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422 samples
avg.thr max.thr  call tree
  20.55   40.00  clone:111
20.55 40.00 start_thread:312
15.11 16.00 ??
8.02 9.00 │├__wt_cond_wait
8.02 9.00 ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
3.00 3.00 │├mongo::BackgroundJob::jobBody
1.00 1.00 ││├??
1.00 1.00 │││ bool boost::condition_variable_any::timed_wait<...>
1.00 1.00 │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00 ││├mongo::ClientCursorMonitor::run
0.70 1.00 │││├mongo::sleepsecs
0.70 1.00 ││││ nanosleep:81
0.30 1.00 │││└mongo::GlobalCursorIdCache::timeoutCursors
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
0.30 1.00 │││ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
0.30 1.00 │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00 ││└mongo::TTLMonitor::run
0.88 1.00 ││ ├mongo::sleepsecs
0.88 1.00 ││ │ nanosleep:81
0.12 1.00 ││ └mongo::TTLMonitor::doTTLPass
0.12 1.00 ││ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.12 1.00 ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.12 1.00 ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.12 1.00 ││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
0.12 1.00 ││ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
0.12 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.03 2.00 │├??
1.00 1.00 ││├__sigwait:97
1.00 1.00 │││ do_sigwait:60
0.03 1.00 ││├__wt_txn_checkpoint
0.02 1.00 │││├__wt_cache_op
0.02 1.00 ││││├__wt_reconcile
0.02 1.00 │││││ ??
0.02 1.00 │││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││││ __memmove_ssse3_back:2351
0.00 1.00 ││││└__wt_tree_walk
0.00 1.00 ││││ ??
0.00 1.00 ││││ __wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │││└__wt_txn_checkpoint_log
0.00 1.00 │││ __wt_log_force_sync
0.00 1.00 │││ ├__wt_fsync
0.00 1.00 │││ │ fdatasync:81
0.00 1.00 │││ └__wt_cond_wait
0.00 1.00 │││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.00 1.00 ││└__wt_log_remove
0.00 1.00 ││ __wt_remove
0.00 1.00 ││ __GI_remove:34
0.00 1.00 ││ unlink:81
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::RangeDeleter::doWork
1.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
1.00 1.00 │├mongo::DeadlineMonitor<...>::deadlineMonitorThread
1.00 1.00 ││ pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:185
0.64 1.00 │├sched_yield:81
0.31 1.00 │├v8::internal::SignalSender::Run
0.30 1.00 ││├usleep:32
0.30 1.00 │││ nanosleep:81
0.02 1.00 ││└v8::internal::RuntimeProfiler::WaitForSomeIsolateToEnterJS
0.02 1.00 ││ v8::internal::LinuxSemaphore::Wait
0.02 1.00 ││ sem_wait:85
0.03 2.00 │├__wt_evict_lru_page
0.03 2.00 ││ __wt_evict_page
0.03 2.00 ││ __wt_evict
0.02 1.00 ││ ├__wt_reconcile
0.02 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.02 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ __wt_bt_write
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ snappy_compress
0.00 1.00 ││ │ snappy::RawCompress
0.00 1.00 ││ │ snappy::Compress
0.00 1.00 ││ │ snappy::internal::CompressFragment
0.01 2.00 ││ └__wt_split_multi
0.01 1.00 ││ ├__wt_page_out
0.00 1.00 ││ └??
0.00 1.00 ││ sched_yield:81
0.03 1.00 │├__GI_qsort_r:297
0.03 1.00 ││ msort_with_tmp:45
0.02 1.00 ││ ├msort_with_tmp:54
0.02 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00 ││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:54
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:161
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ ├msort_with_tmp:105
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ msort_with_tmp:161
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:118
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ __memcpy_sse2:221
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └msort_with_tmp:59
0.01 1.00 ││ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ├msort_with_tmp:105
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ __memcpy_sse2:61
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ __memcpy_sse2:206
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 ││ │ msort_with_tmp:108
0.00 1.00 ││ └msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00 ││ __memcpy_sse2:197
0.03 1.00 │├__wt_fsync
0.03 1.00 ││ fdatasync:81
0.01 1.00 │├__wt_log_allocfile
0.00 1.00 ││├??
