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  1. C# Driver
  2. CSHARP-4797

Segmentation Fault when Attempting to Connect to Mongodb

    • Fully Compatible
    • Not Needed
    • Hide

      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature?
      2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output?
      3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?

      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature? 2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output? 3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?


      When using the MongoClient on Kubernetes to access a MongoDb database I get a segmentation fault where something in the library appears to be attempting to access/overwrite protected memory. 

      Please provide the version of the driver. If applicable, please provide the MongoDB server version and topology (standalone, replica set, or sharded cluster).

      I've tested against versions 2.21.0 and 2.19.0 

      The MongoDB topology is a replicaset with two nodes  (one primary and one secondary)

      How to Reproduce

      Create a .NET Console application and deploy it to Kubernetes with 4 Gi of ephemeral storage

      In Program.cs add the following code:


      var mongoUrl = new MongoUrlBuilder() 
       Username = <USERNAME>,     
      UseTls = true,     
      ReplicaSetName = <RS>,     
      AuthenticationMechanism = "GSSAPI",    
       Servers = new List<MongoServerAddress> { new MongoServerAddress("S1", PORT), new MongoServerAddress("S2", PORT) } 
      using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(b => {     
      var settings = MongoClientSettings.FromConnectionString(mongoUrl.ToMongoUrl().ToString()); Console.WriteLine($"mongourl {mongoUrl.ToMongoUrl().ToString()}"); settings.LoggingSettings = new LoggingSettings(loggerFactory);
      MongoClient dbClient = new MongoClient(settings);Console.WriteLine("made it to db client creation"); 
       try {       
      Console.WriteLine("getting database");     
      var database = dbClient.GetDatabase("DBNAME");    
      Console.WriteLine("running command");     
      var test  = database.RunCommand<BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument("ping", 1));   Console.WriteLine($"end - running command {test}");} 
      catch (Exception ex) {     Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());    } Console.WriteLine("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!");



      Additional Background

      Via logging statements I have confirmed that the connection string is formatted as expected by the URL builder, I was able to get the MongoDB client trace logs using the logging configuration above.. hopefully that'll be helpful to your  debugging:

      mongourl mongodb://username@Secondary_Server:Port,Primary_Server:Port/?authMechanism=GSSAPI;tls=true;replicaSet=RS
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Initialized
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Cluster opening
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Adding server
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Added server
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Adding server
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Added server
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Description changed
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Server opening
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Connection pool opening 600000 0 100 2 120000 500
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Connection pool created 600000 0 100 2 120000 500
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.IServerMonitor[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Initializing
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.IServerMonitor[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Initialized
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Server opened
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Server opening
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Connection pool opening 600000 0 100 2 120000 500
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Connection pool created 600000 0 100 2 120000 500
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.IServerMonitor[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Initializing
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.IServerMonitor[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Initialized
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Server opened
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Cluster opened
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.RoundTripTimeMonitor[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Monitoring started
      dbug: MongoDB.Internal.RoundTripTimeMonitor[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Monitoring started
      made it to db client creation
      starting session
      dbug: MongoDB.ServerSelection[0]
            1 CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient+AreSessionsSupportedServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector

      { AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }

      , OperationsCountServerSelector } (null) (null) { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Disconnected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "ServerInitialDescription", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: null, LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.6463312Z" }, { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "ServerInitialDescription", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: null, LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.6488517Z" }] } Server selection started
      info: MongoDB.ServerSelection[0]
            1 CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient+AreSessionsSupportedServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector

      { AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }

      , OperationsCountServerSelector } (null) (null) { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Disconnected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "ServerInitialDescription", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: null, LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.6463312Z" }, { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "ServerInitialDescription", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: null, LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.6488517Z" }] } Waiting for suitable server to become available 29917
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Connection pool ready
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Secondary_Server Port Description changed { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff952b1c549aaa3945f506"), "counter" : NumberLong(4) }, Type: "ReplicaSetSecondary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204932Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204940Z" }
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Description changed
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 3 Secondary_Server Port Heartbeat started
      dbug: MongoDB.ServerSelection[0]
            1 CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient+AreSessionsSupportedServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector

      { AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }

      , OperationsCountServerSelector } (null) (null) { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Connected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff952b1c549aaa3945f506"), "counter" : NumberLong(4) }, Type: "ReplicaSetSecondary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204932Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204940Z" }, { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "ServerInitialDescription", State: "Disconnected", ServerVersion: , TopologyVersion: , Type: "Unknown", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: null, LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.6488517Z" }] } Server selection succeeded Secondary_Server Port
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Connection pool ready
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Description changed { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff93a049fd067ff988e8ff"), "counter" : NumberLong(7) }, Type: "ReplicaSetPrimary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", ElectionId: "7fffffff0000000000000008", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386605Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386609Z" }
      getting database
      running command
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            Initializing (maxSetVersion, maxElectionId): Saving tuple (setVersion, electionId) of (6, 7fffffff0000000000000008) as (maxSetVersion, maxElectionId) for replica set "dev-112823-eieio-rs0" because replica set primary Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port sent (6, 7fffffff0000000000000008), the first (setVersion, electionId) tuple ever seen for replica set "dev-112823-eieio-rs0".
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 Description changed
      dbug: MongoDB.SDAM[0]
            1 4 Primary_Server Port Heartbeat started
      dbug: MongoDB.ServerSelection[0]
            1 CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = WritableServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector

      { AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }

      , OperationsCountServerSelector } (null) create { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Connected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff952b1c549aaa3945f506"), "counter" : NumberLong(4) }, Type: "ReplicaSetSecondary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204932Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204940Z" }, { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff93a049fd067ff988e8ff"), "counter" : NumberLong(7) }, Type: "ReplicaSetPrimary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", ElectionId: "7fffffff0000000000000008", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386605Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386609Z" }] } Server selection started
      dbug: MongoDB.ServerSelection[0]
            1 CompositeServerSelector{ Selectors = WritableServerSelector, LatencyLimitingServerSelector

      { AllowedLatencyRange = 00:00:00.0150000 }

      , OperationsCountServerSelector } (null) create { ClusterId : "1", ConnectionMode : "ReplicaSet", Type : "ReplicaSet", State : "Connected", Servers : [{ ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Secondary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff952b1c549aaa3945f506"), "counter" : NumberLong(4) }, Type: "ReplicaSetSecondary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204932Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9204940Z" }, { ServerId: "

      { ClusterId : 1, EndPoint : "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port" }

      ", EndPoint: "Unspecified/Primary_Server:Port", ReasonChanged: "Heartbeat", State: "Connected", ServerVersion: 5.0.0, TopologyVersion: { "processId" : ObjectId("64ff93a049fd067ff988e8ff"), "counter" : NumberLong(7) }, Type: "ReplicaSetPrimary", WireVersionRange: "[0, 13]", ElectionId: "7fffffff0000000000000008", LastHeartbeatTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386605Z", LastUpdateTimestamp: "2023-09-18T20:42:12.9386609Z" }] } Server selection succeeded Primary_Server Port
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Connection checkout started
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 Primary_Server Port Connection adding
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Connection created
      dbug: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Connection opening
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sending
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sent
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Receiving
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Received
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sending
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sent
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Receiving
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Received
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sending
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sent
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Receiving
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Received
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sending
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Sent
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Receiving
      trce: MongoDB.Connection[0]
            1 5 Primary_Server Port Received
      malloc_consolidate(): unaligned fastbin chunk detected
      /bin/sh: line 1:     7 Aborted                 (core dumped) dotnet project_name.dll



      please note:

      due to company policy servers, ports, and identifying information cannot be in logs hence primary_server, secondary_server etc



      We had similar code working for a previous replicaset that was torn down, I believe there is a connectivity or authentication issue but the error message is getting written to someplace it shouldn't be in the memory, which is halting troubleshooting. Any help would be appreciated!

            james.kovacs@mongodb.com James Kovacs
            dicarlo.g.m@gmail.com Gina DiCarlo
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
