Resolution: Gone away
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 3.5.2, 3.5.4
Environment:mongodb: 3.5.4
nextron: 5.14.4
react: 16.12.0
webpack: 4.41.5
Main package stack:
- mongodb: 3.5.4
- nextron: 5.14.4
- react: 16.12.0
- webpack: 4.41.5
I tried to store some file by GridFs stream, I have error:
core.BSON.ObjectId is not a function
at new GridFSBucketWriteStream (upload.js:43)
at GridFSBucket.../node_modules/mongodb/lib/gridfs-stream/index.js.GridFSBucket.openUploadStream (index.js:95)
I had investigated this error and found interesting thing, module bson isn`t resolve by node_modules/bson/index.js file when I use browser app (electron/nextron) and it isn`t has alias for Object+ID+.
Also I run same code via jest test and everything is working properly and module bson resolved correctly and has alias for Object+ID+