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  1. Node.js Driver
  2. NODE-3884

Add missing change stream prose tests and fix existing ones

      Currently, the change stream prose tests are only partially implemented.

      *Acceptance Criteria:

      • Implement tests 1-4, 5-9
        • Note: #3 has a partial implementation in change_stream.test.js > Change Stream Resume Error Tests)
        • Note: #9 requires >=4.0 and <4.0.7 which is not what we have in the pipeline, so perhaps that test can be removed from the spec - confer with drivers group
      • Fix tests 11-14 to run against a real server instead of a mock, if possible
      • Review tests 17-18 and make sure implementation matches spec
      • Make sure all tests run against both replicaset and sharded cluster unless otherwise specified in spec (currently only run against replicaset)
      • Update describe/it blocks to accurately convey spec test title (for easy discovery)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            daria.pardue@mongodb.com Daria Pardue
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