Currently, the code that deserializes FLE2IndexedEqualityEncryptedValue does not read the tokens or count. This is needed for the server to switch to the libmongocrypt API.
struct _mc_FLE2IndexedRangeEncryptedValueTokens
{ _mc_edgetoken[] tokens; uint32_t token_count; uint64_t[] counts; uint32_t counts_count; };
/* mc_FLE2IndexedEncryptedValue_decrypt_range decrypts InnerEncrypted into the set of range tokens with the ServerDataEncryptionLevel1Token on the server-side.
- Returns false and sets @status on error. It is an error to call before
- mc_FLE2IndexedEncryptedValue_parse. */
mc_FLE2IndexedEncryptedValue_decrypt_range (_mongocrypt_crypto_t *crypto,
mc_FLE2IndexedEncryptedValue_t *iev,
mc_ServerDataEncryptionLevel1Token_t* token,
_mc_FLE2IndexedRangeEncryptedValueTokens* indexed_tokens,
mongocrypt_status_t *status);
- is depended on by
MONGOCRYPT-510 Create serialization API for FLE2IndexedRangeEncryptedValueTokens
- Closed
- is duplicated by
MONGOCRYPT-510 Create serialization API for FLE2IndexedRangeEncryptedValueTokens
- Closed