Uploaded image for project: 'Realm Core'
  1. Realm Core
  2. RCORE-992

Trying to remove non-existent backlink

      SDK and version

      SDK : Cocoa
      Version: 11.9.0

      This happens on tvOS 15.3


      • How frequent do the crash occur?
        Haven't seen much instances yet
      • Does it happen in production or during dev/test?
      • Can the crash be reproduced by you?
        Unfortunately no
      • Can you provide instructions for how we can reproduce it?
        Unfortunately no

      Crash log / stacktrace

      OS Version: tvOS 15.3 (19K547)
      Report Version: 104
      Exception Type: Unknown (SIGABRT)
      Crashed Thread: 6
      Application Specific Information:
      Assertion failed: value != 0
      Thread 6 Crashed:
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x3249346f4         __pthread_kill
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7c778         pthread_kill
      2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x3247ae0c8         abort
      3   MUBITV                          0x2012a0464         please_report_this_issue_in_github_realm_realm_core (terminate.cpp:50)
      4   MUBITV                          0x2012a0798         realm::util::terminate_internal (terminate.cpp:123)
      5   MUBITV                          0x2012a08d0         realm::util::terminate (terminate.cpp:140)
      6   MUBITV                          0x200fb188c         realm::ArrayBacklink::remove (array_backlink.cpp:103)
      7   MUBITV                          0x201081c74         realm::Obj::remove_one_backlink (obj.cpp:1725)
      8   MUBITV                          0x201082bf4         realm::Obj::remove_backlink (obj.cpp:1914)
      9   MUBITV                          0x201080358         [inlined] replace_backlink (obj.cpp:1889)
      10  MUBITV                          0x201080358         realm::Obj::set<T> (obj.cpp:1460)
      11  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         [inlined] operator() (object_accessor.hpp:94)
      12  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         [inlined] switch_on_type<T> (property.hpp:241)
      13  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         realm::Object::set_property_value_impl<T> (object_accessor.hpp:173)
      14  MUBITV                          0x200dc8e20         realm::Object::create<T> (object_accessor.hpp:355)
      15  MUBITV                          0x200dc85d8         RLMAccessorContext::createObject (RLMAccessor.mm:1093)
      16  MUBITV                          0x200e129fc         RLMAddObjectToRealm (RLMObjectStore.mm:138)
      17  MUBITV                          0x200edc7d0         -[RLMRealm addOrUpdateObject:] (RLMRealm.mm:821)
      18  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] <redacted> (LibraryResource.swift:136)
      19  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] <redacted>
      20  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] forEach
      21  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         LayoutItem.updateData (LibraryResource.swift:136)
      22  MUBITV                          0x200d5a8d8         Persistence.backgroundSave (Persistence.swift:269)
      23  MUBITV                          0x200d5cee8         [inlined] <redacted>
      24  MUBITV                          0x200d5cee8         thunk for closure
      25  MUBITV                          0x200d5a5ec         thunk for closure
      26  MUBITV                          0x200edc174         -[RLMRealm transactionWithoutNotifying:block:error:] (RLMRealm.mm:694)
      27  MUBITV                          0x200edc0f8         -[RLMRealm transactionWithBlock:error:] (RLMRealm.mm:685)
      28  MUBITV                          0x200d5a728         Persistence.backgroundSave (Persistence.swift:268)
      29  MUBITV                          0x200d877ec         thunk for closure
      30  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce70         thunk for closure
      31  libswiftObjectiveC.dylib        0x3571bd070         autoreleasepool<T>
      32  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce1c         [inlined] <redacted> (Persistence.swift:265)
      33  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce1c         Persistence.backgroundSave
      34  MUBITV                          0x200b6b7fc         thunk for closure
      35  libdispatch.dylib               0x324645714         <redacted>
      36  libdispatch.dylib               0x324646f84         <redacted>
      37  libdispatch.dylib               0x3246570c4         <redacted>
      38  libdispatch.dylib               0x324657790         <redacted>
      39  libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d440         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 0
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490fe00         mach_msg_trap
      1   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490f1e0         mach_msg
      2   libdispatch.dylib               0x32465fca4         <redacted>
      3   libdispatch.dylib               0x32466005c         dispatch_mach_send_with_result_and_wait_for_reply
      4   libxpc.dylib                    0x324af7474         xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply_sync
      5   Foundation                      0x326b9a788         <redacted>
      6   Foundation                      0x326b99d40         <redacted>
      7   Foundation                      0x326b990d8         <redacted>
