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  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-1113

Getting _asyncOpen@[native code] when trying to open a realm


      Open the realm.

      Expected Results

      Open the realm.

      Actual Results

      Getting _asyncOpen@[native code] on error.

      Steps to Reproduce

      <!--- What are steps we can follow to reproduce this issue? -->

      const ChatSchema = {
      		name: 'chat',
      	    properties: {
      	      _id: 'objectId',
      	      part1: 'objectId',
      	      from: 'objectId',
      	      to: 'objectId',
      	      readAt: 'date',
      	      type: 'string',
      	      body: 'string',
      	      media: {
      	      	thumbnail: 'string',
      	      	path: 'string',
      	      	blurhash: 'string',
      	      available: 'boolean',
      	    primaryKey: '_id',
      const getRealmApp = () => {
      	const appId = 'xxxxxxxx'; // ID hidden
      	const appConfig = {
      	     id: appId,
      	     timeout: 10000,
      	return new Realm.App(appConfig);
      const userLogin = async () => {
      	const app = getRealmApp();
      	const cred = Realm.Credentials.emailPassword('test@test.com', '123456');
      	user = await app.logIn(cred);
      	return user;
      const openRealm = async () => {
      	let user = await userLogin();
      	try {
      	  const config = {
      	    schema: [ChatSchema],
      	    sync: {
      	      user: user,
      	      partitionValue: "part1",
      	      error: (error) => {
      	            console.log(error.name, error.message);
      	 let realm = await Realm.open(config);
      	} catch (error) {

      Please provide a code sample or test case that highlights the issue.
      If relevant, include your model definitions.
      For larger code samples, links to external gists/repositories are preferred.
      Full projects that we can compile and run ourselves are ideal!

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      • Realm JS SDK Version: 10.2.0
      • Node or React Native: React Native
      • Client OS & Version: macOS 10.15
      • Which debugger for React Native: Default Debugger

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