avg | max | 14:22:3014:25:0014:27:3014:30:0014:32:30 | name |
1,273.534 | 7,996.937 | ss opcounters: insert update delete query getmore command (/s) | |
35.106 | 100.000 | ss global: active read write queue | |
0.006 | 1.000 | ss global: read write queue | |
107.899 | 117.000 | ss globalLock: activeClients total | |
0.012 | 1.000 | ss globalLock: currentQueue total | |
602,871,194.444 | 993,964,000.000 | ss globalLock: totalTime | |
159,897.000 | 159,899.000 | ss connections: available | |
103.000 | 113.000 | ss connections: current | |
3.749 | 86.780 | ss connections: created (/s) | |
4,340.957 | 6,680.768 | ss extra_info: heap_usage_bytes (MB) | |
0.004 | 0.861 | ss extra_info: page_faults (/s) | |
3,827.004 | 8,000.510 | ss locks: Collection acquireCount r (/s) | |
4,014.783 | 7,439.344 | ss locks: Collection acquireCount w (/s) | |
3,826.988 | 8,000.510 | ss locks: Database acquireCount r (/s) | |
4,014.783 | 7,439.344 | ss locks: Database acquireCount w (/s) | |
3,826.987 | 8,000.510 | ss locks: Global acquireCount r (/s) | |
4,014.783 | 7,439.344 | ss locks: Global acquireCount w (/s) | |
64.000 | 64.000 | ss mem: bits | |
4,808.417 | 7,970.000 | ss mem: resident (MB) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | ss mem: supported | |
5,100.073 | 8,282.000 | ss mem: virtual (MB) | |
1.887 | 80.745 | ss metrics: commands count total (/s) | |
0.003 | 0.830 | ss metrics: commands getnonce total (/s) | |
1,263.851 | 2,573.266 | ss metrics: commands insert total (/s) | |
3.777 | 86.780 | ss metrics: commands isMaster total (/s) | |
2.070 | 80.745 | ss metrics: commands ping total (/s) | |
7.510 | 10.601 | ss metrics: commands serverStatus total (/s) | |
2,550.359 | 5,094.244 | ss metrics: commands update total (/s) | |
1,263.908 | 2,570.969 | ss metrics: document inserted (/s) | |
3,811.288 | 7,998.469 | ss metrics: document returned (/s) | |
2,549.196 | 5,089.071 | ss metrics: document updated (/s) | |
3,812.040 | 8,000.510 | ss metrics: operation idhack (/s) | |
6,360.485 | 12,716.704 | ss metrics: queryExecutor scanned (/s) | |
6,360.485 | 12,716.704 | ss metrics: queryExecutor scannedObjects (/s) | |
256.000 | 256.000 | ss metrics: repl buffer maxSizeBytes (MB) | |
0.017 | 0.829 | ss metrics: ttl passes (/s) | |
6.689 | 13.538 | ss network: bytes In Out (MB/s) | |
7,641.405 | 14,875.282 | ss network: numRequests (/s) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | ss ok: | |
15,105.000 | 15,105.000 | ss pid: | |
602.808 | 994.000 | ss uptime: | |
435.423 | 720.000 | ss uptimeEstimate: | |
602,837.681 | 993,929.000 | ss uptimeMillis: | |
15.172 | 78.615 | sysmon cpu: user system iowait nice steal (%) | |
20.461 | 80.400 | sysmon cpu: idle (%) | |
2.380 | 6.804 | sysmon cpu: irq (%) | |
633,878.313 | 2,635,382.566 | sysmon: context switches (/s) | |
17,325.128 | 18,566.000 | sysmon: processes | |
0.105 | 7.000 | sysmon: procs_blocked | |
3.982 | 572.403 | sysmon disk: sda read write requests merged (/s) | |
36.525 | 3,285.219 | sysmon disk: sda read write requests issued (/s) | |
4.365 | 264.519 | sysmon disk: sda bytes read written (MB/s) | |
14.355 | 3,823.593 | sysmon disk: sd a busy read a busy writ b busy read b busy writing (%) | |
0.301 | 87.000 | sysmon disk: sda in progress | |
48.345 | 730.062 | sysmon disk: sda io_time_ms | |
570.902 | 38,255.706 | sysmon disk: sda io_queued_ms | |
3.918 | 112.250 | sysmon disk: sda average queue length | |
6,308.985 | 81,634.000 | mongod max logged query (ms) per 1s | |
8.667 | 100.000 | mongod logged queries longer than 0ms per 1s | |
108.728 | 127.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read available | |
