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  1. PHP Driver: Extension
  2. PHPC-245

executeUpdate() converts objects to arrays

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 0.5.0
    • Affects Version/s: 0.4.1
    • Component/s: None
    • None

      class Address implements BSON\Persistable {
          protected $streetAddress;
          protected $city;
          protected $postalCode;
          function __construct($streetAddress, $city, $postalCode) {
              $this->streetAddress = $streetAddress;
              $this->city          = $city;
              $this->postalCode    = $postalCode;
          function bsonUnserialize(array $array) {
              foreach($array as $k => $v) {
                  $this->{$k} = $v;
              return $this;
          function bsonSerialize() {
              return get_object_vars($this);
          function getStreetAddress()  {
              return $this->streetAddress;
      class Person implements BSON\Persistable {
          protected $_id;
          protected $username;
          protected $email;
          protected $name;
          protected $addresses = array();
          protected $_lastModified;
          protected $_created;
          function __construct($username, $email, $name) {
              $this->username = $username;
              $this->email    = $email;
              /* Pregenerate our ObjectID */
              $this->_id     = new BSON\ObjectID();
          function addAddress(Address $address) {
              $this->addresses[] = $address;
          function bsonUnserialize(array $array) {
              $this->__original = $array;
              foreach($array as $k => $v) {
                  $this->{$k} = $v;
          function bsonSerialize() {
              $props = get_object_vars($this);
              /* These aren't inserted/updated as values */
              /* If __original doesn't exist, this is a fresh object that needs to be inserted */
              if (empty($this->__original)) {
                  /* Generate the `_created` timestamp */
                  $props["_created"] = new BSON\UTCDatetime(microtime(true) * 1000);
                  return $props;
              /* Track the last time this person was updated */
              $updated = array(
                  '$currentDate' => array(
                      "_lastModified" => array('$type' => "date"),
                  '$set' => array(),
              /* Otherwise, only pluck out the changes so we don't have to do full object replacement */
              foreach($props as $k => $v) {
                  if (!isset($this->__original[$k])) {
                      /* A new field -- likely a on-the-fly schema upgrade */
                      $updated['$set'] = array($k => $v);
                  /* Changed value */
                  if ($this->__original[$k] != $v) {
                      $updated['$set'] = array($k => $v);
              return $updated;
          function getName() {
              return $this->name;
          function setName($name) {
              return $this->name = $name;
          function getCreatedDateTime() {
              return $this->_created->toDateTime();
          function getLastModifiedDateTime() {
              return $this->_lastModified->toDateTime();
          function toArray() {
              $props = get_object_vars($this);
              return $props;
          function getAddresses() {
              return $this->addresses;
      $m = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager("mongodb://localhost");
      try {
          /* Drop the collection between runs */
          $dropcoll = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(array("drop" => "people"));
          $m->executeCommand("examples", $dropcoll);
      } catch(Exception $e) {}
      $bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite;
      /* Claire Corwin, username: lair77 */
      $lair77 = new Person("lair77", "claire77@example.net", "Claire Corwin");
      $hillardhaven = new Address("4527 Kohler Square Apt. 316", "Hillardhaven", "02622-5175");
      /* Tabitha Lehner, username: tabitha.mohr */
      $tabitha = new Person("tabitha.mohr", "mohr@example.org", "Tabitha Lehner");
      $konopelskichester = new Address("76650 Mina Pass", "Konopelskichester", "69679-5471");
      /* Hartmann Dedrick, username: hartmann -- he is going to be our demo person */
      $hartmann = new Person("hartmann", "hartmann@example.org", "Hartmann Dedrick");
      $leannefurt = new Address("151 Delbert Hills Suite 923", "Leannefurt", "22036");
      /* He has two addresses */
      $prudencemouth = new Address("7042 Freida Springs", "Prudencemouth", "94805");
      /* Frida Sanford, username: ena */
      $ena = new Person("ena", "sanford@example.net", "Frida Sanford"); 
      $lawsonport = new Address("3656 Jenifer Field", "New Lawsonport", "16300");
      /* Alice Lockman, username: lockman */
      $lockman = new Person("lockman", "lockman.alice@example.net", "Alice Lockman");
      $herminia = new Address("37413 Kailee Spurs", "East Herminia", "22107");
      /* Insert our fixtures in one bulk write operation */
      $m->executeBulkWrite("examples.people", $bulk);
      /* Iterate over all the `examples.people`, 
       * converting them back into Person objects -- and the nested Address object!
      $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(array());
      foreach($m->executeQuery("examples.people", $query) as $person) {
          echo $person->getName(), " has the following address(es):\n";
          foreach($person->getAddresses() as $address) {
              echo "\t", $address->getStreetAddress(), "\n";
          echo "\n";
      echo "-----\n";
      /* Hartmann graduated with a doctorate and deserves a Dr. prefix */
      $hartmannFilter = array("username" => "hartmann");
      $queryHartmann = new MongoDB\Driver\Query($hartmannFilter);
      $hartmann = $m->executeQuery("examples.people", $queryHartmann)->toArray()[0];
      $hartmann->setName("Dr. " . $hartmann->getName());
      $retval = $m->executeUpdate("examples.people", $hartmannFilter, $hartmann);
      printf("Updated %d person (%s)\n", $retval->getModifiedCount(), $hartmann->getName());
      $queryAll = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(array());
      $all = $m->executeQuery("examples.people", $queryAll)->toArray();
      foreach($all as $person) {
          if ($person->getName() == "Dr. Hartmann Dedrick") {

            bjori Hannes Magnusson
            bjori Hannes Magnusson
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