0.00 1.00 │││ __wt_open
0.00 1.00 │││ open64:81
0.00 1.00 ││└__wt_fsync
0.00 1.00 ││ fdatasync:81
0.00 1.00 │├__wt_dirlist
0.00 1.00 ││├__opendir:160
0.00 1.00 ││└__opendirat:129
0.00 1.00 ││ __openat_nocancel:93
0.00 1.00 │├__wt_tree_walk
0.00 1.00 │└__GI_qsort_r:214
5.45 25.00 mongo::PortMessageServer::handleIncomingMsg
4.06 24.00 mongo::MyMessageHandler::process
4.04 24.00 │├mongo::assembleResponse
4.03 24.00 ││├mongo::runQuery
4.03 24.00 │││ mongo::_runCommands
4.03 24.00 │││ mongo::Command::execCommand
4.02 24.00 │││ ├mongo::_execCommand
3.89 24.00 │││ │├mongo::WriteCmd::run
3.87 24.00 │││ ││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch
3.87 24.00 │││ │││ mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::bulkExecute
3.36 24.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execInserts
3.35 24.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execOneInsert
1.87 23.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
1.86 23.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
1.86 23.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
1.86 23.00 │││ │││ ││││ ├??
1.85 23.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ __wt_txn_commit
1.84 23.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ├__wt_log_write
1.63 22.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__wt_log_slot_wait
1.15 22.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││├sched_yield:81
0.47 20.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││└__wt_sleep
0.47 20.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ select:81
0.10 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__wt_log_slot_close
0.10 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ sched_yield:81
0.05 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├??
0.05 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││├__wt_write
0.05 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │││ pwrite64:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││└__wt_cond_signal
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ __GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__wt_log_slot_join
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__wt_rduppo2
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ │└__wt_log_slot_release
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ ├__wt_txn_op_free
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ └__wt_txn_release_snapshot
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ├mongo::logger::globalLogManager
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ └mongo::TicketHolder::release
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ sem_post:46
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::endWriteUnitOfWork
0.67 21.00 │││ │││ ││├??
0.59 21.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.59 21.00 │││ │││ ││││├mongo::Top::record
0.40 18.00 │││ │││ │││││├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.40 18.00 │││ │││ ││││││ _L_lock_909
0.40 18.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.16 6.00 │││ │││ │││││├__GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.15 6.00 │││ │││ ││││││├__pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.15 6.00 │││ │││ │││││││ _L_unlock_722
0.15 6.00 │││ │││ │││││││ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││└__pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:309
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::get
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::Area::find
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __memcmp_sse4_1:948
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::Top::_record
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││└__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ │││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:26
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└tc_delete
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ├__memcpy_sse2_unaligned:26
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ └std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::CurOp::reset
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ std::string::assign
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getInsertRequest
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::OpDebug::recordStats
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::curTimeMicros64
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::CurOp::ensureStarted
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::ClientBasic::hasRemote
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├__strncpy_sse2_unaligned:58
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getBatchType
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isWriteLocked
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::CurOp::setNS
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ __strncpy_sse2_unaligned:1120
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└__memmove_ssse3_back:66
0.66 14.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::Collection::insertDocument
0.64 14.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::Collection::_insertDocument
0.39 13.00 │││ │││ ││││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::insertRecord
0.24 12.00 │││ │││ │││││├??
0.24 12.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.18 12.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.06 11.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.06 11.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ _L_lock_909
0.06 11.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.04 3.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │├__wt_txn_log_op
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││├__wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │││├__wt_struct_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││││├__memmove_ssse3_back:2637
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││││├__memmove_ssse3_back:79
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││││└__memmove_ssse3_back:61
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │││└__wt_struct_size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │││ strlen:137
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││├__wt_struct_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │││├__ctype_b_loc:34
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │││└strlen:109
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││└__wt_struct_size
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ _L_unlock_722
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ __lll_unlock_wake:371
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ __wt_calloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │├__wt_update_alloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││├__memmove_ssse3_back:2639
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││└__wt_calloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ tc_calloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ││ memset:56
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │└__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.04 3.00 │││ │││ ││││││ └__wt_row_search
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ├__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ └__wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __wt_hazard_set
0.09 3.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.09 3.00 │││ │││ ││││││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.09 3.00 │││ │││ │││││││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.08 3.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ├??
