Click on ▽ or ▷
to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
85 samples
avg.thr max.thr call tree
54.28 55.00 ▽ clone:111
54.28 55.00
▽ start_thread:309
51.00 51.00
▽ ??
33.00 33.00
▽ mongo::threadpool::Worker::loop
23.84 33.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
9.16 16.00
▽ mongo::repl::multiSyncApply
9.16 16.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::syncApply
9.02 16.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::applyOperation_inlock
8.94 16.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::update
8.81 16.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::executePlan
8.81 16.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
8.81 16.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
8.81 16.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::work
8.59 16.00
││ │││ ├
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::doInsert
8.41 16.00
││ │││ │├
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
8.40 16.00
││ │││ ││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
8.39 16.00
││ │││ │││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
8.38 16.00
││ │││ ││││├
▽ ??
8.38 16.00
││ │││ │││││
▽ __wt_txn_commit
8.38 16.00
││ │││ │││││
▽ __wt_log_write
7.75 15.00
││ │││ │││││ ├
▽ __wt_log_slot_wait
5.24 15.00
││ │││ │││││ │├
▽ sched_yield:81
2.52 14.00
││ │││ │││││ │└
▽ __wt_sleep
2.52 14.00
││ │││ │││││ │
▽ select:81
0.56 1.00
││ │││ │││││ ├
▽ __wt_log_slot_close
0.56 1.00
││ │││ │││││ │
▽ sched_yield:81
0.06 1.00
││ │││ │││││ └
▽ ??
0.06 1.00
││ │││ │││││
▽ __wt_write
0.06 1.00
││ │││ │││││
▽ pwrite64:81
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││└
▽ mongo::logger::globalLogManager
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││└
▽ tc_delete
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││└
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::endWriteUnitOfWork
0.14 5.00
││ │││ │├
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.14 5.00
││ │││ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
0.09 4.00
││ │││ ││ ├
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
0.09 4.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
0.07 4.00
││ │││ ││ │ ├
▽ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.05 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.05 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.04 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││
▽ ??
0.04 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ __wt_update_alloc
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ __wt_calloc
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ tc_calloc
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ │
▽ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││ └
▽ __wt_row_search
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │ ││
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │└
▽ mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ tc_malloc
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ SpinLock::SlowLock
0.02 2.00
││ │││ ││ │ │
▽ base::internal::SpinLockDelay
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │ └
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::shouldIgnoreUniqueIndex
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ mongo::IndexDescriptor::_checkOk
0.05 1.00
││ │││ ││ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ ├
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __wt_txn_log_op
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __wt_struct_pack
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ __ctype_b_loc:34
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││ └
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │├
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::applyUpdateOpsForInsert
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │└
▽ mongo::mutablebson::Document::reset
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │
▽ mongo::BSONObjBuilder::asTempObj
0.20 2.00
││ │││ ├
▽ mongo::IDHackStage::work
0.18 2.00
││ │││ │├
▽ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle
0.14 2.00
││ │││ ││├
▽ ??
0.09 2.00
││ │││ │││├
▽ ??
0.09 2.00
││ │││ ││││
▽ ??
0.08 2.00
││ │││ ││││ ├
▽ ??