19.272 | 73.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read out | |
128.000 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions read totalTickets | |
77.548 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write available | |
50.452 | 100.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write out | |
128.000 | 128.000 | ss wiredTiger: concurrentTransactions write totalTickets | |
236.033 | 13,940.184 | ss wt block-manager: blocks read written (/s) | |
2.550 | 156.705 | ss wt block-manager: bytes read written (MB/s) | |
3,721.287 | 5,743.912 | ss wt cache: bytes currently in the cache (MB) | |
6.884 | 425.518 | ss wt cache: bytes read into written from cache (MB/s) | |
2.038 | 162.310 | ss wt cache: checkpoint blocked page eviction (/s) | |
1.364 | 59.652 | ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up (/s) | |
11.425 | 1,367.331 | ss wt cache: eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up (/s) | |
65.778 | 1,068.766 | ss wt cache: eviction server evicting pages (/s) | |
10.475 | 1,367.331 | ss wt cache: eviction server populating queue, but not evicting pages (/s) | |
109.434 | 5,042.254 | ss wt cache: eviction worker thread evicting pages (/s) | |
0.164 | 70.355 | ss wt cache: failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s) | |
0.172 | 70.355 | ss wt cache: hazard pointer blocked page eviction (/s) | |
3.301 | 40.000 | ss wt cache: in-memory page splits (/s) | |
5,120.000 | 5,120.000 | ss wt cache: maximum bytes configured (MB) | |
391.829 | 779.367 | ss wt cache: maximum page size at eviction (MB) | |
53.347 | 3,838.190 | ss wt cache: modified pages evicted (/s) | |
36,375.125 | 67,262.000 | ss wt cache: pages currently held in the cache | |
12.752 | 182.787 | ss wt cache: pages evicted because they exceeded the in-memory maximum (/s) | |
0.002 | 0.673 | ss wt cache: pages evicted because they had chains of deleted items (/s) | |
17.854 | 1,930.215 | ss wt cache: pages evicted by application threads (/s) | |
235.992 | 13,940.184 | ss wt cache: pages read into written from cache (/s) | |
143.490 | 5,038.940 | ss wt cache: pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted (/s) | |
2.197 | 203.221 | ss wt cache: pages split during eviction (/s) | |
284,658.859 | 2,263,743.570 | ss wt cache: pages walked for eviction (/s) | |
8.000 | 8.000 | ss wt cache: percentage overhead | |
3,607.855 | 5,737.549 | ss wt cache: tracked dirty bytes in the cache (MB) | |
33,642.155 | 57,864.000 | ss wt cache: tracked dirty pages in the cache | |
5.690 | 186.626 | ss wt cache: unmodified pages evicted (/s) | |
17.006 | 18.000 | ss wt connection: files currently open | |
221,312.744 | 1,132,540.342 | ss wt connection: memory allocations (/s) | |
195,392.324 | 1,530,124.498 | ss wt connection: memory frees (/s) | |
117.038 | 1,383.792 | ss wt connection: memory re-allocations (/s) | |
1,061.236 | 6,279.906 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex condition wait calls (/s) | |
4.206 | 92.460 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls (/s) | |
0.893 | 7.734 | ss wt connection: pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls (/s) | |
301.136 | 13,938.650 | ss wt connection: total read write I/Os (/s) | |
4.046 | 91.640 | ss wt cursor: cursor create calls (/s) | |
20,288.537 | 38,834.426 | ss wt cursor: cursor insert calls (/s) | |
0.584 | 24.827 | ss wt cursor: cursor next calls (/s) | |
10,178.613 | 20,292.350 | ss wt cursor: cursor remove calls (/s) | |
43,116.133 | 83,888.262 | ss wt cursor: cursor reset calls (/s) | |
8,899.461 | 17,733.070 | ss wt cursor: cursor search calls (/s) | |
