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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-304

Signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR) on App Start


      Bugs: To help you as fast as possible with an issue please describe your issue
      and the steps you have taken to reproduce it in as many details as possible.



      > What do you want to achieve?

      Expected Results - No Full App Crashing atleast error reporting

      Actual Results - App immediately crashes on init and no logs are reported to Crashlytics

      Steps & Code to Reproduce

      Cannot reproduce on our own, steps given was user used app for a full day. Unlocked phone next day and tried to open app but app kept crashing only after clearing data was issue resolved. We were given logs with the same native crash and were not able to see these in our error reporting tools.

      I suspect it has to do when we are trying to migrate from an older realm db version from a legacy user but if this user was previously using the app that cannot be the case we would already have a running realm db at that point.

      Code Sample

      When migrating from older realm db we use realm.writeEncryptedCopyTo(newRealmFile, newRealmKey); if old realm was encrypted and realm.writeCopyTo(newRealmFile); when it isn't.

      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): Build fingerprint: 'Verizon/heroqltevzw/heroqltevzw:7.0/NRD90M/G930VVRS4BRA1:user/release-keys'
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): Revision: '15'
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): ABI: 'arm64'
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): pid: 16983, tid: 16983, name: y.package  >>> com.my.package <<<
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
      03-22 08:27:41.331: A/DEBUG(17024):     x0   0000000000000000  x1   0000007f6f91e0a6  x2   000000000000000c  x3   0000000000000000
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x4   ffffffffffffffff  x5   0000007f6f91e008  x6   0000000000000002  x7   0000000000000000
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x8   0000000000000000  x9   0000000000000002  x10  0000000000000001  x11  0000000000000000
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x12  0000000000000021  x13  0000000000000300  x14  000000000000000c  x15  2e8ba2e8ba2e8ba3
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x16  0000007f701527d0  x17  0000007f9c5de554  x18  00000000000000c6  x19  0000000000000000
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x20  0000007f6f91e0a6  x21  000000000000000c  x22  0000007f8db232c0  x23  0000007fc228fb30
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x24  0000007f8db89008  x25  0000007f8db89000  x26  0000007f8c424010  x27  0000007f6f91e0a6
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     x28  000000000000000c  x29  0000007fc228f960  x30  0000007f7003e010
      03-22 08:27:41.332: A/DEBUG(17024):     sp   0000007fc228f930  pc   0000007f7003e028  pstate 0000000080000000
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024): backtrace:
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #00 pc 00000000001f1028  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #01 pc 00000000000d2b54  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #02 pc 00000000000d0b38  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #03 pc 00000000000d72ec  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #04 pc 00000000000e9adc  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #05 pc 00000000000e9a7c  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #06 pc 00000000000ed170  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #07 pc 0000000000109a94  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #08 pc 00000000000ea81c  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #09 pc 000000000006edf4  /data/app/com.my.package-1/lib/arm64/librealm-jni.so (Java_io_realm_internal_SharedRealm_nativeGetSharedRealm+480)
      03-22 08:27:41.338: A/DEBUG(17024):     #10 pc 0000000000f03ca0  /data/app/com.my.package-1/oat/arm64/base.odex (offset 0xdbe000)

      Version of Realm and tooling

      Realm version(s): 4.1.1

      Encryption: YES!!!

      Realm sync feature enabled: no

      Which Android version and device: 7.0 Samsung Galaxy S7

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