0.08 2.00
││ │││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.06 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │
▽ __wt_row_search
0.02 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ├
▽ __wt_page_in_func
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ │├
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ __wt_evict
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ __wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ __wt_page_out
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tc_free
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ListTooLong
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::InsertRange
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseListToSpans
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ ││
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::ReleaseToSpans
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ │└
▽ __wt_hazard_set
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ │ └
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││││ └
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││├
▽ mongo::KeyString::toBson
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││└
▽ tc_delete
0.02 1.00
││ │││ ││├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::newCursor
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ __wt_txn_begin
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ __wt_txn_refresh
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ __GI_qsort_r:297
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.02 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:40
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │││
▽ msort_with_tmp:158
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││└
▽ mongo::BSONObj::woCompare
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ││
▽ mongo::compareElementValues
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │└
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.01 1.00
││ │││ │
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::_advance
0.01 1.00
││ │││ ├
▽ mongo::ScopedTimer::ScopedTimer
0.01 1.00
││ │││ └
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::isEOF
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::doneUpdating
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::IDHackStage::isEOF
0.04 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor
0.01 1.00
││ │││├
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::~UpdateStage
0.01 1.00
││ ││││
▽ tc_delete
0.01 1.00
││ │││├
▽ std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose
0.01 1.00
││ │││└
▽ mongo::WorkingSet::~WorkingSet
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ std::_Hashtable<...>::clear
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ memset:54
0.02 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::ParsedUpdate::parseRequest
0.01 1.00
││ │││├
▽ mongo::ParsedUpdate::parseQuery
0.01 1.00
││ ││││
▽ mongo::CanonicalQuery::isSimpleIdQuery
0.01 1.00
││ │││└
▽ mongo::ParsedUpdate::parseUpdate
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::UpdateDriver::parse
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::ModifierObjectReplace::init
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::BSONObj::copy
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:69
0.02 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::ParsedUpdate::ParsedUpdate
0.02 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::UpdateDriver::UpdateDriver
0.02 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Document
0.02 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::mutablebson::Document::Impl::Impl
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::BSONObjBuilder::BSONObjBuilder
0.02 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::UpdateDriver::~UpdateDriver
0.02 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::UpdateDriver::clear
0.02 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::ModifierObjectReplace::~ModifierObjectReplace
0.01 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::getExecutorUpdate
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ mongo::WorkingSet::WorkingSet
0.01 1.00
││ │││
▽ std::__detail::_Prime_rehash_policy::_M_next_bkt
0.01 1.00
││ ││└
▽ mongo::UpdateStage::makeUpdateResult
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::Explain::getSummaryStats
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.04 1.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::OpDebug::OpDebug
0.01 1.00
││ ││├
▽ tc_newarray
0.01 1.00
││ ││└
▽ mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ pthread_spin_trylock:36
0.01 1.00
││ │├
▽ strlen:137
0.01 1.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::OpDebug::~OpDebug
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ pthread_spin_destroy@plt
0.01 1.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isCollectionLockedForMode
0.01 1.00
││ │└
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:79
0.08 2.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::Client::Context::~Context
0.06 2.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.05 2.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::Top::record
0.05 2.00
││ │││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.05 2.00
││ │││
▽ _L_lock_913
0.05 2.00
││ │││
▽ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.01 1.00
││ ││└
▽ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.01 1.00
││ │├
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ __GI___clock_gettime:115
0.01 1.00
││ │└
▽ mongo::Timer::now
0.02 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.02 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.02 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockGlobalBegin
0.02 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::LockManager::Partition::find
0.01 1.00
││ └
▽ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
5.35 6.00
▽ __wt_cond_wait
5.35 6.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
4.00 4.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
2.00 2.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.72 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepmicros
0.72 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.28 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
0.72 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
0.72 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::GlobalCursorIdCache::timeoutCursors
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.28 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TTLMonitor::run
0.99 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
0.99 1.00
││ │
▽ nanosleep:81
0.01 1.00
││ └
▽ mongo::TTLMonitor::doTTLPass
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.01 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.01 2.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ __sigwait:97
1.00 1.00
▽ do_sigwait:60
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_dirlist
0.01 1.00
▽ __opendirat:129
0.01 1.00
▽ __openat_nocancel:93
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::_requestProcessorThreadBody
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::_consumeNetworkRequests
1.00 1.00
▽ boost::condition_variable::timed_wait
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncSourceFeedback::run
0.99 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncSourceFeedback::updateUpstream
