The intent of producing PPA packages from the libmongocrypt waterfall is that we provide packages for all of the same os/arch combinations for which the server also produces PPA packages. This enables users to install libmongocrypt wherever the mongocryptd/crypt_shared (the necessary query analysis component produced by the server) is supported.
While working on MONGOCRYPT-579 it became apparent that certain os/arch combinations are not producing libmongocrypt packages (i.e., missing tasks and/or build variants).
The following os/arch combinations should be added/updated as needed in the libmongocrypt Evergreen configuration so that they produce PPA packages:
- RHEL8 (x64, arm64, power, zseries)
- RHEL9 (x64, arm64)
- is related to
MONGOCRYPT-609 Publish libmongocrypt distribution package for Amazon Linux 2023
- Closed