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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-5495

Display some visual indications that document counts for ADL may not be accurate

      For performance reasons, ADL caches coll stats for up to 7 days.

      This means that the coll stats we display in Compass are based on stale data and therefore are not accurate. This behavior might be unexpected and therefore confuse users.

      To reduce confusion, in any place where we display coll stats and document counts for ADL collections, we should display an information message, or a visual cue, to explain to the users that count might be inaccurate and ideally link to the docs on how they may go about triggering a refresh.

      We don't want to make it easier from the UI to trigger a refresh as that might take a very long time and generate unexpected costs.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            massimiliano.marcon@mongodb.com Massimiliano Marcon
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