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::runCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientWithCommands::runCommand
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findOne
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientInterface::findN
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::query
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.01 1.00
▽ __libc_recv:33
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
0.99 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::runSyncThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::oplogApplication
0.94 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::multiApply
0.64 1.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::applyOps
0.62 1.00
││ ││├
▽ mongo::threadpool::ThreadPool::join
0.62 1.00
││ │││
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00
││ ││└
▽ mongo::threadpool::ThreadPool::schedule(std::function<...>
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ _L_unlock_738
0.01 1.00
││ ││
▽ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.28 1.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::RWLockRecursive::Lock
0.28 1.00
││ ││
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.02 1.00
││ │└
▽ mongo::repl::writeOpsToOplog
0.01 1.00
││ │ ├
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.01 1.00
││ │ │
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
0.01 1.00
││ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.01 1.00
││ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.01 1.00
││ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00
││ │ └
▽ mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __wt_txn_commit
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __wt_log_write
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1542
0.06 1.00
││ └
▽ mongo::repl::SyncTail::tryPopAndWaitForMore
0.06 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::waitForMore
0.06 1.00
▽ mongo::BlockingQueue<...>::blockingPeek
0.06 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::getWork
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::NetworkInterfaceImpl::waitForWorkUntil
1.00 1.00
▽ boost::condition_variable::timed_wait
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::_producerThread
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::produce
0.46 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::sleepmicros
0.46 1.00
││ │
▽ nanosleep:81
0.40 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::more
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientCursor::requestMore
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::DBClientConnection::call
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
0.40 1.00
││ │
▽ __libc_recv:33
0.13 1.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::repl::BackgroundSync::shouldChangeSyncSource
0.13 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationCoordinatorImpl::shouldChangeSyncSource
0.13 1.00
││ │
▽ mongo::repl::ReplicationExecutor::waitForEvent
0.13 1.00
││ │
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00
││ └
▽ boost::mutex::unlock
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.01 1.00
▽ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.53 1.00
▽ sched_yield:81
0.05 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:297
0.05 1.00
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.02 1.00
││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:160
0.01 1.00
││ │├
▽ __memcpy_sse2:204
0.01 1.00
││ │└
▽ __memcpy_sse2:231
0.01 1.00
││ ├
▽ msort_with_tmp:54
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
││ │
▽ msort_with_tmp:105
0.01 1.00
││ └
▽ msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00
▽ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00
▽ msort_with_tmp:161
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_thread_create
0.01 1.00
▽ __pthread_create_2_1:606
0.01 1.00
▽ create_thread:201
0.01 1.00
▽ do_clone:75
0.01 1.00
▽ __GI_qsort_r:299
0.01 1.00
▽ __wt_dirlist
0.01 1.00
▽ __opendirat:129
0.01 1.00
▽ __openat_nocancel:93
3.28 4.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
2.78 3.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
2.78 3.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
2.78 3.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
2.78 3.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
2.78 3.00
▽ __libc_recv:33
0.51 2.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
0.51 2.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
0.51 2.00
▽ mongo::runQuery
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.28 1.00
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.25 1.00
│ ├
▽ mongo::LimitStage::work
0.25 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::CollectionScan::work
0.12 1.00
│ │ ├
▽ mongo::CollectionScan::returnIfMatches
0.09 1.00
│ │ │├
▽ mongo::LeafMatchExpression::matches
0.05 1.00
│ │ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONElementIterator::more
0.04 1.00
│ │ │││
▽ mongo::getFieldDottedOrArray
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.02 1.00
│ │ ││├
▽ mongo::WorkingSetMatchableDocument::allocateIterator
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││├
▽ tc_new
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││└
▽ mongo::BSONElementIterator::BSONElementIterator
0.01 1.00
│ │ ││├
▽ mongo::BSONElementIterator::~BSONElementIterator
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││
▽ mongo::BSONElementIterator::~BSONElementIterator
0.01 1.00
│ │ │││
▽ tc_delete
0.01 1.00
│ │ ││└
▽ tc_delete
0.01 1.00
│ │ │└
▽ mongo::WorkingSet::free
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WorkingSetMember::clear
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ tc_free
0.05 1.00
│ │ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::getNext
0.05 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_getNext
0.04 1.00
│ │ │ ├
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
│ │ │ │
▽ __wt_btcur_next
0.01 1.00
│ │ │ └
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_curr
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ __wt_cursor_get_key
0.01 1.00
│ │ │
▽ __wt_cursor_get_keyv
0.04 1.00
│ │ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::dataFor
0.02 1.00
│ │ │
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_getData
0.01 1.00
│ │ │ ├
▽ __wt_cursor_get_value
0.01 1.00
│ │ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:79
0.01 1.00
│ │ └
▽ mongo::RecordStore::recordNeedsFetch
0.04 1.00
│ └
▽ mongo::PlanExecutor::restoreState
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::CollectionScan::restoreState
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::restoreState
0.04 1.00
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_locate
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_row_search
0.21 1.00
▽ mongo::_runCommands
0.21 1.00
▽ mongo::Command::execCommand
0.21 1.00
▽ mongo::_execCommand
0.20 1.00
│ ├
▽ mongo::WriteCmd::run
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execUpdate
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.20 1.00
│ │
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.01 1.00
│ └
▽ mongo::CmdServerStatus::run
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::ProcessInfo::getExtraInfo
0.01 1.00
▽ _IO_new_fclose:59
0.01 1.00
▽ _IO_new_file_close_it:171
0.01 1.00
▽ __close_nocancel:81
0.01 1.00
▽ ??
0.01 1.00
▽ mongo::mongoMalloc
1.00 1.00 ▽ main
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Listener::initAndListen
0.01 1.00 ▽ ??