Per this documentation, database names should not include the space character. However, the driver will submit a database command that includes space and return a dubious response.
Reproduction code against mongos:
import com.mongodb.*; public class Test { public static final String DBNAME = "test asdfasdf"; public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception { Mongo mongo = new Mongo( "localhost", 27020 ); DB db = mongo.getDB( DBNAME ); db.getCollection( "test").insert(new BasicDBObject("a",1)); try { db.requestStart(); db.requestEnsureConnection(); while (true) { try { mongo.dropDatabase( DBNAME ); break; } catch (MongoException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // Do error handling, omitted for shortness here. } } } finally { db.requestDone(); } } }
This will trigger a "ok should never be null" exception.
- related to
SERVER-10891 Commands don't return "ok" field if targeting databases with invalid characters
- Closed
JAVA-956 Assume {ok:0} in case of missing 'ok' field in server response
- Closed