Uploaded image for project: 'Realm JavaScript SDK'
  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-771

DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'http://localhost:8083/create_session'.


      Questions: If you have questions about HOW TO use Realm, please ask on
      StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=realm
      We monitor the realm tag.

      Feature Request: Just fill in the first two sections below.

      Bugs: To help you as fast as possible with an issue please describe your issue
      and the steps you have taken to reproduce it in as much detail as possible.



      <!--- What are you trying to achieve? -->

      Expected Results

      <!--- What did you expect to happen? -->

      Actual Results

      <!--- What happened instead? -->
      <!--- e.g. the stack trace of a crash -->

      Steps to Reproduce

      <!--- What are steps we can follow to reproduce this issue? -->

      Code Sample

      Please provide a code sample or test case that highlights the issue.
      If relevant, include your model definitions.
      For larger code samples, links to external gists/repositories are preferred.
      Full projects that we can compile and run ourselves are ideal!

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      • Realm JS SDK Version: ?
      • Node or React Native: ?
      • Client OS & Version: ?
      • Which debugger for React Native: ?/None

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