When trying to serialize a class with an array property, e.g.
data class Foo(val myStrings: Array<String>)
the BSON serializer fails. This is due to this check in ChildCodecRegistry: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/blob/2fa9f4928c7badc2b022dfc007ce692e82dfe5cd/bson/src/main/org/bson/internal/ChildCodecRegistry.java#L75
`Class<Array<T>>.getTypeArguments` does not actually return 1 but the same as `Class<T>.getTypeArguments`.
The simplest fix can be to use `Class.isArray` to hardcode a fallback to one type parameter in that case.
This happens on the most recent version, 4.10.2.
This bug is actually somewhat important because Kotlin Multiplatform does not support `List`, the usually more natural choice, and requires you to use `Array` instead.