Uploaded image for project: 'Realm JavaScript SDK'
  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-2051

React Native App crashes after updating RN to 0.70.6 and realm to 11.2

      How frequently does the bug occur?

      Seen once


      @takameyer Please look into this crash I am facing as it only occurs in production and that too 30% of the times. I am facing this on android and after updating realm to 11.2 and react-native to 0.70.6. My app is not on expo so the other crashes reported and resolved recently are unrelated.

      Stacktrace & log output

      Unable to find source-code formatter for language: shell. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yaml
      OS Version: Android 11 (RMX1851_11_F.06)
      Report Version: 104
      Exception Type: Unknown (SIGSEGV)
      Application Specific Information:
      Thread 0 Crashed:
      0   librealm.so                     0x7175936a28        <unknown> + 487303899688
      1   librealm.so                     0x71758abf80        <unknown> + 487303331712
      2   librealm.so                     0x71758e3fb4        <unknown> + 487303561140
      3   librealm.so                     0x71758e34f8        <unknown> + 487303558392
      4   librealm.so                     0x71758e4b74        <unknown> + 487303564148
      5   librealm.so                     0x71758e297c        <unknown> + 487303555452
      6   librealm.so                     0x71758e2818        <unknown> + 487303555096
      7   librealm.so                     0x71759a9258        <unknown> + 487304368728
      8   librealm.so                     0x71759a782c        <unknown> + 487304362028
      9   librealm.so                     0x71759a7370        <unknown> + 487304360816
      10  librealm.so                     0x71759a7a74        <unknown> + 487304362612
      11  librealm.so                     0x71758dd550        <unknown> + 487303533904
      12  librealm.so                     0x71758d9964        <unknown> + 487303518564
      13  libhermes-executor-release.so   0x72661a4964        std::__ndk1::__function::__func<T>::operator()
      14  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1a848        <unknown> + 491419445320
      15  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1a1d0        <unknown> + 491419443664
      16  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1ff68        <unknown> + 491419467624
      17  libhermes.so                    0x726ae31d90        <unknown> + 491419540880
      18  libhermes.so                    0x726ae339ac        <unknown> + 491419548076
      19  libhermes.so                    0x726ae33074        <unknown> + 491419545716
      20  libhermes.so                    0x726ae20078        <unknown> + 491419467896
      21  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1f054        <unknown> + 491419463764
      22  libhermes.so                    0x726aeb5004        <unknown> + 491420078084
      23  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1ff68        <unknown> + 491419467624
      24  libhermes.so                    0x726ae31d90        <unknown> + 491419540880
      25  libhermes.so                    0x726ae339ac        <unknown> + 491419548076
      26  libhermes.so                    0x726ae33074        <unknown> + 491419545716
      27  libhermes.so                    0x726ae20078        <unknown> + 491419467896
      28  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1fc30        <unknown> + 491419466800
      29  libhermes.so                    0x726ae31db4        <unknown> + 491419540916
      30  libhermes.so                    0x726ae339ac        <unknown> + 491419548076
      31  libhermes.so                    0x726ae33074        <unknown> + 491419545716
      32  libhermes.so                    0x726ae20078        <unknown> + 491419467896
      33  libhermes.so                    0x726ae1fc30        <unknown> + 491419466800
      34  libhermes.so                    0x726ae12938        <unknown> + 491419412792
      35  libhermes-executor-release.so   0x72661a787c        facebook::jsi::Function::call<T>
      36  libhermes-executor-release.so   0x72661a766c        facebook::react::JSIExecutor::invokeCallback
      37  libreactnativejni.so            0x72663a7090        <unknown> + 491341377680
      38  libreactnativejni.so            0x72663a7d70        <unknown> + 491341380976
      39  libreactnativejni.so            0x726637aee8        <unknown> + 491341197032
      40  libfbjni.so                     0x728f1db80c        facebook::jni::detail::MethodWrapper<T>::dispatch
      41  libfbjni.so                     0x728f1db778        facebook::jni::detail::FunctionWrapper<T>::call
      42  base.odex                       0x72968c053c        <unknown> + 492152030524

      Can you reproduce the bug?

      Yes, always

      Reproduction Steps


      • Open App
      • Login to Realm User (open a partition)
      • Crashes ~ 30% of the times



      What SDK flavour are you using?

      Atlas App Services (auth, functions, etc.)

      Are you using encryption?

      Yes, using encryption

      Platform OS and version(s)

      Android all versions probably (appeared on 11 and 12)

      Build environment

      Which debugger for React Native: ..

      Cocoapods version

      No response

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