[2020-07-13 19:03:34,736] DEBUG Creating a MongoCursor (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:34,958] INFO Watching for collection changes on 'test.investigate1' (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:34,960] INFO Resuming the change stream after the previous offset: {"_data": {"$binary": "gl8MsAIAAAABRh5faWQAKx4AWhAERC2J1d6LQ0mbc2hScvEorAQ=", "$type": "00"}} (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:34,964] INFO Watching for collection changes on 'test.investigate1' (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:34,966] INFO Resuming the change stream after the previous offset using resumeAfter. (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:35,224] WARN Failed to resume change stream: BSONObj size: 20889370 (0x13EBF1A) is invalid. Size must be between 0 and 16793600(16MB) First element: _id: { _data: BinData(0, 825F0CB00300000001461E5F6964002B1E005A1004442D89D5DE8B43499B73685272F128AC04) } 10334 ===================================================================================== If the resume token is no longer available then there is the potential for data loss. Saved resume tokens are managed by Kafka and stored with the offset data. When running Connect in standalone mode offsets are configured using the: `offset.storage.file.filename` configuration. When running Connect in distributed mode the offsets are stored in a topic. Use the `kafka-consumer-groups.sh` tool with the `--reset-offsets` flag to reset offsets. Resetting the offset will allow for the connector to be resume from the latest resume token. Using `copy.existing=true` ensures that all data will be outputted by the connector but it will duplicate existing data. Future releases will support a configurable `errors.tolerance` level for the source connector and make use of the `postBatchResumeToken`. ===================================================================================== (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:35,224] DEBUG Waiting 4512 ms to poll (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:36,336] INFO WorkerSinkTask{id=s3-sink-1-0} Committing offsets asynchronously using sequence number 47: {mongo.test.investigate1-0=OffsetAndMetadata{offset=5, leaderEpoch=null, metadata=''}} (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSinkTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:39,736] DEBUG Creating a MongoCursor (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:39,991] INFO Watching for collection changes on 'test.investigate1' (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:39,992] INFO Resuming the change stream after the previous offset using resumeAfter. (com.mongodb.kafka.connect.source.MongoSourceTask) [2020-07-13 19:03:40,237] WARN Failed to resume change stream: BSONObj size: 20889370 (0x13EBF1A) is invalid. Size must be between 0 and 16793600(16MB) First element: _id: { _data: BinData(0, 825F0CB00300000001461E5F6964002B1E005A1004442D89D5DE8B43499B73685272F128AC04) } 10334 ===================================================================================== If the resume token is no longer available then there is the potential for data loss. Saved resume tokens are managed by Kafka and stored with the offset data. When running Connect in standalone mode offsets are configured using the: `offset.storage.file.filename` configuration. When running Connect in distributed mode the offsets are stored in a topic. Use the `kafka-consumer-groups.sh` tool with the `--reset-offsets` flag to reset offsets. Resetting the offset will allow for the connector to be resume from the latest resume token. Using `copy.existing=true` ensures that all data will be outputted by the connector but it will duplicate existing data. Future releases will support a configurable `errors.tolerance` level for the source connector and make use of the `postBatchResumeToken`. =====================================================================================