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      With this feature, we are artificially creating a concept that does not exist in the server: the ability to modify a view. Because this concept does not exist in the server, when we get the aggregation pipeline that is backing a View, the server does not give us the collation information (if it was set) so we cannot save it back and it gets lost.

      Because there is not much we can do about it, let's just document the behavior.

      With this feature, we are artificially creating a concept that does not exist in the server: the ability to modify a view. Because this concept does not exist in the server, when we get the aggregation pipeline that is backing a View, the server does not give us the collation information (if it was set) so we cannot save it back and it gets lost. Because there is not much we can do about it, let's just document the behavior.
    • Iteration Dingo, Iteration Echidna, Iteration Giraffe, Iteration Ferret, Iteration Hedgehog

      User story

      As a Compass user
      I want to edit a View (as in "edit the aggregation pipeline behind the View")
      So that I can go and adjust the details if the documents I am seeing are not in the shape I expected them to be

      Acceptance criteria

      • In the sidebar, I have an entry point to go and edit the aggregation behind each View
      • In the main screen, when I am looking at a View, I have entry points to go and edit the aggregation behind the View
      • When I go and edit the aggregation behind a View, I am editing it in the aggregation pipeline builder of the Collection or View the View I am editing is based on
      • When I am done with editing the aggregation pipeline, I can update the View with the new pipeline
      • When the server returns errors (e.g., the user doesn't have the necessary permissions to modify a View), Compass needs to handle the errors nicely


      • When a View has been updated, can we jump back to wherever the user was when they clicked on an entry point to editing the View?

            durran.jordan@mongodb.com Durran Jordan
            massimiliano.marcon@mongodb.com Massimiliano Marcon
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