0.06 3.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │├__wt_txn_get_snapshot
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││├__GI_qsort_r:297
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ msort_with_tmp:45
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ ├msort_with_tmp:159
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ │ __memcpy_sse2:63
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ └msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ msort_with_tmp:83
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ │ __wt_txnid_cmp
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ ├msort_with_tmp:40
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ └msort_with_tmp:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ ├msort_with_tmp:54
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ msort_with_tmp:53
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ msort_with_tmp:45
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ msort_with_tmp:83
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ │ __wt_txnid_cmp
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ └msort_with_tmp:160
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │││ __memcpy_sse2:107
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││├__GI_qsort_r:236
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││├__GI_qsort:307
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││├__GI_qsort_r:290
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││└__GI_qsort_r:291
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │├__wt_txn_config
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ ││ __wt_config_gets_def
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │├__GI___clock_gettime:115
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ │└__GI___clock_gettime:134
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││││ └mongo::logger::LogComponentSettings::shouldLog
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││└mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ tc_delete
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │││││├__wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ??
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ ││││││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ ├tc_new
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ └??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __wt_btcur_reset
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_changeNumRecords
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ │││││├__wt_cursor_set_value
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││││ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_increaseDataSize
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││││ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││└mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_nextId
0.24 6.00 │││ │││ ││││└mongo::IndexCatalog::indexRecord
0.24 6.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_indexRecord
0.24 6.00 │││ │││ ││││ ├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert
0.18 5.00 │││ │││ ││││ │├mongo::WiredTigerIndex::insert
0.15 4.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_insert
0.13 4.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││├??
0.12 4.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ __wt_btcur_insert
0.06 3.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ├__wt_row_modify
0.02 3.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__wt_txn_log_op
0.02 3.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ __wt_logop_row_put_pack
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ ├__wt_struct_size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ │ strlen:136
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ └__wt_struct_pack
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__wt_update_alloc
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││├__wt_calloc
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ tc_calloc
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ ├tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::PageHeap::New
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ │ tcmalloc::PageHeap::AllocLarge
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpans
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││└__memmove_ssse3_back:2143
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__wt_row_insert_alloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ __wt_calloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:66
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:63
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │└__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.05 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ └__wt_row_search
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ├__wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__wt_sleep
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ││ select:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │├__wt_hazard_set
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │└__wt_txn_update_oldest
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ └__wt_search_insert
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││├mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ ├mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │ mongo::KeyString::_appendOID
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │ ├__memmove_ssse3_back:66
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ │ └__memmove_ssse3_back:2825
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ └mongo::BSONElement::size
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││├mongo::KeyString::appendRecordId
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ __memmove_ssse3_back:2791
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││├__wt_cursor_set_value
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││││ __wt_cursor_set_valuev
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ ├??
