaust connection. *** c - id 20112 count 1 msg Too many in-use connections; waiting until there are fewer than {this_maxInUse} *** c NETWORK attr this_maxInUse *** id 22634 count 1 msg Inserting {nDocs} documents. *** c - attr nDocs id 22635 count 1 msg Finished document insertion. *** c - id 20354 count 1 msg {s} *** c INDEX attr s id 23847 count 1 msg deprecated $uniqueDocs option: {obj} *** c - attr obj id 20434 count 1 msg Failing command '{cmd_getName}' via 'failCommand' failpoint. Action: returning error code {errorCode} and {errorExtraInfo}. *** c COMMAND attr cmd_getName *** attr errorCode attr errorExtraInfo id 21871 count 1 msg Performing a split because migration {requestIt} failed for size reasons{causedBy_status} *** c SHARDING attr requestIt attr causedBy_status *** id 21873 count 1 msg Marking chunk {chunk} as jumbo. *** c SHARDING attr chunk id 23765 count 1 msg {msg} *** c MIGRATE attr msg id 20294 count 1 msg Document would fail validation collection: {ns} doc: {document} *** c STORAGE attr ns *** attr document id 23878 count 1 msg Removing field '{fieldName}' from index spec: {indexSpec} *** c INDEX attr fieldName attr indexSpec id 20118 count 1 msg dropIndex failed: {info} *** c NETWORK attr info id 22804 count 1 msg DBException not handled in benchRun thread{causedBy_e} *** c - attr causedBy_e *** id 4615635 count 1 msg {message} *** c - attr message id 20466 count 1 msg fsyncUnlock completed. Lock count is now {lockCount} *** c COMMAND attr lockCount id 20480 count 1 msg Removed all index filters for collection: {ns} *** c QUERY attr ns *** id 20919 count 1 msg Plan executor error during find: {PlanExecutor_statestr_state}, stats: {Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec_get} *** c QUERY attr PlanExecutor_statestr_state *** attr Explain_getWinningPlanStats_exec_get *** id 20111 count 1 msg replacing connection to {this} with {replacementConn_replacementConn_getServerAddress_empty} *** c NETWORK attr this attr replacementConn_replacementConn_getServerAddress_empty *** id 24089 count 1 msg Unable to reach primary for set {set_name} *** c NETWORK attr set_name *** id 24073 count 1 msg Cannot reach any nodes for set {set_name}. Please check network connectivity and the status of the set. This has happened for {set_consecutiveFailedScans} checks in a row. *** c NETWORK attr set_name *** attr set_consecutiveFailedScans *** id 24076 count 1 msg Confirmed replica set for {set_name} is {set_seedConnStr} *** c NETWORK attr set_name *** attr set_seedConnStr *** id 20672 count 1 msg Did not timestamp index commit write. *** c STORAGE id 22502 count 1 msg Present TS: {presentTs} *** c - attr presentTs id 22503 count 1 msg Before transaction TS: {beforeTxnTs} *** c - attr beforeTxnTs id 22504 count 1 msg Commit entry TS: {commitEntryTs} *** c - attr commitEntryTs id 22508 count 1 msg Present TS: {presentTs} *** c - attr presentTs id 22509 count 1 msg Before transaction TS: {beforeTxnTs} *** c - attr beforeTxnTs id 22510 count 1 msg Commit entry TS: {commitEntryTs} *** c - attr commitEntryTs id 22511 count 1 msg PrepareTS: {prepareEntryTs} *** c - attr prepareEntryTs id 22512 count 1 msg PrepareTS: {prepareEntryTs} *** c - attr prepareEntryTs id 22513 count 1 msg AbortTS: {abortEntryTs} *** c - attr abortEntryTs id 22514 count 1 msg Prepare TS: {prepareTs} *** c - attr prepareTs id 22515 count 1 msg Prepare TS: {prepareTs} *** c - attr prepareTs id 22505 count 1 msg inserting {badDoc1} *** c - attr badDoc1 id 22506 count 1 msg inserting {badDoc2} *** c - attr badDoc2 id 22507 count 1 msg attempting to insert {badDoc3} *** c - attr badDoc3 id 23883 count 1 msg index build: reapplied {resolved} skipped records for index: {indexCatalogEntry_descriptor_indexName} *** c INDEX attr resolved attr indexCatalogEntry_descriptor_indexName *** id 46666001 count 1 msg [validate](record) {record_id}, Value: {record_data} *** c STORAGE attr record_id *** attr record_data *** id 46666002 count 1 msg [validate](record) {hash_num} *** c STORAGE attr hash_num *** id 51811 count 1 msg {caller} {record_id}, key: {rehydrated_key}, keystring: {key_string} *** c STORAGE attr caller attr record_id *** attr rehydrated_key *** attr key_string *** id 46666003 count 1 msg [validate](index) {hash_num} *** c STORAGE attr hash_num *** id 20517 count 1 msg Deferred write buffer for {nss} is full. {droppedEntries} entries have been dropped. *** c WRITE attr nss *** attr droppedEntries id 22517 count 1 msg checked in {i} times... *** c COMMAND attr i