[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] com.mongodb.mongosh.CollectionTest > testCreateIndex FAILED
[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...Was": 2, "ok": 1 }
[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] c[ategory_1_v_1
[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] { "category": 10, "v": 5 }]> but was:<...Was": 2, "ok": 1 }
[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] c[om.mongodb.MongoCommandException: Command failed with error 67 (CannotCreateIndex): 'Error in specification { key: { category: 1, v: 1 }, name: "category_1_v_1", ns: "admin.coll", weights: { category: 10, v: 5 } } :: caused by :: Invalid index specification { key: { category: 1, v: 1 }, name: "category_1_v_1", ns: "admin.coll", weights: { category: 10, v: 5 } }; the field 'weights' can only be specified with text indexes' on server %mongohostport%. The full response is {"ok": 0.0, "errmsg": "Error in specification { key: { category: 1, v: 1 }, name: \"category_1_v_1\", ns: \"admin.coll\", weights: { category: 10, v: 5 } } :: caused by :: Invalid index specification { key: { category: 1, v: 1 }, name: \"category_1_v_1\", ns: \"admin.coll\", weights: { category: 10, v: 5 } }; the field 'weights' can only be specified with text indexes", "code": 67, "codeName": "CannotCreateIndex"}
[2021/04/04 04:20:09.536] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1]>