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  1. Mongoid
  2. MONGOID-5296

Do not immediately save referenced associations upon assignment

    • Type: Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Minor - P4 Minor - P4
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Associations
    • None

      • See MONGOID-5297 for companion ticket re: embedded associations


      First principles

      As an app implementer, I want to perform DB persistence as few times as possible in my code (e.g. for any controller action, etc.) I want to have full control over when objects persist (i.e. by calling save!), and catch errors/rollback etc. as well.


      Current state

      Assigning an association (=, <<, push, etc.) triggers an automatic immediate save of both the document being assigned and the base document. This save happens irrespective of / independently from the `autosave` option (and should not be confused with `autosave`)

      This behavior is problematic for many reasons:

      1. It is non-obvious, i.e. violates the Principle of Least Surprise. We require lengthy documentation to explain it; users have filed bugs because they didn't understand/expect it.
      2. It violates the Single Responsibility Principle; assignment methods are expected to assign in-Ruby-memory only, and save! should be used for persistence.
      3. Because such assignment is typically performed in the middle the app controller flow, it causes objects to be persisted in an half-completed, intermediate state.
      4. Because one usually calls save! at the end of the control flow, any persistence in the middle of the flow is an unnecessary performance hit, i.e. a synchronous roundtrip to the database.
      5. AFAIK the save of the assigned object triggers callbacks, while the save of the base object is done as an atomic operation, which further compounds the inconsistency/confusion. (I may be wrong on this point; need to double-check.)

      As an illustrative example:

      # in BandsController#create action
      1    band = Band.new(some_attributes) # possibly saves here?
      2    band.name = "Pink Floyd"
      3    album = Album.new("Dark Side of the Moon") 
      4    band.albums << album     # saves both band and album here
      5    band.rating = 10
      6    album.tracks = 13
      7    album.save!    # saves abum here
      8    band.save!     # saves band here

      Any saving done on lines 1 or 4 is both an unnecessary performance hit. Moreover, suppose something fails before line 7/8, my band/album are in an indeterminate "partially persisted" state.

      While first-time Mongoid devs might think autosaving is a convenience, as one's app grows in complexity, it quickly becomes an anti-pattern one wishes one had never (unwittingly) adopted.


      Further Investigation

      To help refine spec we should first test exactly which relations in which scenarios persist to DB. i.e.

      • has_one, has_many, HABTM etc.
      • accepts_nested_attributes
      • autosave (not believed to have any effect, but should double-test)


      Proposed Spec

      • Assignment =, <<, push as well as clear, delete_if, reject, etc. should only mutate the state of Ruby's memory, and should not persist anything to the database.
      • Calling save! on the base object should trigger the association assignment to be persisted to the database. The :autosave option on the association should determine whether the assigned object is also saved at this time.
      • The change should be done with a feature flag ("persist_referenced_associations_on_assignment")
      • has_one / has_many may be a special case where immediately persisting the foreign key on the inverse document is justified. Need to think more on this.

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            shields@tablecheck.com Johnny Shields
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