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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-398

findAll() performance issue on RealmList queries with @Index'ed fields


      I'm developing and Android application and I initially run into this issue while trying to optimize the search time when querying for objects (Item objects).
      I was initially running queries using the sort() method, which had some performance issues in large databases.
      Trying to solve this issue, I created multiple ItemPage objects to hold a list of Item objects in their intended order. That way I would be able to search for Item objects faster and in a more granular manner (which allowed me to update the UI at a faster rate).

      I noticed some inconsistencies (and issues) regarding the performance of findAll() when querying the different ItemPage's RealmList objects and created a test project to reproduce that issue.

      Actual Results

      When querying for objects in RealmList, it seems that:

      1. calls to findAll() are slower if the fields being queried are {{@Index}}ed (might be intended)
      2. calls to findAll() become really slow if the objects in RealmList are also placed out of their natural order

      Steps & Code to Reproduce

      I have created a simplified Android project to reproduce the issue:

      Below are the general ideas of the project. They are bit difficult to explain, but it should be easy to understand once you run the project.

      • Realm objects: Item, SubItem, ItemPage
      public class Item extends RealmObject {
          public Long id;
          public SubItem subItem = null;
          public Boolean isBookmarked = false;
          @Index // Removing this index seems to speed up findAll().
          public long removedAt = NO_TIME;
          public final RealmResults<ItemPage> itemPages = null;
      public class ItemPage extends RealmObject {
          public Long id;
          public RealmList<Item> items;
      public class SubItem extends RealmObject {
          public Long id;
          public String name = STRING_EMPTY;
      • there are 50_000 Item objects
      • each Item holds a single SubItem
      • the Item's name is held by its SubItem
      • there are 10 ItemPage objects
      • each ItemPage holds 5_000 Item objects
      • there are two main actions in the project: querying and moving
      • querying (bottom fab) will query all ItemPages.items for items containing "A" and not removed (removedAt != NO_TIME); it will then toggle their Item.isBookmarked flag
      • moving (upper fab) will move the last Item containing "A" to a different ItemPage (adding it to the middle of ItemPage.items)

      Steps to reproduce:

      • the first time you run the application run some queries by clicking on the bottom fab
        • it should show that all findAll() calls have similar times (around 20ms)
      • after running some queries start moving the item by clicking on the top fab
      • every time you click on the top fab, the item will be moved to a different ItemPage
      • if you run the queries again, by clicking on the bottom fab, you will notice that one of the findAll() calls is a lot slower than the others (varies from 115ms, for ItemPage$0, to 1100ms!, for ItemPage$9); the slower ItemPage is the ItemPage with the out of order Item


      • if you remove @Index from Item.removedAt you stop noticing any issues
        • findAll() times decrease to ~8ms for most queries
        • there is no penalty when you move the Item
      • I was initially writing this issue as a "query" issue; however, I realized that findAll() might be lazy or not depending on whether or not the fields are {{@Index}}ed; still, I feel this is an issue, because having to wait 1100ms for a call that usually takes 20ms should not be normal

      Version of Realm and tooling

      Realm version: 5.14.0

      Realm Sync feature enabled: No

      Android Studio version: 3.5

      Android Build Tools version: 28.0.3

      Gradle version: 5.4.1

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