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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-51

Add RealmGeoPoint as first class citizen

      Looking at your welcome page, it's clear you see value in queries for maps, but there is some friction in this library when it comes to these things (#1765).
      Other libraries (eg. Parse, MongoDB) have the concept of points with coordinates, with operators that make these kind of queries pretty easy.
      I'm proposing a RealmGeoPoint, with latitude and longitude (maybe altitude, I can't see a use for that), with a set of operators to apply on the RealmQuery.

      Possible operators:

      • .inRange(String fieldName, LatLng origin, double range)
      • .inBounds(String fieldName, LatLngBounds bounds)
      • .orderByDistance(String fieldName, LatLng origin)
      • .closest(String fieldName, LatLng origin)
      • .farthest(String fieldName, LatLng origin)

      I guess this could be even better if these comes from core, but (as we say here) it's not always Christmas.

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