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  1. C Driver
  2. CDRIVER-3513

Fix instances where functions may return false without setting the out bson_error_t

      A common pattern for functions in libmongoc is to return a boolean and have an out parameter bson_error_t. If the return value is false, callers can assume the bson_error_t was set. In the past, we've discovered bugs due to code not abiding by this contract (e.g. CDRIVER-3332).

      The following cases appear to be times where functions return false without setting the out bson_error_t param when they should be:

      Instances were found using this CodeQL query and skimming through the 54 results:

      import cpp
      from Function f, Parameter err, ReturnStmt r
      // Check that f has a bson_error_t * output parameter.
      err.getType().getName() = "bson_error_t *" and
      err.getFunction() = f and
      // And that f returns a boolean
      f.getType().getName() = "bool" and
      // And there is a return false;
      r.getExpr().(Literal).getValue().toInt() = 0 and
      r.getEnclosingFunction() = f and
      // no a call to bson_set_error in the same block.
      not exists (FunctionCall fc |
          fc.getTarget().getQualifiedName() = "bson_set_error" and
          r.getEnclosingBlock() = fc.getEnclosingBlock()
      ) and
      // no a call to a function taking a bson_error_t in the same block.
      not exists (FunctionCall fc, Parameter arg |
          arg.getName() = err.getName() and
          arg.getFunction() = fc.getTarget() and
          r.getEnclosingBlock() = fc.getEnclosingBlock()
      // no call to a function in an if condition containing
      not exists (FunctionCall fc, Parameter arg, IfStmt ifstmt |
          arg.getName() = err.getName() and
          arg.getFunction() = fc.getTarget() and
          fc.getParent*() = ifstmt.getCondition() and
          r.getParent*() = ifstmt.getThen()
      // Not a call to bson_set_error in the if condition of the nested block
      select r, f

      Can be run here (or locally): https://lgtm.com/query/8792356789210846853/

            andrew.witten@mongodb.com Andrew Witten (Inactive)
            kevin.albertson@mongodb.com Kevin Albertson
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
