New to MongoDB. I have already install mongocxx-driver-3.2.0 successfully in my PC. But when i run my code as follows, this error happened:
the console outputs the invalid bson. What should i do to solve it?
int main() { bsoncxx::builder::stream::document stream_doc; stream_doc << "_id" << 1 << "name" << open_document << "first" << "John" << "last" << "Backus" << close_document << "contribs" << open_array << "Fortran" << "AlGOL" << "Backus-Naur Form" << "FP" << close_array << "awards" << open_array << open_document << "award" << "W.W. McDowell Award" << "year" << 1967 << "by" << "IEEE Computer Society" << close_document << open_document << "award" << "Draper Prize" << "year" << 1993 << "by" << "你好" << close_document << close_array; bsoncxx::document::view view = stream_doc.view(); std::cout << bsoncxx::to_json(view) << std::endl; return 0; }