      8   Foundation                      0x326baf354         <redacted>
      9   CoreServices                    0x37990fc30         <redacted>
      10  Foundation                      0x3269a6ca4         <redacted>
      11  MUBITV                          0x200b6eec8         Configuration.isSimulatorOrTestFlight.getter (Configuration.swift:211)
      12  MUBITV                          0x200d33dec         [inlined] isSimulatorOrTestFlight.get
      13  MUBITV                          0x200d33dec         [inlined] eventMonitors.get (API.swift:220)
      14  MUBITV                          0x200d33dec         API.sessionManager (API.swift:42)
      15  MUBITV                          0x200d87dd0         [inlined] init (API.swift:36)
      16  MUBITV                          0x200d87dd0         [inlined] init (API.swift:32)
      17  MUBITV                          0x200d87dd0         $s6MUBITV13FilmsResourceC14sharedInstance_WZ (Resource.swift:38)
      18  libdispatch.dylib               0x324646f84         <redacted>
      19  libdispatch.dylib               0x324648638         <redacted>
      20  MUBITV                          0x200d6b170         LayoutItem.updateData (LibraryResource.swift:141)
      21  MUBITV                          0x200d4abe4         [inlined] <redacted>
      22  MUBITV                          0x200d4abe4         thunk for closure
      23  MUBITV                          0x200d37f5c         API.requestObject<T>
      24  MUBITV                          0x200d4ace8         API.requestObject<T>
      25  MUBITV                          0x201369488         DownloadRequest._response<T>
      26  MUBITV                          0x2012fae8c         thunk for closure
      27  libdispatch.dylib               0x324645714         <redacted>
      28  libdispatch.dylib               0x324646f84         <redacted>
      29  libdispatch.dylib               0x324654164         _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF
      30  CoreFoundation                  0x3250e4698         <redacted>
      31  CoreFoundation                  0x3250deb18         <redacted>
      32  CoreFoundation                  0x3250ddbf4         CFRunLoopRunSpecific
      33  GraphicsServices                0x32b538afc         GSEventRunModal
      34  UIKitCore                       0x39cfc6cd0         <redacted>
      35  UIKitCore                       0x39cfcc0cc         UIApplicationMain
      36  MUBITV                          0x200b3f4f0         main (ReviewModels.swift:13)
      37  <unknown>                       0x101cdd1d0         <redacted>
      Thread 1
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 2
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 3
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 4 name: com.apple.uikit.eventfetch-thread
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490fe00         mach_msg_trap
      1   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490f1e0         mach_msg
      2   CoreFoundation                  0x3250e41d4         <redacted>
      3   CoreFoundation                  0x3250de5d8         <redacted>
      4   CoreFoundation                  0x3250ddbf4         CFRunLoopRunSpecific
      5   Foundation                      0x326aa102c         <redacted>
      6   Foundation                      0x326aa12e4         <redacted>
      7   UIKitCore                       0x39d06b4a8         <redacted>
      8   Foundation                      0x326ac7f3c         <redacted>
      9   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7b914         _pthread_start
      Thread 5
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 6 Crashed:
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x3249346f4         __pthread_kill
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7c778         pthread_kill
      2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x3247ae0c8         abort
      3   MUBITV                          0x2012a0464         please_report_this_issue_in_github_realm_realm_core (terminate.cpp:50)
      4   MUBITV                          0x2012a0798         realm::util::terminate_internal (terminate.cpp:123)
      5   MUBITV                          0x2012a08d0         realm::util::terminate (terminate.cpp:140)
      6   MUBITV                          0x200fb188c         realm::ArrayBacklink::remove (array_backlink.cpp:103)
      7   MUBITV                          0x201081c74         realm::Obj::remove_one_backlink (obj.cpp:1725)
      8   MUBITV                          0x201082bf4         realm::Obj::remove_backlink (obj.cpp:1914)
      9   MUBITV                          0x201080358         [inlined] replace_backlink (obj.cpp:1889)
      10  MUBITV                          0x201080358         realm::Obj::set<T> (obj.cpp:1460)
      11  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         [inlined] operator() (object_accessor.hpp:94)
      12  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         [inlined] switch_on_type<T> (property.hpp:241)
      13  MUBITV                          0x200dd161c         realm::Object::set_property_value_impl<T> (object_accessor.hpp:173)
      14  MUBITV                          0x200dc8e20         realm::Object::create<T> (object_accessor.hpp:355)
      15  MUBITV                          0x200dc85d8         RLMAccessorContext::createObject (RLMAccessor.mm:1093)
      16  MUBITV                          0x200e129fc         RLMAddObjectToRealm (RLMObjectStore.mm:138)
