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  1. Realm Dart SDK
  2. RDART-759

Support class inheritance


      Hi, I'm trying to make an realm model that implements a plain dart class, but currently it's quite cumbersome to do so.
      The reason for this is I want to decouple my model class in domain layer from the data layer
      For example I have this plain dart class

      class UserSession {
        final String userId;
        final String token;
        UserSession(this.userId, this.token);

      I'm trying to make realm class that implements this class like this

      abstract class _RealmUserSession implements UserSession {}

      Currently the generator doesn't generate the all the fields derived from UserSession, unless I explicitly include them in the class

      abstract class _RealmUserSession implements UserSession {
        late final String userId;
        late final String token;


      I think it would be better if the generator can generate realm model with all the fields derived from the parent class by default
      If the fields is not a RealmModel, we can override them like this

      class Foo {
        final String id;
        final Bar bar;
      abstract class _RealmFoo implements Foo {
        Bar get bar => realmBar!; // or provide default value or throw when null
        late _RealmBar? realmBar;
      abstract class _RealmBar implements Bar {}


      No response

      How important is this improvement for you?

      I would like to have it but have a workaround

      Feature would mainly be used with

      Local Database only

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