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ │ __wt_btcur_reset
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ └tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││└mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_ensureSession
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││ └mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get
0.04 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │├mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├std::pair<...> std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_insert_unique<...>
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││├tc_new
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││└std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ tc_malloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││├mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │││ strlen:66
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ ││└mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::BSONObjBuilderValueStream
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │└std::_Rb_tree<...>::~_Rb_tree
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ │ mongo::intrusive_ptr_release
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ └mongo::repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::BSONObj::getField
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├__memcmp_sse4_1:1024
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└__memcmp_sse4_1:1025
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::IndexCatalog::findIdIndex
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├mongo::IndexDescriptor::_checkOk
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::more
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::IndexCatalog::IndexIterator::_advance
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::IndexCatalogEntry::isReady
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSnapshotId
0.06 3.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::repl::logOp
0.02 2.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::AuthorizationManager::logOp
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::AuthzManagerExternalStateLocal::logOp
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ std::string::compare
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ __memcmp_sse4_1:1577
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ │││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└strlen:66
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::logOpForDbHash
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ mongo::DBHashCmd::wipeCacheForCollection
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ │││├tc_delete
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::getGlobalAuthorizationManager
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::ensureShardVersionOKOrThrow
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└__strstr_sse2_unaligned:23
0.05 2.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::CurOp::CurOp
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ std::string::_M_replace_safe
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ tc_malloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::CurOp::_reset
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├memset:94
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├pthread_spin_unlock:24
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├tc_newarray
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├memset:96
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└mongo::HostAndPort::HostAndPort
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::CurOp::~CurOp
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││├tc_deletearray
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├tc_free
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├__GI___pthread_mutex_lock:79
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ _L_lock_909
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ __lll_lock_wait:135
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└pthread_spin_destroy:28
0.01 2.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_getTicket
0.00 2.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::TicketHolder::waitForTicket
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├sem_wait:48
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└sem_wait:58
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::hasStrongLocks
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ pthread_spin_trylock:32
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isCollectionLockedForMode
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││ tc_new
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isLockHeldForMode
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││└memchr:29
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::WriteUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::isInsertIndexRequest
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getNSS
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::incOpStats
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││└mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::incWriteStats
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getBatchType
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::fixDocumentForInsert
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ strlen:69
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::sizeDocuments
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │└mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::sizeWriteOps
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::getBatchType
0.51 1.00 │││ │││ └mongo::WriteBatchExecutor::execRemove
0.51 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::PlanExecutor::executePlan
0.51 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.51 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.51 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::DeleteStage::work
0.22 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::Collection::deleteDocument
0.12 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::IndexCatalog::unindexRecord
0.12 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::IndexCatalog::_unindexRecord
0.11 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::remove
0.10 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │├mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::removeOneKey
0.10 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerIndex::unindex
0.09 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerIndexUnique::_unindex
0.09 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ ├??
0.08 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_remove
0.04 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ├__wt_row_modify
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │├__wt_txn_log_op
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ││├__wt_logop_row_remove_pack
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │││├__wt_struct_size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │││└__wt_struct_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ││├__wt_struct_size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ││├__wt_struct_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ││└__wt_logrec_alloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ││ __wt_scr_alloc_func
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │├__wt_page_modify_alloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │└__wt_update_alloc
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ ├__wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │├__wt_search_insert
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │├__wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ │└__wt_row_leaf_key_work
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ │ └??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ └mongo::KeyString::KeyString
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::KeyString::resetToKey
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendAllElementsForIndexing
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendBsonValue
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::KeyString::_appendOID
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ __memmove_ssse3_back:2825
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │├mongo::BtreeKeyGenerator::getKeys
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ std::pair<...> std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_insert_unique<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │├std::_Rb_tree_increment
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │└std::_Rb_tree<...>::~_Rb_tree
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ std::_Rb_tree<...>::_M_erase
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ tc_free
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::repl::getGlobalReplicationCoordinator
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::IndexCatalogEntry::isReady
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └mongo::Status::unref
0.06 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::deleteRecord
0.05 1.00 │││ │││ ││├??
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ │││├__wt_btcur_remove
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├__wt_row_search
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││││├__wt_row_modify
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ __wt_txn_log_op
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ __wt_logop_row_remove_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ ├__wt_struct_size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││││ └__wt_struct_pack
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││││└__wt_hazard_clear
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │││└__wt_btcur_search
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │││ __wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ __wt_page_in_func
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_changeNumRecords
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::registerChange
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││└mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::getCursor
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::Collection::docFor
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::dataFor
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├??
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ __wt_btcur_search
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ ├__wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ └__wt_kv_return
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerCursor::WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_ensureSession
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │└mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::get
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └mongo::WiredTigerCursor::~WiredTigerCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::BSONElement::wrap
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├__memmove_ssse3_back:2817
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││├mongo::BSONObjBuilder::~BSONObjBuilder
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││└mongo::BSONObjBuilderValueStream::endField
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │└mongo::CursorManager::invalidateDocument
0.15 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::commit
0.14 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_commit
0.14 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnClose
0.14 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ??
