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  1. C# Driver
  2. CSHARP-4044

Easier debugging with standardized logging

    • Type: Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Easier debugging with standardized logging
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      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature?
      2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output?
      3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?
      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature? 2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output? 3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?
    • Done
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      Engineer(s): Boris

      Summary: A common complaint from our support team is that they don't know how to get debugging information out of drivers. Some drivers provide debug logging for this purpose, others do not. The key idea here is to provide consistency across drivers, making it easier to support all drivers and far easier to document how to debug specific issues.

      Status Update:

      • All caught up with the spec work done so far. Currently on hold until more spec changes come in
      • The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks

      Status Update:

      • Logs truncation in review
      • Unified runner for logging tests is merged
      • The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks

      Status Update:

      • Unified runner for logging tests in review
      • The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this
      • Logs truncation in progress

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks

      2022-09-06: Updating target end date to 2022-09-30
      Status Update:

      • Boris will get back to this later this week after wrapping up the last PR for the "Integrate the .NET Logging API" epic

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks

      2022-08-23: Keeping end date as is until Boris is back from vacation

      Status Update:

      • On pause since Boris is OOO until 9/5

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks

      2022-08-09: Setting initial target end date to 2022-09-09

      Status Update:

      • Currently working on a unified runner for logging tests
      • Boris will be OOO from 8/22 - 9/4

      Rationale for delays:

      • No delays


      • No risks
      Engineer(s): Boris Summary: A common complaint from our support team is that they don't know how to get debugging information out of drivers. Some drivers provide debug logging for this purpose, others do not. The key idea here is to provide consistency across drivers, making it easier to support all drivers and far easier to document how to debug specific issues. 2022-10-17: Status Update: All caught up with the spec work done so far. Currently on hold until more spec changes come in The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks 2022-10-04: Status Update: Logs truncation in review Unified runner for logging tests is merged The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks 2022-09-20: Status Update: Unified runner for logging tests in review The spec work for this project is still in progress and more changes will be coming in soon which will impact the end date for this Logs truncation in progress Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks 2022-09-06: Updating target end date to 2022-09-30 Status Update: Boris will get back to this later this week after wrapping up the last PR for the "Integrate the .NET Logging API" epic Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks 2022-08-23: Keeping end date as is until Boris is back from vacation Status Update: On pause since Boris is OOO until 9/5 Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks 2022-08-09: Setting initial target end date to 2022-09-09 Status Update: Currently working on a unified runner for logging tests Boris will be OOO from 8/22 - 9/4 Rationale for delays: No delays Risks: No risks
    • Hide


      • Implement logging infrastructure and unified test runners defined in DRIVERS-1677
      • Implement log messages and corresponding tests for each component
      DRIVERS-1204 : Implement logging infrastructure and unified test runners defined in DRIVERS-1677 Implement log messages and corresponding tests for each component

      This ticket was split from DRIVERS-1204, please see that ticket for a detailed description.

            boris.dogadov@mongodb.com Boris Dogadov
            dbeng-pm-bot TPM Jira Automations Bot
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            4 Start watching this issue

              11 weeks