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  1. C# Driver
  2. CSHARP-2364

Documentation lacking for geospatial queries

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      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature?
      2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output?
      3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?

      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature? 2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output? 3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?

      I had an issue recently figuring out how to perform a $nearSphere query with the strongly-typed methods available in the driver. I could get it to work by creating a filter with a string containing the JSON query syntax, but then the compiler would be unable to help me. I ended up creating a StackOverflow question for it, until I eventually solved it myself by tinkering: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51987894/why-do-i-get-a-valid-but-inaccurate-nearsphere-query-when-using-the-typed-metho

      I'm going to copy and paste parts of my StackOverflow question here to describe the issue:

      {{var query = _col.Find($"{{ location: {{ $nearSphere: {{ $geometry: {{ type: \"Point\", coordinates: [


      , {lat} ] }}, $maxDistance: {rad} }} }} }}");}}

      This worked fine. My query was accurate. But wherever possible, I'd like to use the typed methods instead so the compiler can help me in the future, so I looked online to figure out how to code it, and I came up with this after reading a previous StackOverflow answer:
      var filter = Builders<Node>.Filter.NearSphere(n => n.Location, lon, lat, rad);var query2 = _col.Find<Node>(filter);

      The problem is that these generate different queries under the hood, and the query generated by the latter is inaccurate. It catches many more points.


      By calling .ToString() on the queries generated, I see that the first one turns into...
      {{{find({ "location" : { "$nearSphere" : { "$geometry" :

      { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [1, 2] }

      , "$maxDistance" : 3 } } })}}}

      ...which produces an accurate result).

      And the second one turns into...
      {{{find({ "location" :

      { "$nearSphere" : [1.0, 2.0], "$maxDistance" : 3.0 }


      ..which has a different form and does not produce an accurate result.

      [and then when I found the solution...]

      The code for performing this type of query with version 2.7 of the C# driver is:
      var filterPoint = GeoJson.Point(new GeoJson2DCoordinates(lon, lat));var filter = new FilterDefinitionBuilder<Node>().NearSphere(n => n.Location, filterPoint, rad);var query = _col.Find<Node>(filter);


      I also had to make sure I was using the MongoDB GeoJSON point data type in my model (the class I use to perform the queries):

      {{public class Node{[BsonElement("_id")]public long Id

      { get; set; }[BsonElement("location")]public GeoJsonPoint<GeoJson2DCoordinates> Location { get; set; }

      [BsonElement("tags")]public BsonDocument Tags { get; set; }}}}{{}}



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            welkie Matt Welke
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