0.14 1.00 │││ │││ ││ __wt_txn_commit
0.14 1.00 │││ │││ ││ __wt_log_write
0.07 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├??
0.07 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ __wt_write
0.07 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ pwrite64:81
0.06 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├__wt_log_slot_close
0.06 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ sched_yield:81
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └__wt_log_slot_join
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ __wt_random
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::endWriteUnitOfWork
0.08 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::CollectionScan::restoreState
0.07 1.00 │││ │││ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::restoreState
0.05 1.00 │││ │││ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_locate
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ │ │├??
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ ├__wt_row_search
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ └__wt_btcur_next
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_curr
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ __wt_cursor_get_key
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ __wt_cursor_get_keyv
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │└__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ ??
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::getSession
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_txnOpen
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ │├__GI___clock_gettime:115
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ │└__wt_txn_get_snapshot
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::_getTicket
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ │├mongo::isModeCovered
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ │└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::hasStrongLocks
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ │ └mongo::Timer::now
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ └mongo::OperationContextImpl::recoveryUnit
0.03 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::repl::logOp
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::AuthorizationManager::logOp
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::AuthzManagerExternalStateLocal::logOp
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ std::string::compare
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ __memcmp_sse4_1:56
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ │├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └__memcpy_sse2_unaligned:25
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │└operator delete
0.02 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::CollectionScan::work
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::getNext
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_getNext
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::_curr
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ __wt_cursor_get_key
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ __wt_cursor_get_keyv
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ __wt_btcur_next
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::dataFor
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::_getData
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ ├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ └__memmove_ssse3_back:55
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::ScopedTimer::~ScopedTimer
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::CollectionScan::returnIfMatches
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ││ mongo::AndMatchExpression::matches
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │├mongo::WorkingSet::allocate
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │└mongo::Collection::documentNeedsFetch
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::WiredTigerRecordStore::Iterator::saveState
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ mongo::WiredTigerCursor::reset
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ __wt_btcur_reset
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ __wt_hazard_clear
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::ScopedTimer::~ScopedTimer
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::WorkingSetCommon::forceFetchAllLocs
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ mongo::WorkingSet::getAndClearIdxIds
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ └mongo::WriteUnitOfWork::~WriteUnitOfWork
0.01 1.00 │││ ││├mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::parseBSON
0.01 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::FieldParser::FieldState mongo::FieldParser::extract<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ __memcpy_sse2_unaligned:143
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├mongo::BSONElement::size
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ │ mongo::BSONElement::fieldNameSize
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ ├std::string::_Rep::_M_dispose
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ └mongo::FieldParser::extract
0.00 1.00 │││ │││ mongo::BSONObj::getOwned
0.00 1.00 │││ ││└mongo::BatchedCommandRequest::~BatchedCommandRequest
0.00 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::~BatchedInsertRequest
0.00 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::BatchedInsertRequest::~BatchedInsertRequest
0.08 1.00 │││ │├mongo::CmdCount::run
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockComplete
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ mongo::CondVarLockGrantNotification::wait
0.08 1.00 │││ ││ pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2:238
0.05 1.00 │││ │└mongo::CmdServerStatus::run
0.02 1.00 │││ │ ├??
0.02 1.00 │││ │ │├mongo::ProcessInfo::getExtraInfo
0.01 1.00 │││ │ ││├_IO_new_fclose:59
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││├_IO_new_file_close_it:172
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││││ __close_nocancel:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││└_IO_new_file_close_it:185
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ __GI__IO_setb:401
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ munmap:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││├__fscanf:31
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ ___vfscanf:2987
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ _IO_vfscanf_internal:1825
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ __GI___strtol_internal:97
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││├__fopen_internal:90
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ _IO_new_file_fopen:333
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ _IO_file_open:228
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ open64:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││└tc_mallinfo
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::GetThreadStats
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │├??
