Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
I'm currently trying to package libmongocrypt for Gentoo, and I'm having some issue with using the system bson instead of the localy built: cmake/ImportBSON.cmake loads both static and dynamic library regardless of the value -DUSE_SHARED_LIBBSON. This disallow building with a shared-only libbson (such as when building it with -DENABLE_STATIC=OFF).
The repro I'm using (Gentoo w/ dev-libs/libbson[-static-libs]), but as that might not be your system, you can trigger another quite related error by only keeping -DMONGOCRYPT_MONGOC_DIR=USE-SYSTEM
#!/bin/sh -eu cmake \ -DENABLE_ONLINE_TESTS=OFF \ -DMONGOCRYPT_MONGOC_DIR=USE-SYSTEM \ -DUSE_SHARED_LIBBSON=ON make stubbed-crypt_shared # faster than full make
IMO the issue arises from a misuse of MONGOCRYPT_MONGOC_DIR; you can see the problem iff its value is USE-SYSTEM but the other flags aren't set: it will default to local build and add_subdirectory("USE-SYSTEM") which is clearly wrong.
I've managed to put a PR fixing that at https://github.com/mongodb/libmongocrypt/pull/681 commenting there more on the code side.
- related to
CDRIVER-4705 Better control over static/dynamic compilation/linking
- Closed