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  1. Realm Cocoa SDK
  2. RCOCOA-1352

SyncManager.errorHandler not fired after read limit error


      Be able to handle the SyncError if the change set is too large e.g. by chunking the change set.

      Expected Results

      app.syncManager.errorHandler should get called when I see the following error in the application log

      could not decode next message: error reading body failed to read: read limited at 16777217 bytes

      Actual Results

      app.syncManager.errorHandler is not called. Occasionally I can see the following message in the xcode console
      ``Sync: Connection[1]: Connection Closed Due to Error``

      Steps for others to Reproduce

      1. Set up a syncManager.errorHandler in your application
      2. Create a large database, and then open a synced realm to trigger the read limited at xxx application error

      Code Sample

      app.syncManager.errorHandler    = {  error, session in
              print("Sync Error ", error) // not fired
      syncedRealm.write {
          //create a lot of rows with blobs 

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      In the CONTRIBUTING guidelines, you will find a script,
      which will help determining some of these versions.
      Realm framework version: 10.10.0

      Xcode version: 12.5

      iOS/OSX version: 14.4

            jason.flax@mongodb.com Jason Flax
            unitosyncbot Unito Sync Bot
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