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ TCMallocImplementation::GetNumericProperty
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ ??
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ ├tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::OverheadBytes
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││ └tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::tc_length
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │└mongo::reportGlobalLockingStats
0.01 1.00 │││ │ ├mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.01 1.00 │││ │ │ mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.01 1.00 │││ │ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │├mongo::ProcessInfo::getVirtualMemorySize
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ ││├__fscanf:31
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │││ ___vfscanf:2987
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │││ _IO_vfscanf_internal:620
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │││ __GI__IO_default_uflow:435
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │││ _IO_new_file_underflow:613
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │││ read:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ ││└_IO_new_fclose:59
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ ││ _IO_new_file_close_it:172
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ ││ __close_nocancel:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │└mongo::ProcessInfo::getResidentSize
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ __fscanf:31
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ ___vfscanf:2987
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ ├_IO_vfscanf_internal:1408
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ └_IO_vfscanf_internal:620
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ __GI__IO_default_uflow:435
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ _IO_new_file_underflow:613
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ │ read:81
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ └mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ mongo::MetricTree::appendTo
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │ mongo::ServerStatusMetricField<...>::appendAtLeaf
0.01 1.00 │││ │ ├mongo::WiredTigerServerStatusSection::generateSection
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │├mongo::WiredTigerUtil::exportTableToBSON
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││├??
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ __wt_buf_fmt
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ __wt_buf_grow_worker
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ __wt_realloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │││ tc_realloc
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ││└memchr@plt
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │└mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::appendGlobalStats
0.00 1.00 │││ │ ├mongo::BSONObjBuilder::append
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │├__memmove_ssse3_back:1797
0.00 1.00 │││ │ │└__memmove_ssse3_back:1316
0.00 1.00 │││ │ └__memmove_ssse3_back:2645
0.00 1.00 │││ └std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 │││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 │││ std::string::_Rep::_S_create
0.00 1.00 │││ tc_new
0.01 1.00 ││├mongo::QueryMessage::QueryMessage
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::DbMessage::nextJsObj
0.01 1.00 │││ mongo::validateBSON
0.00 1.00 ││├std::string::swap
0.00 1.00 ││└mongo::NamespaceString::NamespaceString
0.00 1.00 ││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.02 1.00 │├mongo::Socket::send
0.02 1.00 ││ mongo::Socket::_send
0.02 1.00 ││ __libc_send:31
0.00 1.00 │└mongo::OperationContextImpl::~OperationContextImpl
0.00 1.00 mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.00 1.00 mongo::WiredTigerRecoveryUnit::~WiredTigerRecoveryUnit
0.00 1.00 mongo::WiredTigerSessionCache::releaseSession
0.00 1.00 mongo::WiredTigerKVEngine::haveDropsQueued
1.38 8.00 mongo::MessagingPort::recv
1.38 8.00 mongo::Socket::recv
1.38 8.00 mongo::Socket::unsafe_recv
1.38 8.00 mongo::Socket::_recv
1.38 8.00 __libc_recv:33
1.00 1.00 main
1.00 1.00 mongo::initAndListen
1.00 1.00 mongo::Listener::initAndListen
1.00 1.00 select:81
0.33 1.00 ??
0.33 1.00 ??
0.32 1.00 ??
0.31 1.00 ??
0.31 1.00 ??
0.27 1.00 │├mongo::V8Scope::v8Callback
0.27 1.00 ││ mongo::mongoFind
0.24 1.00 ││ ├mongo::DBDirectClient::query
0.24 1.00 ││ │ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.24 1.00 ││ │ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.24 1.00 ││ │ ├mongo::DBDirectClient::call
0.24 1.00 ││ │ │ mongo::assembleResponse
0.23 1.00 ││ │ │ ├mongo::runQuery
0.18 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.18 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.18 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::IDHackStage::work
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ??
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ??
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ??
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ├??
