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  1. Realm Core
  2. RCORE-158

Improved exception messages for SharedGroup::do_open

      In SharedGroup::do_open(), there are following exception messages

      "Unsupported Realm file format version"
      "Expected a Realm without history"
      "Expected a Realm with no or in-realm history"
      "Expected an empty Realm or a Realm written by Realm Mobile Platform"
      "Expected a Realm containing a server-side history"
      "Unexpected future history schema version"
      "Nonupgradable history schema"

      However these exception messages don't contain the actual values that were found:

      "Unsupported Realm file format version: <file_format_version>"
      "Expected a Realm without history, but was <stored_hist_type>"
      "Expected a Realm with no or in-realm history. but was <stored_hist_type>"
      "Expected an empty Realm or a Realm written by Realm Mobile Platform, but was <stored_hist_type>, top ref <top_ref>"
      "Expected a Realm containing a server-side history, but was <stored_hist_type>, top ref <top_ref>"
      "Unexpected future history schema version: <stored_hist_schema_version>, <openers_hist_schema_version>"
      "Nonupgradable history schema: <stored_hist_schema_version>, <openers_hist_schema_version>"

      This would make resolving problems like https://github.com/realm/realm-java/issues/5175 easier

            mathias@mongodb.com Mathias Stearn
            unitosyncbot Unito Sync Bot
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