- libbson Android ndk building success.
- libmongoc fail with: -lrt and -lresolv can not find, shm_open() shm_unlink() unreferenced function(), rand_r(seed); undefined function. rand_r() replaced with srand(seed); rand(); function. in cmake file I remove the ${RESOLVE_LIBRARY}. disable ENABLE_SHM_COUNTERS=OFF, if I do these settings i compiling succes
- bsoncxx: after compilation libbson and libmongoc, I always get error: command line error jpg attached. sometimes it successed sometimes not.
Before I compiled all library with android ndk r15 and all code working well in Samdung A5 and A3 but at another device like J7 Mi5 or LG g5 console error white building a bsoncxx::Dbuilder::basic::document{}; libc error invalid address 0x4556...
Now EP_minimalistic_core give me a error. How can I fix it? or How can Use mongocxx on Android?
- is duplicated by
CXX-1624 compiler error
- Closed