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ __wt_btcur_prev
0.17 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ __wt_tree_walk
0.02 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ __wt_delete_page_skip
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ └__wt_cursor_set_key
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ __wt_cursor_set_keyv
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::AutoGetDb::AutoGetDb
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ├mongo::Lock::DBLock::DBLock
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │├mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::GlobalLock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ mongo::Lock::ResourceLock::lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getWaitingResource
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ││ pthread_spin_unlock:23
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │└mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::lockBegin
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ mongo::LockManager::lock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ mongo::LockManager::_getPartition
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ │ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::getId
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ └mongo::DatabaseHolder::get
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ├??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ └mongo::LockerImpl<...>::isDbLockedForMode
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ memchr:40
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::AutoGetCollectionForRead::~AutoGetCollectionForRead
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││├mongo::LockerImpl<...>::unlock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::_unlockImpl
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ mongo::LockerImpl<...>::inAWriteUnitOfWork
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││├mongo::CurOp::recordGlobalTime
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ mongo::Top::record
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ ├__GI___pthread_mutex_unlock:310
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ │ __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt:57
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ └mongo::UnorderedFastKeyTable<...>::get
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││└mongo::Lock::DBLock::~DBLock
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::Lock::GlobalLock::_unlock
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::mongoMalloc
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tc_malloc
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ tcmalloc::PageHeap::New
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ ├tcmalloc::PageHeap::AllocLarge
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ └tcmalloc::PageHeap::Carve
0.01 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::getExecutor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││├??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││├mongo::fillOutPlannerParams
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││││ void std::vector<...>::_M_emplace_back_aux<...>
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││└mongo::IDHackStage::IDHackStage
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ mongo::BSONElement::wrap
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ mongo::mongoMalloc
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ tc_malloc
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::FetchFromCentralCache
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::RemoveRange
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::FetchFromOneSpansSafe
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │││ tcmalloc::CentralFreeList::Populate
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││└mongo::PlanExecutor::make
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ std::basic_string<...>::basic_string
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ char* std::string::_S_construct<...>
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::PlanExecutor::~PlanExecutor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││├??
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││└mongo::EqualityMatchExpression::~EqualityMatchExpression
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │├mongo::PlanExecutor::deregisterExec
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ││ mongo::CursorManager::deregisterExecutor
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │└mongo::OperationContextImpl::checkForInterrupt
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ mongo::OperationContextImpl::checkForInterruptNoAssert
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │ mongo::getGlobalEnvironment
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ ├mongo::CurOp::CurOp
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │├tc_newarray
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ │└mongo::OpDebug::reset
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ └mongo::CurOp::~CurOp
0.00 1.00 ││ │ │ tc_deletearray
0.00 1.00 ││ │ └mongo::DBClientCursor::_assembleInit
0.00 1.00 ││ │ mongo::assembleRequest
0.01 1.00 ││ ├mongo::V8Scope::v8ToMongo
0.00 1.00 ││ │├v8::Object::GetOwnPropertyNames
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::GetKeysInFixedArrayFor
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ ├v8::internal::Factory::NewFixedArray
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ │ v8::internal::Heap::AllocateFixedArray
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ └v8::internal::JSObject::GetLocalElementKeys
0.00 1.00 ││ │├v8::Object::HasOwnProperty
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::JSReceiver::GetLocalPropertyAttribute
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::JSObject::LocalLookupRealNamedProperty
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::Map::LookupDescriptor
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ int v8::internal::BinarySearch<...>
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::String::SlowEquals
0.00 1.00 ││ ││ v8::internal::String::TryFlatten
0.00 1.00 ││ │└v8::Object::Get
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::GetProperty
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::Object::GetPropertyWithReceiver
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::Object::GetProperty
0.00 1.00 ││ ├v8::Function::NewInstance
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::Function::NewInstance
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::V8::FireCallCompletedCallback
0.00 1.00 ││ ├v8::FunctionTemplate::GetFunction
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::Execution::InstantiateFunction
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::Object::GetElementWithReceiver
0.00 1.00 ││ ├v8::V8::GlobalizeReference
0.00 1.00 ││ │ v8::internal::GlobalHandles::Create
0.00 1.00 ││ └mongo::ObjTracker<...>::track
0.04 1.00 │└??
