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  1. Drivers
  2. DRIVERS-929

Schema map should be specifiable as file path

    • Type: Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Component/s: Client Side Encryption
    • None
    • $i18n.getText("admin.common.words.hide")
      Key Status/Resolution FixVersion
      RUBY-2997 Fixed 2.18.0
      #scriptField, #scriptField *{ border: 1px solid black; } #scriptField{ border-collapse: collapse; } #scriptField td { text-align: center; /* Center-align text in table cells */ } #scriptField td.key { text-align: left; /* Left-align text in the Key column */ } #scriptField a { text-decoration: none; /* Remove underlines from links */ border: none; /* Remove border from links */ } /* Add green background color to cells with FixVersion */ #scriptField td.hasFixVersion { background-color: #00FF00; /* Green color code */ } #scriptField td.willNotDo { background-color: #FF0000; /* Red color code */ } /* Center-align the first row headers */ #scriptField th { text-align: center; } Key Status/Resolution FixVersion RUBY-2997 Fixed 2.18.0

      The CSE specification in https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/client-side-encryption/client-side-encryption.rst#mongoclient-changes requires that MongoClient accepts schema map as an inline map.

      Given the expected size of schema maps, which the CSE specification already mentions, it is likely that schema maps will be stored in their own files. Therefore it will be convenient for users to be able to specify path to the schema map rather than load the schema map and pass it inline to MongoClient.

      Another instance where files are used are TLS keys and certificates. These are externally generated and are passed without modification by MongoClient to the TLS layer that uses them. Schema maps follow the same pattern of use - they are generated externally to MongoClient and MongoClient passes their contents verbatim to libmongocrypt.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            oleg.pudeyev@mongodb.com Oleg Pudeyev (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
