Problem Description
DeleteOneBusinessKeyStrategy throws an error when doing partial projection and an existing _id field exists and is not set or is false.
Also with true the _id field is included even though it is not listed in the projection list.
Steps to Reproduce
I have a kafkatopic "FaceMaskWeb.OrderCancel" that has a message:
"{\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"6053bb753283c9f1e8584cb4\"}, \"order-id\": 100}"
I have a sink that is defined on the "FaceMaskWeb.OrderCancel" topic as
"database":"FaceMaskWeb", "collection":"Orders", "writemodel.strategy": "com.mongodb.kafka.connect.sink.writemodel.strategy.DeleteOneBusinessKeyStrategy", "": "", "": "AllowList", "": "order-id",
I am trying to delete the document in the Orders collection that looks like this:
{ _id: ObjectId("60538d8d360dc9fda35f1312"), 'customer-id': 123, 'order-id': 100, order: { lineitem: 1, SKU: 'FACE1', quantity: 1 } }
My Sink fails with:
org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: Could not build the WriteModel, the value document does not contain an _id field of type BsonDocument which holds the business key fields.
I am trying to delete the document based upon the order-id field not any _id field, yet this error message makes me think that the order-id field need to be apart of the _id field maybe as a compound key?
From a slack discussion with Ross, the might not be returning a document in this scenario where there is just one key in the project list.
Expected Results
field in allowlist would be used as the field to delete in the collection