0.04 1.00 ??
0.04 1.00 ??
0.02 1.00 │ ├mongo::V8Scope::v8Callback
0.01 1.00 │ │├mongo::dbQueryInit
0.01 1.00 │ ││├v8::Object::ForceSet
0.01 1.00 │ │││ v8::internal::ForceSetProperty
0.01 1.00 │ │││ ├v8::internal::Runtime::ForceSetObjectProperty
0.00 1.00 │ │││ │├v8::internal::JSObject::SetLocalPropertyIgnoreAttributes
0.00 1.00 │ │││ ││ v8::internal::Map::LookupTransition
0.00 1.00 │ │││ ││ int v8::internal::BinarySearch<...>
0.00 1.00 │ │││ │└v8::internal::String::SlowAsArrayIndex
0.00 1.00 │ │││ │ v8::internal::String::ComputeArrayIndex
0.00 1.00 │ │││ └v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage
0.00 1.00 │ │││ v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection
0.00 1.00 │ │││ v8::internal::GlobalHandles::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing
0.00 1.00 │ │││ mongo::ObjTracker<...>::deleteOnCollect
0.00 1.00 │ │││ boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release
0.00 1.00 │ │││ boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_p<...>::dispose
0.00 1.00 │ │││ mongo::DBClientCursor::~DBClientCursor
0.00 1.00 │ │││ mongo::DBClientCursor::~DBClientCursor
0.00 1.00 │ ││└v8::Undefined
0.01 1.00 │ │└mongo::mongoFind
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBDirectClient::query
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBClientBase::query
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBClientCursor::init
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBDirectClient::call
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::assembleResponse
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::runQuery
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNext
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::PlanExecutor::getNextSnapshotted
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::IDHackStage::work
0.01 1.00 │ │ mongo::BtreeBasedAccessMethod::findSingle
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ __wt_btcur_search_near
0.01 1.00 │ │ __wt_btcur_prev
0.00 1.00 │ │ __wt_tree_walk
0.00 1.00 │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ __wt_evict_page
0.00 1.00 │ │ __wt_evict
0.00 1.00 │ │ __wt_page_out
0.02 1.00 │ └??
0.02 1.00 ??
0.02 1.00 ??
0.01 1.00 │ ├??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ ├??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.01 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ ├v8::internal::LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ mongo::collectionGetter
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::Object::Get
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::GetProperty
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::Runtime::GetObjectProperty
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::Object::GetPropertyWithReceiver
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::JSReceiver::Lookup
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::JSObject::LocalLookupRealNamedProperty
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::Map::LookupDescriptor
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ int v8::internal::BinarySearch<...>
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ └??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ ├??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ ??
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::internal::LoadPropertyWithInterceptorOnly
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ mongo::collectionGetter
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ │ v8::Object::Get
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ └v8::internal::LoadPropertyWithInterceptorForLoad
0.00 1.00 │ │ │ v8::internal::IC::ComputeMode
0.00 1.00 │ │ └v8::internal::Execution::HandleStackGuardInterrupt
0.00 1.00 │ │ v8::internal::Heap::CollectAllGarbage
0.00 1.00 │ │ v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage
0.00 1.00 │ │ v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection
0.00 1.00 │ │ v8::internal::GlobalHandles::PostGarbageCollectionProcessing
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::ObjTracker<...>::deleteOnCollect
0.00 1.00 │ │ boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release
0.00 1.00 │ │ boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_p<...>::dispose
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBClientCursor::~DBClientCursor
0.00 1.00 │ │ mongo::DBClientCursor::~DBClientCursor
0.00 1.00 │ │ tc_free
0.00 1.00 │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::Scavenge
0.00 1.00 │ │ tcmalloc::ThreadCache::ReleaseToCentralCache
0.00 1.00 │ └mongo::V8Scope::v8Callback
0.00 1.00 mongo::V8Scope::v8Callback
0.00 1.00 mongo::internalCursorHasNext
0.00 1.00 mongo::getCursor
0.00 1.00 v8::Object::InternalFieldCount