Support publishing release builds from Evergreen. This will relying on the Evergreen support for triggering versions with git tags. It will only publish builds to Sonatype. It will not:
- Bump the version in build.gradle
- Add the git tag
It will just run the following commands on Evergreen, using the configured signing key.
./gradlew --stacktrace --info publishArchives ./gradlew --stacktrace --info :bson-scala:publishArchives :driver-scala:publishArchives -PdefaultScalaVersions=2.11.12,2.12.10
- is depended on by
DRIVERS-1383 Automate Driver Releases
- Development Complete
- is duplicated by
JAVA-3827 Automate Driver Releases
- Closed
- related to
JAVA-3981 Use nexus plugin to automate releasing to maven central
- Backlog