Passing the path to the libmongocrypt library (.dll/.so/.dylib) instead of crypt_shared results in an error, but does not help identify the issue.
Here is an example:
auto_encryption_opts = AutoEncryptionOpts( kms_providers, key_vault_namespace, # `crypt_shared_lib_path` should be the path to crypt shared (mongo_crypt_v1.dylib), not libmongocrypt! crypt_shared_lib_path="/Users/kevin.albertson/code/c-bootstrap/install/libmongocrypt-1.12.0/lib/libmongocrypt.dylib" ) # Raises error: # A crypt_shared override path was specified [/Users/kevin.albertson/code/c-bootstrap/install/libmongocrypt-1.12.0/lib/libmongocrypt.dylib], but we failed to open a dynamic library at that location. Load error: [(null)] client = MongoClient(auto_encryption_opts=auto_encryption_opts)
If attempting to load fails, consider trying to load a known libmongocrypt symbol. Then return an error like "Passed path to libmongocrypt, but need path to crypt_shared".
- fixes
MONGOCRYPT-715 Error information missing on failure to load crypt shared
- Closed