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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-8233

Add button to expand all nested fields for all documents currently visible

    • Not Needed
    • Developer Tools

      Users find it very painful to click through the "expand all" button for every document displayed when they would like to see nested fields for many documents at the same time. 

      Designs: https://www.figma.com/design/z6JaeC4ruIA7xChgkOI1yI/EXPO-2674-Document-View-Improvements?node-id=1976-2883&node-type=frame&t=uUwpmHAEXJ1AwTST-0

      Note that we already have an expand all option on the Aggregations tab today under the "Output Options" button, but this is not clear to users. In addition to adding the "expand all" option to the Documents tab, as part of this work, we will modify the current Aggregations tab to have the expand all button on the righthand side, moving its placement from where it is today and replacing the text with just the expand caret icon. 


            paula.stachova@mongodb.com Paula Stachova
            elizabeth.button@mongodb.com Betsy Button
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