User Story
As a user,
I want to be able to gracefully interrupt running commands,
So that I can quickly stop a command that I typed wrong and get back to the prompt to try again
Acceptance Criteria
- Ctrl-C gracefully interrupts the active command
- When the command is interrupted, the shell will attempt to cleanly terminate the operation on the server and print a warning if that is not possible
- After the command is interrupted, the user gets back to the prompt and can run the next command
- Ctrl-C does not terminate the shell
- depends on
NODE-3263 Calling close() does not terminate all connections
- Blocked
- is related to
MONGOSH-772 CTRL-C does not work as expected with --nodb
- Closed
MONGOSH-475 Support termination of database operations on Ctrl+C
- Closed
MONGOSH-707 Ctrl+C doesn't actually kill running loop in mongosh
- Closed