Click on ▽ or ▷
to hide or show direct children of item.
Click on a function name to hide or show all descendents of item.
46 samples
avg.thr max.thr call tree
22.98 30.00 ▽ clone:111
22.98 30.00
▽ start_thread:312
11.98 19.00
▽ mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
8.85 16.00
▽ mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
8.85 16.00
▽ mongo::assembleResponse
8.85 16.00
▽ mongo::receivedInsert
8.80 16.00
││ ├
▽ mongo::checkAndInsert
8.61 16.00
││ │├
▽ mongo::Collection::insertDocument
8.61 16.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
8.59 16.00
││ ││ ├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
8.52 16.00
││ ││ │├
▽ ??
8.52 16.00
││ ││ ││
▽ __wt_btcur_insert
8.30 16.00
││ ││ ││ ├
▽ __wt_row_search
8.28 16.00
││ ││ ││ │├
▽ __wt_page_in_func
7.37 15.00
││ ││ ││ ││├
▽ __wt_sleep
7.37 15.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ select:81
0.63 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││├
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.63 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ __wt_evict
0.37 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ ├
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.37 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │
▽ ??
0.35 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ├
▽ ??
0.28 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │├
▽ ??
0.17 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││├
▽ ??
0.15 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │││├
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.09 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││├
▽ __wt_block_write
0.09 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │││││
▽ __wt_block_write_off
0.09 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │││││
▽ __wt_write
0.09 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │││││
▽ pwrite64:81
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││└
▽ ??
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││
▽ snappy_compress
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││
▽ snappy::RawCompress
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││
▽ snappy::Compress
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││
▽ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││││
▽ __memcmp_sse4_1:376
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │││└
▽ ??
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││└
▽ __wt_strndup
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││
▽ tc_calloc
0.04 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││ ├
▽ memset:93
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││ └
▽ memset:95
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │└
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1542
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1540
0.20 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ ├
▽ __wt_split_rewrite
0.20 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │
▽ ??
0.15 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │├
▽ __wt_row_insert_alloc
0.04 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ ││
▽ tc_calloc
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ │└
▽ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ │ └
▽ __wt_row_search
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││ └
▽ __wt_split_multi
0.07 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ __wt_calloc
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ tc_calloc
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │││
▽ memset:94
0.26 7.00
││ ││ ││ ││├
▽ sched_yield:81
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││└
▽ __wt_cache_read
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││
▽ __wt_bt_read
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││
▽ snappy_uncompress
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││
▽ snappy::RawUncompress
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ ││
▽ snappy::RawUncompress
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │└
▽ __wt_search_insert
0.17 4.00
││ ││ ││ ├
▽ __wt_row_modify
0.17 4.00
││ ││ ││ │
▽ __wt_update_alloc
0.11 4.00
││ ││ ││ │ ├
▽ __wt_calloc
0.11 4.00
││ ││ ││ │ │
▽ tc_calloc
0.07 3.00
││ ││ ││ │ │ ├
▽ memset:93
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │ │ ├
▽ memset:95
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │ │ └
▽ memset:94
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1656
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1650
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1649
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││ └
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ __wt_evict
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1540
0.02 1.00
││ ││ │├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.02 1.00
││ ││ │├
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.02 1.00
││ ││ ││
▽ tc_new
0.02 1.00
││ ││ │└
▽ __wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00
││ ││ │
▽ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.02 1.00
││ ││ └
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
0.02 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
0.02 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.02 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.02 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.02 1.00
││ ││
▽ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.20 2.00
││ │└
▽ mongo::fixDocumentForInsert
0.15 2.00
││ │ ├
▽ mongo::_BufBuilder<...>::grow_reallocate
0.15 2.00
││ │ │
▽ mongo::mongoRealloc
0.15 2.00
││ │ │
▽ tc_realloc
0.04 1.00
││ │ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1551
0.04 2.00
││ │ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1550
0.02 1.00
││ │ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1547
0.02 1.00
││ │ │ ├
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1541
0.02 1.00
││ │ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1542
0.02 1.00
││ │ ├
▽ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.02 1.00
││ │ │
▽ tc_malloc
0.02 1.00
││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.02 1.00
││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.02 1.00
││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.02 1.00
││ │ │
▽ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.02 1.00
││ │ └
▽ __memmove_ssse3_back:1651
0.04 1.00
││ └
▽ mongo::ThreadSafeString::operator=
0.02 1.00
││ ├
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:522
0.02 1.00
││ └
▽ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:485
3.13 5.00
▽ mongo::MessagingPort::recv
3.13 5.00
▽ mongo::Socket::recv
3.13 5.00
▽ mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
3.13 5.00
▽ mongo::Socket::_recv
3.13 5.00
▽ __libc_recv:33
11.00 11.00
▽ ??
4.96 5.00
▽ __wt_cond_wait
4.96 5.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
3.00 3.00
▽ mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::TTLMonitor::run
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::sleepsecs
1.00 1.00
▽ nanosleep:81
1.00 1.00
▽ ??
1.00 1.00
▽ __sigwait:97
1.00 1.00
▽ do_sigwait:60
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00
▽ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_evict_lru_page
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_evict_page
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_evict
0.04 1.00
▽ __wt_reconcile
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.04 1.00
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
▽ ??
0.02 1.00
▽ __wt_bt_write
0.02 1.00
▽ __wt_block_write
0.02 1.00
▽ __wt_block_write_off
1.00 1.00 ▽ main
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00
▽ mongo::Listener::initAndListen
0.02 1.00 ▽ ??