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  1. MongoDB Shell
  2. MONGOSH-1629

Missing help option "--build-info" is not listed in the command-line

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Minor - P4 Minor - P4
    • 2.1.0
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0.1
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Environment:
      node.js / npm versions:
      Additional info:
    • 1
    • Not Needed
    • Hide

      Command has existed for awhile. Help customers confirm the version variant they are running (there's 23 of them) by helping them find this. "--version" doesn't provide this detailed information.

      Description of this is also Online docs is a bit too buried here.



      $ mongosh -build-info
        "version": "2.0.1",
        "distributionKind": "packaged",
        "buildArch": "x64",
        "buildPlatform": "linux",
        "buildTarget": "unknown",
        "buildTime": "2023-09-14T14:43:17.852Z",
        "gitVersion": "225d4603f0d43d500a8847beaa980e906e9a35be",
        "nodeVersion": "v20.8.1",
        "opensslVersion": "3.1.3",
        "sharedOpenssl": true,
        "runtimeArch": "x64",
        "runtimePlatform": "darwin",
        "deps": {
          "nodeDriverVersion": "6.1.0"
       $ mongosh --help
        $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names (ending in .js or .mongodb)]
          -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
          -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
              --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
              --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
              --version                              Show version information
              --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
              --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
              --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
              --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
              --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
              --json[=canonical|relaxed]             Print result of --eval as Extended JSON, including errors
              --retryWrites[=true|false]             Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors (Default: true)
        Authentication Options:
          -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
          -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
              --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source (defaults to dbname)
              --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
              --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
              --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
              --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization (none or forward, available on Windows)
              --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm (available on Windows)
        TLS Options:
              --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
              --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
              --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
              --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
              --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
              --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
              --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store (Windows and macOS only)
              --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
              --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]
              --tlsUseSystemCA                       Load the operating system trusted certificate list
              --tlsFIPSMode                          Enable the system TLS library's FIPS mode
        API version options:
              --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
              --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
              --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version
        FLE Options:
              --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
              --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
              --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
              --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
              --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint
        DB Address Examples:
              foo                                    Foo database on local machine
                            Foo database on machine
                       Foo database on machine on port 9999
              mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used
        File Names:
              A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.
              Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
              $ mongosh mongodb://
        For more information on usage: https://docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell.


      Command has existed for awhile. Help customers confirm the version variant they are running (there's 23 of them) by helping them find this. "--version" doesn't provide this detailed information. Description of this is also Online docs is a bit too buried here. https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/reference/options/   $ mongosh -build-info {   "version" : "2.0.1" ,   "distributionKind" : "packaged" ,   "buildArch" : "x64" ,   "buildPlatform" : "linux" ,   "buildTarget" : "unknown" ,   "buildTime" : "2023-09-14T14:43:17.852Z" ,   "gitVersion" : "225d4603f0d43d500a8847beaa980e906e9a35be" ,   "nodeVersion" : "v20.8.1" ,   "opensslVersion" : "3.1.3" ,   "sharedOpenssl" : true ,   "runtimeArch" : "x64" ,   "runtimePlatform" : "darwin" ,   "deps" : {     "nodeDriverVersion" : "6.1.0"   } }    $ mongosh --help   $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names (ending in .js or .mongodb)]   Options:     -h, --help                                 Show this usage information     -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script         --host [arg]                           Server to connect to         --port [arg]                           Port to connect to         --version                              Show version information         --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process         --shell                                Run the shell after executing files         --nodb                                 Don 't connect to mongod on startup - no ' db address' [arg] expected         --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up         --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript         --json[=canonical|relaxed]             Print result of --eval as Extended JSON, including errors         --retryWrites[= true | false ]             Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors (Default: true )   Authentication Options:     -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication     -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication         --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source (defaults to dbname)         --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism         --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID         --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos         --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization (none or forward, available on Windows)         --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm (available on Windows)   TLS Options:         --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections         --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS         --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS         --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS         --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames         --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates         --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store (Windows and macOS only)         --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List         --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]         --tlsUseSystemCA                       Load the operating system trusted certificate list         --tlsFIPSMode                          Enable the system TLS library's FIPS mode   API version options:         --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with         --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode         --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version   FLE Options:         --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS         --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS         --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID         --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters         --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint   DB Address Examples:         foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999         mongodb: //         Connection string URI can also be used   File Names:         A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.   Examples:         Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:         $ mongosh mongodb: //   For more information on usage: https: //docs.mongodb.com/mongodb-shell.  
    • Iteration Nodosaurus, Iteration Pterodactyl, Iteration Qantassaurus

      Problem Statement/Rationale

      What is going wrong? What action would you like the Engineering team to take?

      Please be sure to attach relevant logs with any sensitive data redacted.
      How to retrieve logs for: Compass; Shell

      Steps to Reproduce

      How could an engineer replicate the issue you’re reporting?

      Expected Results

      What do you expect to happen?

      Actual Results

      What do you observe is happening?

      Additional Notes

      Any additional information that may be useful to include.

            leroux.bodenstein@mongodb.com Le Roux Bodenstein
            felicia.hsieh@mongodb.com Felicia Hsieh
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