6,316.331 | 12,583.521 | ss wt cursor: cursor search near calls (/s) | |
0.037 | 0.820 | ss wt data-handle: connection candidate referenced (/s) | |
0.101 | 0.887 | ss wt data-handle: connection sweeps (/s) | |
0.038 | 7.098 | ss wt data-handle: connection time-of-death sets (/s) | |
0.032 | 4.195 | ss wt data-handle: session dhandles swept (/s) | |
0.541 | 14.469 | ss wt data-handle: session sweep attempts (/s) | |
130.199 | 490.647 | ss wt log: consolidated slot closures (/s) | |
5.057 | 14.398 | ss wt log: consolidated slot join races (/s) | |
0.016 | 1.400 | ss wt log: consolidated slot join transitions (/s) | |
3,813.118 | 7,327.322 | ss wt log: consolidated slot joins (/s) | |
25.515 | 48.824 | ss wt log: joins per closure | |
3.637 | 6.997 | ss wt log: log bytes of payload data (MB/s) | |
3.848 | 7.408 | ss wt log: log bytes written (MB/s) | |
3,812.337 | 7,326.776 | ss wt log: log records compressed (/s) | |
0.034 | 0.863 | ss wt log: log records not compressed (/s) | |
0.048 | 0.829 | ss wt log: log records too small to compress (/s) | |
0.086 | 1.547 | ss wt log: log sync operations (/s) | |
3,810.479 | 7,320.219 | ss wt log: log write operations (/s) | |
3.854 | 7.432 | ss wt log: logging bytes consolidated (MB/s) | |
100.000 | 100.000 | ss wt log: maximum log file size (MB) | |
1.000 | 1.000 | ss wt log: number of pre-allocated log files to create | |
0.023 | 0.773 | ss wt log: pre-allocated log files prepared (/s) | |
0.024 | 0.826 | ss wt log: pre-allocated log files used (/s) | |
8,197.443 | 275,805.755 | ss wt log: slots selected for switching that were unavailable (/s) | |
5,182.209 | 8,196.779 | ss wt log: total in-memory size of compressed records (MB) | |
2.000 | 2.000 | ss wt log: total log buffer size (MB) | |
2,556.648 | 4,043.281 | ss wt log: total size of compressed records (MB) | |
188.581 | 5,750.000 | ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls for eviction (/s) | |
401.355 | 6,567.308 | ss wt reconciliation: page reconciliation calls (/s) | |
33.490 | 241.126 | ss wt reconciliation: split bytes currently awaiting free (MB) | |
506.403 | 4,770.000 | ss wt reconciliation: split objects currently awaiting free | |
3,978.536 | 4,274.000 | ss wt session: open cursor count | |
448.675 | 459.000 | ss wt session: open session count | |
5.795 | 110.000 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire busy blocked (/s) | |
17.997 | 279.817 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire eviction blocked (/s) | |
247,674.741 | 2,580,620.948 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire locked blocked (/s) | |
48.783 | 5,209.091 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire read blocked (/s) | |
15,561,777.642 | 76,684,597.275 | ss wt thread-yield: page acquire time sleeping (usecs) (/s) | |
7,631.426 | 14,870.203 | ss wt transaction: transaction begins (/s) | |
0.728 | 1.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint currently running | |
101,194.349 | 165,416.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint max time (msecs) | |
8,655.000 | 8,655.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint min time (msecs) | |
101,194.349 | 165,416.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs) | |
157,467.381 | 391,771.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoint total time (msecs) | |
0.006 | 1.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction checkpoints (delta) | |
316,256.710 | 950,554.000 | ss wt transaction: transaction range of IDs currently pinned | |
7,625.080 | 14,865.688 | ss wt transaction: transactions committed (/s) | |
7.510 | 10.601 | ss wt transaction: transactions rolled back (/s) |