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  1. Realm Cocoa SDK
  2. RCOCOA-1117

QueryBuilder crashing when adding BETWEEN constraint as a string


      Create predicate within the String argument of the filter method. Without the need to create a NSPredicate instance.

      Expected Results

      Actual filtered results, based on the predicate.

      Actual Results

      *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'Invalid value', reason: 'NSArray object must contain exactly two objects for BETWEEN operations'

      Relevant part of thrown stack

      `*** First throw call stack:
      0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff20421af6 __exceptionPreprocess + 242
      1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff20177e78 objc_exception_throw + 48
      2 Realm 0x0000000104e44e42 _ZL15RLMPreconditionbP8NSStringS0_z + 626
      3 Realm 0x0000000104ee310d ZN12_GLOBAL_N_134validate_and_extract_between_rangeEP11objc_objectP11RLMPropertyPU15_autoreleasingS1_S5

      • 237
        4 Realm 0x0000000104ecee4d ZN12_GLOBAL_N_112QueryBuilder22add_between_constraintERKNS_15ColumnReferenceEP11objc_object + 1037
        5 Realm 0x0000000104e48188 ZN12_GLOBAL_N_112QueryBuilder22apply_value_expressionEP15RLMObjectSchemaP8NSStringP11objc_objectP21NSComparisonPredicate + 424
        6 Realm 0x0000000104e46449 ZN12_GLOBAL_N_112QueryBuilder15apply_predicateEP11NSPredicateP15RLMObjectSchema + 4345
        7 Realm 0x0000000104e44faf _Z19RLMPredicateToQueryP11NSPredicateP15RLMObjectSchemaP9RLMSchemaRN5realm5GroupE + 271`

      Steps for others to Reproduce

      Run a query using the following NSPredicate string and array as options:
      let dateRange = [date1, date2]
      let test = Realm.objects(RealmObject.self).filter("startTime BETWEEN %@", dateRange)

      Code Sample

      Actual method crashing : Link to Method

      void QueryBuilder::add_between_constraint(const ColumnReference& column, id value) {
          if (column.has_any_to_many_links()) {
              auto link_column = column.last_link_column();
              Query subquery = get_table(m_group, link_column.link_target_object_schema()).where();
              QueryBuilder(subquery, m_group, m_schema).add_between_constraint(column.column_ignoring_links(subquery), value);
              m_query.and_query(link_column.resolve<Link>(std::move(subquery)).count() > 0);
          id from, to;
          validate_and_extract_between_range(value, column.property(), &from, &to);
          RLMPropertyType type = column.type();
          add_constraint(type, NSGreaterThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType, 0, column, from);
          add_constraint(type, NSLessThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType, 0, column, to);


      Pass the first object of the array, since it's the one that contains the actual variables array. It's not been tested throughout, maybe it's causing other errors.
      validate_and_extract_between_range(value[0], column.property(), &from, &to);

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      Realm framework version:

      • Realm (= 10.5.0)
      • RealmSwift (= 10.5.0)

      Realm Object Server version: N/a

      Xcode version: Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)

      iOS/OSX version: iOS 14.4

      Dependency manager + version: Cocoapods 1.10.0

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