Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: TypeScript
As part of MONGOSH-538, we will be generating TS definitions for MQL, and in particular aggregation stages, based on the PHP driver's YAML files. Since the Node.js driver generally aims to provide helpful TS definitions, it could make use of these files as well once they exist.
Use Case
As a... Node.js driver user
I want... nice autocompletions for agg pipelines
So that... writing agg pipelines is less intimidating/challenging
User Experience
Users will receive the guidance TS typically provides not just for basic MQL, but also aggregation pipelines in general.
Depends on MONGOSH-538.
The PHP driver's YAML definitions aren't very strictly typed. We'll need to investigate this on the DevTools end as well.
The additional TS is large and could impact processing/build times.
Acceptance Criteria
Implementation Requirements
- functional reqs, potential snafus to avoid, performance targets, etc
Testing Requirements
- unit test, spec test sync, etc
Documentation Requirements
- DOCSP ticket, API docs, etc
Follow Up Requirements
- additional tickets to file, required releases, etc
- if node behavior differs/will differ from other drivers, confirm with dbx devs what standard to aim for and what plan, if any, exists to reconcile the diverging behavior moving forward