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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-6578

Show the query used when exporting in the export modal

    • 3
    • Not Needed

      When a user has chosen the export `Export query results` option, show the filter (and projection if there is one) from the query in the new export modal. Note we still want to export aggregations, so ensure those are accounted for.

      If the query has a projection already we show a banner indicating that only projected fields are exported. https://www.figma.com/file/4sXj42XyicBsdQkYIugHaV/Compass-Import%2FExport?node-id=921%3A45919&t=FoEPTv8iHfB487DG-1 

      When there is no projection in the query we show a `Fields to export` option, with a banner also indicating that they can use the projection in the query bar to project. https://www.figma.com/file/4sXj42XyicBsdQkYIugHaV/Compass-Import%2FExport?node-id=796%3A36622&t=FoEPTv8iHfB487DG-1 
      Showing the fields to export table will happen in a dependent ticket.

      Designs: https://www.figma.com/file/4sXj42XyicBsdQkYIugHaV/Compass-Import%2FExport?node-id=796%3A36622&t=FoEPTv8iHfB487DG-1 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rhys.howell@mongodb.com Rhys Howell
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