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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-1181

Upgrade file format to v23


      I am using local realms on both iOS and Android and share realm files between platforms. The iOS SDK and the Kotlin SDK supports realm file version 23, but this is not possible to open with the java SDK that is still on version 22. The Kotlin SDK was upgraded on 2023-01-25, but the Java SDK is still a version behind. Is this upgrade for the Java SDK in the works?

      I am using local databases on both iOS and Android (even though I want to get on Atlas eventually), and without this bump I am not able to upgrade the iOS SDK. This is essential to me as the current version I am on has problems with corruptions/dirty sync pages, which was fixed a couple of months ago. Unfortunately that version caused crashes at startup for the iOS app due to another change introduced, which has finally been fixed, but then bumped the file format version making it incompatible with realm Java :/

      When will Realm Java get a bump to v 23?


      Upgrade the file format version of Realm Java to v 23


      Migrating to the Kotlin SDK, but this would potentially be a big piece of work that will probably take me very long to implement.

      How important is this improvement for you?


      Feature would mainly be used with

      Local Database only

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