      17  MUBITV                          0x200edc7d0         -[RLMRealm addOrUpdateObject:] (RLMRealm.mm:821)
      18  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] <redacted> (LibraryResource.swift:136)
      19  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] <redacted>
      20  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         [inlined] forEach
      21  MUBITV                          0x200d6b364         LayoutItem.updateData (LibraryResource.swift:136)
      22  MUBITV                          0x200d5a8d8         Persistence.backgroundSave (Persistence.swift:269)
      23  MUBITV                          0x200d5cee8         [inlined] <redacted>
      24  MUBITV                          0x200d5cee8         thunk for closure
      25  MUBITV                          0x200d5a5ec         thunk for closure
      26  MUBITV                          0x200edc174         -[RLMRealm transactionWithoutNotifying:block:error:] (RLMRealm.mm:694)
      27  MUBITV                          0x200edc0f8         -[RLMRealm transactionWithBlock:error:] (RLMRealm.mm:685)
      28  MUBITV                          0x200d5a728         Persistence.backgroundSave (Persistence.swift:268)
      29  MUBITV                          0x200d877ec         thunk for closure
      30  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce70         thunk for closure
      31  libswiftObjectiveC.dylib        0x3571bd070         autoreleasepool<T>
      32  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce1c         [inlined] <redacted> (Persistence.swift:265)
      33  MUBITV                          0x200d5ce1c         Persistence.backgroundSave
      34  MUBITV                          0x200b6b7fc         thunk for closure
      35  libdispatch.dylib               0x324645714         <redacted>
      36  libdispatch.dylib               0x324646f84         <redacted>
      37  libdispatch.dylib               0x3246570c4         <redacted>
      38  libdispatch.dylib               0x324657790         <redacted>
      39  libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d440         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 7
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 8
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread
      Thread 9
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324934a98         __semwait_signal
      1   libsystem_c.dylib               0x3247ab750         nanosleep
      2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x3247ab550         sleep
      3   MUBITV                          0x201436754         monitorCachedData (SentryCrashCachedData.c:139)
      4   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7b914         _pthread_start
      Thread 10 name: Realm notification listener
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324936234         kevent
      1   MUBITV                          0x20108ebb8         realm::_impl::ExternalCommitHelper::listen (external_commit_helper.cpp:220)
      2   MUBITV                          0x20108ecb0         [inlined] operator() (external_commit_helper.cpp:176)
      3   MUBITV                          0x20108ecb0         [inlined] __invoke<T> (type_traits:3694)
      4   MUBITV                          0x20108ecb0         [inlined] __thread_execute<T> (thread:286)
      5   MUBITV                          0x20108ecb0         std::__1::__thread_proxy<T> (thread:297)
      6   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7b914         _pthread_start
      Thread 11 name: com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490fe00         mach_msg_trap
      1   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x32490f1e0         mach_msg
      2   CoreFoundation                  0x3250e41d4         <redacted>
      3   CoreFoundation                  0x3250de5d8         <redacted>
      4   CoreFoundation                  0x3250ddbf4         CFRunLoopRunSpecific
      5   CFNetwork                       0x3262a5dc4         _CFURLStorageSessionCopyCache
      6   Foundation                      0x326ac7f3c         <redacted>
      7   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7b914         _pthread_start
      Thread 12
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x3249344ec         __psynch_mutexdrop
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a81008         <redacted>
      2   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a80fd4         <redacted>
      3   libc++.1.dylib                  0x3243b01ac         std::__1::mutex::unlock
      4   MUBITV                          0x200fdcd30         realm::DB::AsyncCommitHelper::main (db.cpp:1768)
      5   MUBITV                          0x200fe1cc0         [inlined] operator() (db.cpp:1695)
      6   MUBITV                          0x200fe1cc0         [inlined] __invoke<T> (type_traits:3694)
      7   MUBITV                          0x200fe1cc0         [inlined] __thread_execute<T> (thread:286)
      8   MUBITV                          0x200fe1cc0         std::__1::__thread_proxy<T> (thread:297)
      9   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7b914         _pthread_start
      Thread 13
      0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x324935334         __workq_kernreturn
      1   libsystem_pthread.dylib         0x324a7d4c8         _pthread_wqthread

            jorgen.edelbo@mongodb.com Jørgen Edelbo
            unitosyncbot Unito Sync Bot
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